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Recap / American Dad S 16 E 18 No Weddings And A Funeral

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Release Date: August 12, 2019

A 20 Minutes into the Future episode where, after Klaus runs away from home in the present, we flash-forward to how The Smiths have gotten along without himnote  and, when news hits that Klaus died, a nun urges the Smiths to have a funeral for him.


  • Bungled Suicide: Stan's cat tries to kill itself with his old gun, to no avail.
    Stan: (to the cat) Hey! You know the deal. Neither of us to get to do it until I can afford a second bullet.
  • Butt-Monkey: Klaus, per usual. Even after his supposed death, the Smiths clearly couldn't care less about him. It turns out that his role as this is what kept them together in the first place.
  • Creepy Child: Noah, the son of Hayley and Jeff who made a plush out of a real squirrel and tried to do the same to Klaus.
  • Epic Fail: The house gets set on fire after Stan tries to transport Klaus' body.
  • Formerly Fit: Stan was always on the heavyset side, but he was still in good enough shape. After divorcing Francine and losing his job, he became obese.
  • Future Loser: Stan has become this 15 years after Klaus' departure, becoming estranged from his family, losing his job, living in poverty, letting himself go, and only having a cat for company. In fact, Stan's life sucks so bad that the cat tries to shoot itself (but it can't because Stan can't afford bullets).
  • Jerkass Ball: Hayley is among those who openly harasses Klaus, even though she is one of the few who actually treats him well for the most part.
  • Noodle Incident: Apparently, Klaus bludgeoned the nun with his metal hook before hijacking her body.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Klaus (in the nun's body) finally loses his patience when the Smiths keep making jokes at his expense instead of honoring him.
  • Shout-Out: The episode's premise is based on the film The Big Chill. Furthering the connection, the scene where Klaus is being dressed for his funeral while the Smiths are shown being informed of his death is from the opening credits of the film.
  • Skewed Priorities: When the Smiths are transported inside Klaus' body, Roger freaks out over being unable to charge his dying phone.
