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Recap / The Shannara Chronicles S 02 E 03 Graymark

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Wil, Eretria, Jax, and Mareth band together to rescue Allanon from Graymark, the fortress of the Crimson.

  • Armor-Piercing Response: Seen when Eretria tears into Wil for Taking A Level In Jerkass since the last time she saw him.
    Eretria: This is not the Wil Ohmsford I know!
    Eretria: The guy who believes in the good in people! The guy who made me believe I could be more than just a Rover! You saved me, Wil. In so many ways.
  • Call-Back: This isn't the first time Eretria has noted that Life Isn't Fair. However, befitting her Character Development, the context is different. The last time she said it, she was justifying being unfair to others. This time, she's philosophically noting that she doesn't expect life to be fair to her.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: The Crimson really go to town on Allanon, and later on Wil.
  • Hypocrite: Allanon calls Riga out on having the gall to use the Warlock Lord's attempt to conquer the world as an example of Druidic evil, when he is currently in the process of trying to conquer the world. And is having his Motive Rant sitting on the Warlock Lord's old throne, just to make it more on the nose.
  • Insistent Terminology: Jax doesn't like to be referred to as a Bounty Hunter. He prefers "weapons master."
  • Insult of Endearment: Eretria calling Wil "Short Tips" comes across as very affectionate this time around.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Valcaa being unnecessarily rude and unpleasant to Jax annoys Jax enough that he volunteers more help to the heroes than he had planned to, just to spite the Crimson.
  • Not in This for Your Revolution: Jax makes it clear that he doesn't do causes. He just wants to get paid.
  • Only the Chosen May Wield: Apparently only Allanon is supposed to be able to use his staff. The fact that Mareth can do it too is a strong hint that she may be right about being his daughter.
  • Power Nullifier: The Crimson fits Allanon with a collar that prevents him from using any magic.
  • Ship Tease: While both of them are currently hung up on someone else, it's clearly shown that Wil and Eretria still have some sparkage between them.
  • Trojan Prisoner: Wil's plan for springing Allanon is having Jax pretend to be bringing Wil to the Crimson for the bounty.
  • Uniqueness Decay: Lampshaded by Jax, who complains that ever since the War of the Forbidding, it's like "everybody with a party trick is coming out of the woodwork."
