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Recap / The Shannara Chronicles

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Season 1

The first season of the Shannara Chronicles aired from January 5, 2016 to March 1, 2016.
  1. Chosen Part 1
  2. Chosen Part 2
  3. Fury
  4. Changeling
  5. Reaper
  6. Pykon
  7. Breakline
  8. Utopia
  9. Safehold
  10. Ellcrys

Season 2

The second season of the Shannara Chronicles aired from October 11, 2017 to November 22, 2017.
  1. Druid
  2. Wraith
  3. Graymark
  4. Dweller
  5. Paranor
  6. Crimson
  7. Warlock
  8. Amberle
  9. Wilderun
  10. Blood
