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Recap / The Real Ghostbusters S 3 E 13 Transylvanian Homesick Blues

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The Ghostbusters are trying to put away a stinky ghost, when Janine tells them they've been invited to a place called Boldavia (a place in what was Transylvania) by a guy named Count Vostok who lives in a castle. The Ghostbusters accept, and fly to Boldavia (with Slimer, even though he gets motion sickness, accompanying them).

When they arrive, Count Vostok escorts them to his car, while an old man watches from the bushes. At the castle, he gives them a meal, but Slimer eats the whole thing. Then, Vostok lets the Ghostbusters go to bed. Meanwhile, giant, non-corporeal bat-like animals chase two teenagers named Josef and Natalia, who have heard that Vostok's castle is haunted. The old man from before watches this happen too.

The next morning, Vostok is nowhere to be seen, and the Ghostbusters note that there are no mirrors. Egon finds a note from Vostok, saying he's away on business. The Ghostbusters start searching for ghosts, but find none. That evening, they notice that the "silverware" is actually gold. This makes Peter and Egon suspect Vostok of being a vampire, but they can't confirm it. Vostok then arrives, and the bat creatures attack him and other townspeople, with one of the townspeople, Franz, swearing revenge on them.

Ray asks Vostok questions, then the bat creatures return, but aren't picked up on the PKE meter. Vostok changes into a monster, proving that he is a vampire, and disintegrates them with laser vision. They then go inside, where Vostok reveals that he's being bugged by Dr. Nicholas Van Helden, the grandson of Van Helsing from Dracula. Meanwhile, Franz is starting up an angry mob.

At six P.M., Vostok returns to his coffin, with the Ghostbusters swearing to protect him. Egon adjusts his PKE meter to make a painfully high-pitched noise to deal with the mob, with Slimer trying (but failing) to scare them. Then, Van Helden enters and tries to stake Vostok, but the Ghostbusters disarm him. He tries shooting him with a silver bullet, but Slimer throws slime at his face, so Vostok escapes in his car.

Ray realises that the bats are just holograms Van Helding made to scare the townsfolk, and they chase after Van Helding's car. When they find him crashed, he confesses, and the guys tell Vostok that the situation has been resolved. Then, they think the bat creatures have become real, but it's only a regular bat.

This episode provides examples of

  • Ate It All: Slimer eats the meal that was meant for him and the Ghostbusters to share.
  • Bat Out of Hell: Zigzagged — the people are attacked by large, intangible, bat-like creatures... who then turn out to be holograms. But then, it seems like a real one appears... but it's just a harmless, normal bat.
  • Continuity Nod: Ray mentions that he and the others have busted trolls ("Troll Bridge"), dragons ("Egon's Dragon"), and the Boogieman ("The Boogieman Cometh" and "The Bogeyman is Back").
  • Dead All Along: Or rather, Undead All Along — Vostok isn't revealed to be a vampire until about halfway through.
  • Eye Beams: While in monster form, Vostok shoots lasers from his eyes.
  • Failed Attempt at Scaring: Slimer tries to scare the Boldavians, but he can't.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Vostok being a vampire is foreshadowed by him coming from Transylvania (and having the accent to boot), living in a castle, and having no silver or mirrors.
    • The bat creatures being holograms is foreshadowed by them being intangible and the PKE meter not registering them.
  • Forgot About His Powers: Slimer gets airsick. Since airsickness is a form of motion sickness, and motion sickness is caused by one's body physically shaking, it would logically be prevented if Slimer simply flew, yet he does not think of this.
  • Friendly Neighborhood Vampire: Vostok may be a vampire, but he doesn't intend to harm anyone.
  • Gratuitous Foreign Language: Winston says there's "nada" in terms of ghosts at the castle.
  • Green Around the Gills: Played with — the airsick Slimer turns a different shade of green from usual.
  • Hurricane of Euphemisms: Winston says he's found "nothing, nada, zilch!".
  • Last of His Kind: Vostok mentions he's the last vampire.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: One Boldavian tells Vostok he sounds like a character from "a cheap cartoon".
  • Series Continuity Error: Ray says that they've never met vampires before, even though they have (in "No One Comes to Lupusville").
  • Shock-and-Switch Ending: Van Helding has been dealt with, and the townspeople have given up their beef, but it seems like the bat creatures are now real... only it's just a normal bat.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Simple Solution Won't Work: According to Egon, the guys can't just scan Vostok to see if he's a vampire or not, since PKE meters can't detect vampires.
  • Taught by Television: Peter's suspicions of Vostok being a vampire come from a movie he watched.
  • Things That Go "Bump" in the Night: Discussed when Ray briefly mentions having dealt with the Boogieman.
  • Vampire Vords: Vostok has a Slavic accent.
  • Vegetarian Vampire: Vostok mentions he drinks artificial blood.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Vostok can change into a monster at will.
