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Nightmare Fuel / Dune (1984)

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  • The Box, as we see Paul's hand graphically burn and have skin drop off as it cooks. Granted, it's all in his mind, but...
  • The Guild Navigator's appearance is deeply unsettling, like a speaking naked tumored brain.
    • He also Was Once a Man. Massive amounts of Spice Melange consumption mutated him. The things they do for long distance space travels...
    • And several other members of the Spacing Guild look well on their way to becoming Navigators.
    • David Lynch took quite a few liberties with the source material: Navigators actually resemble semi-humanoid manta rays, which are admittedly still in the realm of Nightmare Fuel, but not that bad.
  • The disgusting Baron Vladimir Harkonnen is walking (well, floating) squick.
  • The Baron's servants bearing grotesque scars on their ears and eyes as if they were the victims of some demented surgery.
    • Notice that each of them has a separate missing body part. One wears opaque eye covers (probably blind), one has missing ears, and one has a stitched up mouth. This could be a very subtle homage to the Monkey Morality Pose.
    • Foremost among them is a creepy, rhyming doctor that drains fluids from the Baron's sores and boils.
  • Glossu-Rabban's idea of a refreshing beverage is a small alien creature (known in production notes as a "squoog") in a tiny glass box with a piston and straw. He presses down on the button and crushes it to drink its blood. House Harkonnen is so casually sadistic that even its juiceboxes involve killing something helpless!
  • The Baron coating himself in trickling machine oil before pinning a servant against a wall and tearing out his heartplug, doing something VERY wrong to him offscreen that leaves him in a bloody heap on the floor. And everyone watches with amusement.
    Vladimir Harkonnen: (Thinking) This is what I'll do to the Duke and his family.
  • The Baron celebrating his "victory" over House Atreides by flying around and laughing like a maniac to deranged kazoo-like music while several little people butcher a dead cow for food. It is...upsetting.
    • And that's before he commands Rabban to slaughter every last remnant of their opposition remaining on Arrakis as the Na-Baron chews on a cow tongue. (The fact he crows, "YES, BARON!" while still eating it so we can see the masticated meat in his mouth does not help.)
      Vladimir Harkonnen: Do not show the slightest pity or mercy!
    • Then Feyd walks out of his steam bath, barely dressed and standing triumphantly as the Baron practically salivates over the sight of his own nephew.
  • One of the visions that Paul has after his father dies is of him breathing out a cloud of gas from the poisoned tooth he was given, with his cheek graphically melted through by the toxins.
  • Feyd’s death. While fortunately not shown on-screen, the aftermath of it, showing the blade impaled up from the bottom of his jaw and into his brain with some blood visible, screams a Family-Unfriendly Death.
