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Quotes / The Nth Doctor

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"The day had started badly. In the console room aboard the TARDIS lay a disorientated body ragged with pain. It was me, in an earlier regenerative form. It was also the time of my first regeneration, the event that is both a blessing and a scourge of the Time Lords of Gallifrey. Some Time Lords are able to proceed through their allotted twelve lives with grace, dignity, and élan; growing older, wiser, and more handsome with each change. Others are less fortunate, as my first metamorphosis proved: One moment a distinguished, white-haired gentleman, and the next, well, not what I would have wished for myself, but at least I was alive. Just."
The Doctor, the audio reconstruction of "The Power of the Daleks"

Third Doctor: Jo, it's all quite simple — I am he as he is me.
Jo Grant: [bemused] "And we are all together, coo coo cachoo?"
Third Doctor: What?
Jo Grant: It's a song by the Beatles.
Second Doctor: Oh? [fingering his recorder] How does it go?
Third Doctor: Oh, please be quiet!

"So you're my replacements... a dandy and a clown."
The First Doctor on the Third and Second Doctors, "The Three Doctors" (again)

"Time Lords have this little trick. It's sort of a way of cheating death, except... it means I'm gonna change. And I'm not gonna see you again. Not like this, not with this daft old face."
The Ninth Doctor, explaining regeneration to Rose Tyler, "The Parting of the Ways"

Harriet Jones: Well, what happened to my Doctor? Or is it a title that's just passed on?
Tenth Doctor: I'm him. I'm literally him. Same man, new face. Well, new everything!

Oracle: So. Do you recognize me?
Neo: A part of you.
Oracle: Yeah, that's how it works. Some bits you lose, some bits you keep. I still don't recognize my face the mirror, but...I still love candy.

"I laid down on that operating table one person, and I woke up a completely different person. Well, I should say eight different people."

"Tal accepted each of us. Joining made us more than we could ever be alone. And while a human joining is unusual, Tal accepts you as well."
Senna Tal to Adira Tal, Star Trek: Discovery

"I am Kasha Tal, Jovar Tal, Madela Tal, Cara Tal, Senna Tal, Gray Tal... and I am Adira Tal."
Adira Tal, Star Trek: Discovery

"So in this story, Uta has an accident, then he has a plastic surgery. Now, I can simply change his actor. Easy, isn't it?"
