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Recap / Ready Jet Go S 2 E 6 Water Water Everywhere Commander Cressida Story Contest

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Air date: July 11, 2018

Water, Water Everywhere

The kids go in a saucer tour around Earth to see how water can be found. They go to Antarctica to see the ice and then to Jupiter's moon Europa.

Commander Cressida Story Contest

Sydney and the others brainstorm a story for a Commander Cressida writing contest.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Jet's takeaway from Goldilocks and the Three Bears is that he should eat lots of porridge.
  • Imagine Spot: Sydney and the gang imagine that they're Commander Cressida characters and act out the story that Sydney is writing.
  • Official Fan-Submitted Content: In-Universe. The prize for winning the titular story contest is to have one's story in an official Commander Cressida comic.
  • Record Needle Scratch: Sydney announces that her story will be about Commander Cressida finding the perfect beach. A record needle scratch is heard when Sean asks if that's a big enough story.
  • Stock Footage: Stock footage from when Sydney told the story of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" in "Just the Right Distance From the Sun" is used to pad out the runtime and explain how Earth's water is "just right".
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: In "A Star is Born," Sean was forced to play the role of Commander Cressida's dog Sirius, while Sunspot got to be the literal star. In this episode, he gets to play a role he wanted — a lifeguard. He's really into blowing his whistle.
