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Referenced By / The Pied Piper of Hamelin

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Being a pretty famous legend, Pied Piper Of Hamelin had many interpretations in various media.

Anime & Manga
  • Sailor Moon SuperS: The Movie: The first half of the film with whimsical boys manipulating children into leaving their homes to live in a dreamy paradise is a combination of Pied Piper Of Hamelin and Peter Pan.
Comic Books
  • Fables: Max Piper only briefly appears in 1001 Nights of Snowfall. He is one of the central characters in the novel Peter & Max: A Fables Novel (see below).
Fan WorksFilms - Animated
  • Shrek:
    • Shrek: Pied Piper briefly appears to be exiled in Shrek's swamp.
    • Shrek Forever After: Pied Piper appears as a minor antagonist hired by Rumpelstiltskin to capture the ogre rebels. His flute has a dial with options that decides what creatures forces to dance.
  • Grimm Tales: The Vault includes many items, one being Pied Piper's pipe.
  • Log Horizon: A guild, notorious for luring and extorting unwitting beginner players, is named Hamelin.
  • Peter & Max: A Fables Novel: Max Piper is the Pied Piper depicted as an Evil Wizard and he has a brother Max. His flute is called Fire given by Frau Totenkinder.
  • Aesop Rock's song Defender has these lyrics:
    I could drive into a lake of fire, pay the piper COD,
    Aware the pot and kettle shop for little toxin equally at least
Tabletop Games
  • Shadis magazine #23: There is an article called "Close Encounters Of the Random Kind: Woodland Faerie Encounters", it presents a table that lists a number of encounters with Fair Folk. No. 78 reads "Elf with a magical flute leading a horde of mice. He plans to drown them in a nearby river."
Video Games
  • Arknights: Majority of the Plaque furnitures are direct references to literature and fairytales. Most of these plaques' in-game designs even have the titles of the works that they are referencing. For plaques that contain numbers, adding 500 to that value would also represent meaningful dates related to that literature. After "Uniqueness", the references tend to come from music. One reward contains the number 0800, a feather hat and flute icons, with the text "Pied Piper". The earliest known record of the story was around the year 1300.
  • Diablo III: One of the rift bosses looks like a giant, bloated rat and attacks by summoning hordes of smaller rats, and its name is Hamelin the Rat King.
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Skeevers are small rat-like creatures, and there is a deranged skeever-breeder in the meadery cellars named Hamelyn.
  • Endless Frontier: Hamelin Silbato is based on Pied Piper; not only does he use a flute, one of his attacks is summoning a stampede of mice martial artists.
  • Fallout 76: The player may occasionally run into an Eyebot leading a pack of Radrats with flute music.
  • Kings Quest (2015): Chapter 2 is filled with nods to fairytales, legends, and nursery rhymes and the goblins are trying to reenact them, one of them being Pied Piper Of Hamelin.
  • Left 4 Dead 2: Burning a clown that leads at least 10 common infected leads to the achievement "Fried Piper".
