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Recap / Criminal Case: Pacific Bay - Case 28: The Hunger Planes

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Chief Marquez: That's why I need your skills, <Player's Name>. You can find a needle in a haystack, a 100-ton airplane on a mountainside should be child's play!

During a search for a plane that crashed up in the mountains two weeks ago (and whose one of its passengers was Bobby Prince, Amy's boyfriend), Amy and the player manage to encounter the crash site along with the remains of Captain Harry Hugo, roasted over a lava pit and with pieces of him eaten.


  • Alliterative Name: The pilot, Harry Hugo.
  • Asshole Victim: Captain Harry was a total Jerkass and outright criminal. He killed and ate Celine's dog, cheated on his wife just because she gained weight then divorced her when she found out, wanted to rape Alice because "he wasn't going to die unhappy", and attempted to leave Bobby all alone in the mountain without any supplies after he fell unconscious when both of them tried to get help, which made Bobby kill him for sustenance.
  • Benevolent Monsters: Alice tells you how the Night Walker found her in the forest and taught her how to hunt and take care of herself, thought Amy believes she's gone mad from being alone in the mountain.
  • Big Storm Episode: Of the blizzard variety, as Amy and the player have to go through them while investigating about Captain Hugo's murder.
  • Brick Joke: When examining the body, Roxie says she has heard humans taste like chicken. Then during Bobby's trial, Judge Dante asks him if this is true.
  • Call-Back: Bobby Prince reappears as a suspect.
  • Comical Overreacting: Amy gets downright horrified when you encounter a creepy snowman covered in blood and with a threatening message.
    Amy: Oh God! What is that?! Get it away from me! That snowman is going to be in my nightmares for months!
  • Convection, Schmonvection: Somehow, everyone who visits the volcano manages to stay pretty much fine, with the victim only dying because he was put directly above the lava.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Bobby says this word-by-word during his trial, saying it was the only way to survive.
  • Fright Deathtrap: Stella, Celine's twin sister, is revealed to have died of fear by none other than the Night Walker.
    Russell: It sounds like she literally died from fright! Amazing! Just imagine being so terrified that your body gives up!
  • Genuine Human Hide: The killer made snowshoes out of the victim's skin.
  • Gosh Dang It to Heck!: Bobby excuses himself for using such strong language before calling Captain Harry "a gosh darn motherfudger."
  • Guest-Star Party Member: Duncan becomes your partner during the Additional Investigation whilst investigating about the Night Walker.
  • I Am a Humanitarian:
    • Bobby ate pieces of Captain Harry's body after roasting him since he was getting desperate from hunger.
    • According to Alice, the Night Walker eats human flesh, and she almost killed Captain Harry to offer the monster his body as a gratitude.
  • Left for Dead: Captain Harry left Bobby behind when the latter fell unconscious after an avalanche, which coupled with his general nastiness led to Bobby having enough and killing him.
  • Man Bites Man: Alice bit Captain Hugo when he tried to force himself onto her before running off.
  • Really 700 Years Old: According to Russell and Duncan, the Night Walker has existed since the Civil War era, which would make it at least 150 years old.
  • Revisiting the Cold Case: During the Additional Investigation, you and Russell revisit the case of Stella Dernier, a woman who got lost in the woods and died from a heart attack after being frightened to death, which seems to be linked to the Night Walker.
  • Running Away to Cry: Amy returns to the mountain to cry after Bobby is arrested for murder, which leads to Frank and the player comforting her.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The case's title is a parody of The Hunger Games.
    • Celine Dernier resembles Lauren Bacall.
    • In the Abandoned Camp scene, there is a tube of Coolth brand toothpaste, a parody of Colgate.
    • In the Old Observatory scene, there is the symbol of Corona.
    • In the Crash Site scene, there is a building resembling the HYDRA research base.
  • Shrinking Violet: One of the survivors, Alice Blick, is so timid she'd rather stay at the plane wreckage than be rescued, though this doesn't stop her from befriending the Night Walker.
  • Stewed Alive: The victim was roasted alive over a lava pit.
  • Tap on the Head: The victim was first rendered unconscious with a flight controller before being put over the lava, which roasted him alive.
  • Tastes Like Chicken: Both Roxie and Judge Dante wonder if it's true that humans taste like chicken, and the latter even asks Bobby about this during his trial.
  • Tastes Like Purple: Bobby says during his trial that human flesh tastes like "sadness, regret, lost hope and dead love".
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Betty Hugo, Captain Harry's obsessive ex-wife, indirectly caused the whole accident when she sneaked inside the pilot's cabin to "surprise" him, which led to Captain Harry getting distracted and crashing against a mountain.
    Amy: I can't believe it! Such a waste of life! A plane full of passengers crashed because a couple were arguing!
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: According to steward Marcus Peel, this was his relationship with Captain Harry, as they played mean jokes on each other while still remaining good friends.
  • I Was Quite a Looker: Celine Dernier, one of the suspects, is a famous Ivywood Star from the 60s who, according to Amy, used to be beautiful before she turned old.
