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Referenced By / Aztec Mythology

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Anime and Manga

  • Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: Quetzalcoatl was demoted for Brother–Sister Incest (in the anime, it was because of a cursed bottle of wine instead) and was accidentally summoned by Shouta while he was trying to summon a demon. Now she goes by Lucoa and lives a life among humans as a Shameless Fanservice Girl who hits on the little boy who summoned her. Yeah.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds:
    • Quetzalcoatl is theorized to have been the Crimson Dragon and is believed to protect the Earth from the Earthbound Immortals. Artistic License/Mayincatec is in play since the Earthbound Immortals, AKA the Nazca Lines, are in Peru, which the Aztecs had no reach in since they were based in parts of Mexico.
    • In the same episode Quetzalcoatl is brought up, Jack duels Max, whose deck is based on Aztec and other Mesoamerican mythologies. For example, one of his Trap Cards is "Smoke Mirror".

Video Games

  • Fate/Grand Order: Quetzalcoatl is an obtainable Servant, summoned as a Divided Servant, in other words, a female body they may have possessed in the past. She's fascinated with lucha libre, has the personality of a Cool Big Sis, uses Xiuhcoatl as her Noble Phantasm, and can summon the prehistoric creature Quetzalcoatlus as another Noble Phantasm (though it's not usable in the game). And in Lostbelt 7 Tezcatlipoca and Tlaloc fused with Huitzilipochtli appears as an antagonist the former like Quetzalcoatl before him became fascinated with what modern humanity has made, namely guns.Though he is pretty terrible at it, the latter is actually Tenochtitlan, the city given form.

Western Animation

  • Elena of Avalor:
    • The Sunbirds are winged serpents, obviously meant to be references to Quetzalcoatl.
  • Onyx Equinox is entirely based on Aztec, Mayan, Zapotec and other Mesoamerican cultures and religions.
  • Victor and Valentino:
    • Mictlantecuhtli and his Mayan counterpart Hunhau both run the Underworld as brothers.
    • Huehuecoyotl was sealed in one of Abuela's alebrijes until the brothers accidentally broke it and freed him, though they make another one and seal him in it again,
    • In one episode, Victor and Val accidentally free a flock of Camazotz. In another episode, Victor and Val try adopting a wild baby crocodile who turns out to be Cipactli.
    • Tez is Tezcatlipoca, calling himself "the Smoking Mirror" while also utilizing smoky mirrors, is associated with black jaguars and the night, and lost his leg because of a fight with a winged serpent (Quetzalcoatl)… OR because a crocodile (Cipactli) bit it off.
    • Sal is actually Quetzalcoatl, which was hinted in "Go With The Flow", where his shadow appears as a winged serpent.
    • Abuela Chata is Chalchiuhtlicue, as shown in "Hurricane Chata", where her moods affect the waters of Monte Macabre during the summer solstice. Her pet hummingbird is Huitzilopochtli.
    • Don Jalapeño's daughter Xochi is named after Xochiquetzal. She has a secret garden in the backroom of the store and is later shown to have plant-based powers, implying that she is directly related to Xochiquetzal.
  • The Secret Saturdays has the Smoke Mirror of Tezcatlipoca, which acts as a portal to a Mirror Universe made of antimatter that the Saturday family’s Evil Doppelgänger counterparts (referred to by Zak as the Mondays) hail from.
