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Playing With / Beg the Dog

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Basic Trope: A character begs help from another character he abuses a lot.

  • Straight: Alice has treated Bob horribly, but when she is kidnapped by Emperor Evulz, she begs Bob to save her.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice begs Bob to rescue him from a burning building even though she had humiliated him, threatened him, beaten him, and even attempted to kill him.
    • The citizens beg for Bob to save them from a collapsing bridge even though they had mistreated him earlier.
  • Downplayed: Alice is a bit rude to Bob, but when she falls down, she asks him to help her up.
  • Justified: Alice is an Entitled Bitch. She expects Bob to help him despite treating him like crap.
  • Inverted: Alice closely studies The Chain of Harm in her family, who dread being near each other so much that getting abducted or injured almost sounds like a relief.
  • Subverted:
    Alice: Bob, I need get the fuck out of my sight, you moron!"
  • Double Subverted:
    Alice: No, wait, Bob! Please, help me!"
  • Parodied:
    • Alice steals Bob's credit card for five minutes. When Bob (not knowing about the stolen card) realizes he forgot to pay his cable bill, he briefly gets worried, but decides he can go for a week without it. Overhearing this, Alice begs him to freeze time for her so she can keep giving back and stealing his card for ten seconds each day of that week, intending to not have to feel bad for stealing it in the first place.
    • The sandal-wearing Bob cracks a toenail and immediately gets policed by Alice on how it was so careless of him to let that happen. When Alice's abrasive sister Rhoda starts calling her on her cellphone about what's 99% likely to be a fashion topic, she tries guilt-tripping him into inviting the latter over for dinner that night.
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice alternates between over-the-top begging for Bob's help simply to annoy him and genuine begging when she's forced to admit she can't solve a problem on her own.
  • Averted: Alice is merely Innocently Insensitive or only a jerk to Bob in particular for whatever reason, so she always scolds herself for getting into trouble rather than begging.
  • Enforced: "We need Alice to show her vulnerable side. Let's have her beg Bob to help her."
  • Lampshaded: "So you have insulted me, threatened me, and attacked me, and yet you expect me to help you?"
  • Invoked: "I'm a sucker for watching irony unfold. Should I apply that to myself and see how it works out? Oh, Evulz is coming closer...yep, that's exactly what I'm going to do, with Bob involved."
  • Exploited: Evulz shapeshifts into Alice's mother scolding her in order to draw Bob closer to them in what will almost certainly be an I Told You So moment, making it more likely for Alice to beg for the latter's help.
  • Defied: "No way! I don't need help from that loser!"
  • Discussed: "Now that I think about it, the words 'pretty please' probably do mean more when they come from humble and kind people rather than complete blowhards...and I've never once been one of said blowhards ever in my life, that you could tell, or that anyone could tell, including myself."
  • Conversed: "Uh, I'm kind of new here. Do any of you ever wonder why that random girl has a habit of forcing you to smoke weed that she smuggled and then quickly begging for your help when she's dumb enough to get locked in the janitor's closet, walk over slime and quicksand in high heels, or easily fooled into being abducted by a tentacled monstrosity who calls himself Emperor Evulz?"
  • Implied: Alice gets ready to wring her hands and whine in front of Bob before being cut off.
  • Deconstructed: Bob refuses to help Alice and leaves her to fend off on her own against Emperor Evulz, much to her shock and anger.
  • Reconstructed: Alice attempts to scare off Evulz with a Medusa cauldron that she spent hours working on. When Evulz breaks it into pieces instead, Alice tries breaking free to go after Bob and beg him for help in escaping, caring too much about her art to be anything but despaired at its destruction.
  • Played For Laughs: Alice tries going a week without loudly cursing in public on a bet she made with Bob. Suspecting Bob is going to blackmail her if she fails as revenge for how often she verbally abuses him, she walks into the town square and shouts "PLEASE, PLEASE, TELL ME YOUR FLIPPING SECRET, PLEASE! HAVE YOU NO PITY FOR HOW MUCH I'M VOLUNTARILY EMBARRASSING MYSELF RIGHT NOW?"
  • Played For Drama: Alice realizes that she can't hide from whatever threat is facing her, so she plans to beg Bob as a last resort, only to hear that he's already packed up and left town for an unknown reason. Alice ends up feeling legitimately guilty, thinking it had something to do with her, and ends up begging Bob both to help her and to stay in town, before offering to apologize to him face-to-face as soon as she can.

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