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Recap / The Nanny S 3 E 21 Wheres The Pearls

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Despite Maxwell's best efforts, Fran gets to meet Elizabeth Taylor. While delivering a string of black pearls for the movie star, Fran not only loses them, but gets Easy Amnesia.

  • Amnesiac Lover: Inverted. Fran gets amnesia and thinks she is Mr Sheffield's wife. Hilarity Ensues when he tries to correct her.
  • As Herself: Elizabeth Taylor, of course.
  • Censor Suds: When Fran and Maxwell are in the bath together. Amusingly, when Fran finds out they aren't married, she grabs a towel to hold over her chest despite the suds already doing the job.
  • Crossover: This episode is part one of a "Liz Night" event that linked together four CBS sitcoms on February 26, 1996. The storyline concerning Elizabeth Taylor's pearls continues in Can't Hurry Love ("The Elizabeth Taylor Episode"), Murphy Brown ("Trick or Retreat"), and High Society ("The Family Jewels").
  • Easy Amnesia: Fran loses her memory and gets it back at the end of the episode.
  • French Jerk: Rosie O'Donnell guest-stars as an uncouth taxi driver. Fran is shocked at her behavior until she learns her name is Cosette.
  • Identity Amnesia: Fran forgets her identity and what happened to Elizabeth Taylor's pearls. There are some things she does remember, however:
    Niles: Well, she couldn't find her room, but she was able to recall the numbers on your American Express Gold Card. And your mother's maiden name.
    • And later:
    Fran: Oh, and you, mister, don't you go anywhere. After breakfast, you're cleaning up the dishes. It's part of your punishment for cutting fourth period last Thursday.
    Brighton: That she remembers?!
  • Product Placement: "Liz Night" was promoting Elizabeth Taylor's Black Pearl perfume.
  • Mistaken for Gay:
    Fran: I have been dressing like this for three years, and there's nothing going on between us?
    Maxwell: That's right. I'm your employer.
    Fran: Mmm. And what is it you do again?
    Maxwell: I produce musical theater.
    Fran: Ah, now it's all making sense to me.
  • Mistaken for Prostitute: The amnesiac Fran does this to herself:
    Maxwell: Look, I'm not your husband.
    Fran: Oh, my God! We're not married?!
    Maxwell: The truth is I hired you.
    Fran: I'm a hooker?! Well, that explains my shoes.
  • Napoleon Delusion: The perils of trying to get information out of an amnesiac:
    Maxwell: Does the name Elizabeth Taylor ring any bells?
    Fran: Yes, yes, of course! Of course, I remember!
    Maxwell: Oh, yes! Yes!
    Fran: I'm Elizabeth Taylor!
    Maxwell: No, you're not Elizabeth Taylor!
    Fran: Bummer.
  • Serial Spouse: Lampshaded with regards to Elizabeth Taylor:
    Fran: I've never been married.
    Elizabeth Taylor: Not even once?
    • For the record, each of the other three installments of "Liz Night" also included one jab at Taylor's serial marriages.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Sylvia, for suggesting to Fran that she personally delivers Elizabeth Taylor's pearls after bringing up her distrust of couriers. Fran even lampshades this when she regains her memory.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: If you're watching this episode outside of the original "Liz Night" event, the fate of Elizabeth Taylor's pearls is simply left unresolved. Indeed, the Nanny installment of the tetralogy is the only one that's available on DVD. Only the first season of Murphy Brown is on DVD, and don't even pretend you thought Can't Hurry Love and High Society might have had DVD releases. Cobbling the whole thing back together again is impossible without circulating the tapes!
  • You Just Told Me: How Fran tricks C.C. into mentioning that it's Elizabeth Taylor who is coming over.
