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Quotes / The Nothing After Death

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"I have descended to the house of darkness, the dwelling of the goddess Irkalla; to the house, whence he that enters goes out no more; to the road, whose way turns not back; to the house, whose inhabitants are deprived of light; to the place where dust is their sustenance, their food clay."

All those little sounds happening all the time that your mind uses to see if you are safe? They aren't there. Your mind is screaming for you to get out of there: its dangerous, there is a predator here. GET OUT.
You can see, but there is no colour. Everything is washed out. There is no source of light, or warmth. It just is.
There should be no smells. None. Anything you taste should be like a pulpy, dry, sawdust, that gives no nutrients. Even water.
Except the blood of the living. Blood, you can smell for hundreds of yards. Its the only thing you can smell and taste, the only thing that breaks the eternal monotony of sensory input. It crashes into your brain like the scent of the best hamburger you've ever had.
There is no wind, no movement of air, but always pressure. You can feel the air weigh you down. But when you breathe, you can't feel the air move. Sometimes, if you think about it, you start coughing and choking because your body stops believing it can breathe.
It's cold. The cold seeps into your bones, so that you know you will never feel warm again. Its so cold it should hurt, but it doesn't. You wish it hurt, just so you could feel something, know that you are alive.
Ejtaka here

"It's terrifying 8eing dead, and having to live through memories forever, and dealing with the fact that nothing really means anything. It's infinite, and dark, and it's all 8eing ripped apart..."
Andrew Hussie, Homestuck

"Hi Barbie. I miss you. It's so quiet after you die. There's nothing. But the voices...they never stop. (Beat) See you in an hour!"
JonTron, in his Barbie video.

"Wait wait wait wait wait — w-w-what are you doing? What the— Rhys, what the Hell are you doing?! No-no please, please! Please don't do this! No Rhys, you- you don't know what it's like! Please... Hey! HEY! I'm on my knees here! Please don't send me back there... It's not like they say... There's nothing... there's absolutely nothing there... don't do this."
Handsome Jack's last words, Tales from the Borderlands

"It's okay. It's okay. I've been where you're going. It's not so bad. It's just... nothingness."
Harold Meachum, Iron Fist (2017)

Anubis: In life, you believed in nothing. You will go to nothing. You will be done. There will be darkness.
Laura: And peace?
Anubis: There will be darkness.

General: [to a Secret Service agent] Arrest them!
Rick: Son, you have the right to refuse his order and I guarantee you're going to die if you touch me. And there's no afterlife. Everything just goes black. Don't do it.
[Secret Service agent hesitates but touches him and dies]

- All humans will, without exception, eventually die.
- After they die, the place they go is MU. (Nothingness)
- Once dead, they can never come back to life.
— The final three rules of the Death Note

Harbour: What's it like, being dead?
Wilbur: It's dull as dishwater. It's silent and completely dark... it's like being in Wales.

Peter Weyland: (as he's dying) There's... nothing.
David: I know. Have a good journey, Mr. Weyland.

"Every day, I'm dead a little longer, Mr. Conagher. I have seen the other side. There is nothing there. Fix. This. Machine."
Blutarch Mann, "Loose Canon"

"Dying was being splatted and not coming back, trapped within darkness, cold, slowly losing your idea of who you were until your soul was a wisp of what it once was. There was no redo. Just pain, and darkness, and nothing."

Walter O'Dim: You have nothing to be afraid of, my friend. Death is not far away. You wanna know what's on the other side? Can you see it? Of course you can't, because nothing is there. It's all a lie.
Dying Gunslinger: Go to hell!
Walter O'Dim: Been there.

"I'd say enjoy the afterlife, but we both know that's just eternal nothingness."
Cupid, Arrow, "Broken Hearts"

Dream: (excitedly) So what was it like?!
Tommy: (breathing heavily) What was wh... What was what like...?
Dream: What was it like?! I dunno.
Tommy: (stammering, gasping) Void. It was... dark. It was all dark. [...] It felt like I was put through a shredder, but there was no blood, there was no flesh, it was just essence. Like a powder, and I was put through it, and then I came out, and I was in a... a long– a long– a hall, a– a– t-tunnel of black and void and– not even black, just colorless!

"This is Niflheim, the hell of mist and cold. This is where the faithless dead come to die again. This is where ghosts fade to mist, to be forgotten."

"I happen to believe in life after death, but I don't think it's got a thing to do with reward and punishment."
John Shelby Spong

"Dolurrh isn't a punishment. It isn't a reward. It just is."

There’s nothing to fear in oblivion – unless, of course, your consciousness survives death. If so, it would be reasonable to fear the sensation of consciousness without senses, suspended alone in the cosmos, with no one to hear you, and no way to make yourself known. No reference point for counting time – a count that does not matter anyway in a literal eternity. You might wish that you still had a corporeal form, only so that you could make your mouth move to express your terror, to make the universal form of a terrified scream, the form of a letter O. But you won’t be able to. You just won’t!

i dont fear death.
i saw what it really is.
*eyes go black* just a black void. nothing.
Dell, Overtime
