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Recap / Jaune Arc, Lord of Hunger Chapter 6 "Leadership"

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"My warning to you is this — do not rely on your companions to compensate for your weakness in skill. There will be times they will not be there to help you when needed."

Jaune trains with Glynda and Pyrrha to develop his powers and improve his fighting skills.

Tropes in this chapter include:

  • Armor-Piercing Question: Ruby finds Jaune sneaking outside alone at night, she discusses with him the role of a leader, namely that a leader shouldn't hide things from their team. When Jaune snaps that he's not hiding from his team, Ruby calmly asks why he's outside alone in the middle of the night. Jaune is unable to come up with a response to that.
  • Eating the Eye Candy: Pyrrha ogles Jaune's butt while they are training.
  • Exhausted Eye Bags: Jaune, due to staying up all night trying to figure out the secret behind the Mask of Nihilus.
  • Forgets to Eat: Jaune has been so fixated on Nihilus's mask that he forgets to eat.
  • Giving Someone the Pointer Finger: While sneaking out of his dorm in the middle of the night, Jaune bumps into Ruby. When he asks if she was sneaking out to get a midnight snack, she sputters before trying to change 5he subject by accusingly pointing her finger at him and asking why he was outside his dorm.
  • Little "No": Weiss flatly says no in response to Jaune trying to ask her out on a date.
  • Lotus Position: Jaune and Ren sit down in this position while Ren teaches Jaune how to meditate.
  • Midnight Snack: While sneaking out of dorm in the middle of the night, Jaune bumps into Ruby, who was on her way back to her dorm after sneaking down to the cafeteria in order to grab some cookies and milk.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: The movie that Jaune wants to take Weiss out to see stars an actor named Sylver Stallone.
  • Quizzical Tilt:
    • While being taught how to control his telekinesis by Glynda, Jaune tilts his head in confusion when she asks if he tried using his abilities visually, rather than sequentially.
    • When Ruby first asks Jaune what he believes the role of a leader is, he responds by tilting his head in confusion before asking whether that was a rhetorical question.
  • Swiss-Cheese Security: Beacon Academy doesn't have any security cameras installed inside their buildings. Jaune has been taking advantage of this to sneak out at night and meditate near his locker with the mask.
  • Tempting Fate: When Ruby mentions the field trip to Forever Fall they have tomorrow, Jaune dismissively remarks on how it's just a field trip and asks what's the worst that can happen. Ruby responds by lampshading this very trope.
    Jaune: Sure, but I mean it's just a field trip. What's the worst that could happen?
    Ruby: [groans and throws her hands back] Jaune, why would you say that!? That's bad luck.
  • Training Montage: There's a training montage of Jaune practicing his telekinesis with Professor Goodwitch's help.
  • What the Hell Are You?: While meditating near Nihilus's mask in an empty classroom, Jaune is certain that he's hearing whispers come out of the artifact and internally begs for a response. He finishes this off by asking this of the mask. When he gets no answer, he throws the mask against the wall in frustration.
    Jaune: Please, show me more! [beat] You're listening aren't you!? You're there, I know it! What are you!?
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Ruby shows that she already understands what it means to be a leader in contrast to Jaune, who is two years older than her.
    Jaune: A leader is someone who gives orders and that everyone else follows.
    Ruby: Anyone can just give orders Jaune. But only leaders can inspire, to make others want to follow. But to do that, leaders need to communicate with their teams, not hide away in the dark.

Chapter can be read here on FanFiction.Net and here on Archive of Our Own.
