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Headscratchers / The LEGO Batman Movie

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  • So Lego Voldemort appears in the movie, and Ralph Fiennes plays Alfred in the movie. Why the heck did they hire Eddie Izzard to play Lego Voldemort? He does a good job, no question it actually sounds like Voldemort, but why hire a separate person when you have the actual actor who played the role in your movie? Given how many lines he actually has, it wouldn't have taken much more of Ralph's time to do it.
    • Reportedly, the crew felt that with the kind of tone they were going for, it would be odd if they had the same actor play two characters and yet didn't make a fourth-wall joke about it. Thus, since they had no way of making such a joke as Alfred and Voldemort never meet in the movie, they decided to find someone else.
    • Speculative answer: I assume it was a question of money. If he was voicing more characters, Fiennes would have been able to ask for more money. Since he's doing a lot of work in the movie already as Alfred, it probably worked out cheaper to have the "less well known outside of the UK" actor/comedian Izzard do the voice of a character with only a handful of lines.
    • Alternately: Scheduling conflict. Alternately; they didn't want to have the same guy doing two voices and confusing people.
    • Alternately Alternately: If they plan to have Voldemort appear in a different Lego film it may be easier to get Izzard to come back than Fiennes, or cost less.
    • Also: it's funnier.
    • According to this article, director Chris McKay didn't want to waste a perfectly good plot by having the two being voiced by the same person and not confront each other.

  • What happened to Zod? The first time the Phantom Zone is mentioned is a news story about Superman sending Zod there, but he isn't present when the movie goes there.
    • He probably already escaped to menace Supes again.
    • I suspect it was also a kid friendly way of referencing Man of Steel where he actually killed Zod but they use the euphemism "Phantom Zone." He was never in there.
    • Its also possible he was in a different part of the zone, and when Joker released all the prisoners he decided not to follow his lead.
    • He's present among Joker's "Evil army" and is visible among the crowd when Batman confronts Joker in Wayne Manor.
  • How is Jason Todd one of the villains if this Batman hasn't had a sidekick before?
    • To be fair, many criminals have used the alias of the Red Hood. Joker and Jason are just the 2 most famous.
    • Indeed, shortly before Jason took up the mantle, The Batman Adventures did its own version of Red Hood for the DC Animated Universe continuity. That title folded before the Red Hood's identity could actually be revealed, but Dan Slott later revealed it was supposed to be Andrea Beaumont's mother.
    • There's also a version that's an alternate-universe good guy version of the Joker in Batman: The Brave and the Bold.
    • The tie-in minfigure has Jason's mask under the helmet, however.
    • That's probably just a quick visual homage, though; same reason that Lego Dick Grayson has Carrie Kelly's glasses. Besides which, some guy who's willing to wear a large red metal bucket over his head to conceal his identity might also be inclined to also wear a red mask underneath to further conceal his identity should the bucket be removed; Jason Todd isn't likely to be the only person who ever has that idea.

  • How did Bruce take a selfie as a child when the movie explicitly establishes that he was an adult in at least the late 1960s (by the appearance of a stock-footage clip from a late-60s Batman serial)? I know, I know, Rule of Funny.
    • You do know that you don't need a smartphone to take a selfie.
    • What is considered by many the first photographic portrait was a "selfie". Early photographers found the most convenient way to test their equipment was by taking self-photos. Cumbersome? Yes. But not impossible.

  • Were the Daleks called "British Robots" for a specific reason, or was it just a gag about copyrights?
    • It could honestly be a copyright thing given how there have been several court battles over the years over whether the BBC or Terry Nation own the rights. So whilst its possible that the Lego Movie people could use their image, but not their name, it is more likely that it is a Stealth Pun for the Doctor Who fans.
    • The BBC owns the appearance, Nation owns the name.
    • Apparently it's not a question of legality. It seems that the creators got the name and the likeness. However, Zach Galifianakis did a take in which the Joker stumbled over Sauron and Voldemort's names, and then threw up his hands and said "British robots" when he got to the Daleks.
    • Also, Rule of Funny: you've got the Joker announcing these two big, terrible, universe-shattering villains... then forgetting the name of the third universe-shattering villains on his list. Besides which, Daleks are probably less instantly name-familiar to audiences outside of Britain (and the Commonwealth) than the other two.
    • Also noting: the DVD subtitles do state the Daleks by name.
    • Probably to avoid Small Reference Pools, Doctor Who is pretty popular among geekdome but is by far not really mainstream, is like having Star Trek's Borg or Babylon 5's Shadows. Sauron and Voldemort on the other hand are so ingrained already in pop culture that even people who have never seen/read LOTR or Harry Potter get it.

  • If the events of all the other Batman films and shows are canon in this universe, are the films and shows of other DC characters in this film (like Man of Steel and the Justice League series) also canon?
    • Yes
    • Presumably yes. The footage of Superman sending Zod to the Phantom Zone is even directed by Zack Snyder.

  • How did Batman get through Alfred's parental password on the computer?
    • Good question, Alfred knew the password never said he changed it was still Alfred Da Butt-ler and that's how he got in, fact.
    • Because he's Batman.
    • Better question; why would the computer, built by Batman for his personal use, even have a parental password

  • How did no one at Arkham recognize Harley Quinn?
    • She bought Superman's brand of glasses.
    • It's not like all of the Arkham staff would recognize Harleen. They are the ones that weren't working in Arkham, when Harleen was employed.

  • Who is Phyllis' mysterious boss? All we know is that its a 'she' and that they'd be upset with Phyllis if she didn't do her job properly. This tropers' two personal guesses are either the mother of Finn from the LEGO Movie or, and this is admittedly wishful thinking, GLaDOS.
    • Remember how the LEGO Movie ended? "Now when I let you come down here to play, guess who else who we should let come down here and play?" The Boss is Finns little sister!

  • This very wiki refers to the T. rex as one from Jurassic Park. However, the T. rex is not a villain in any Jurassic Park movie. Rexy, the most iconic T. rex, saved the protagonists' lives in the original film and Jurassic World; the T. rex that rampaged through San Diego in The Lost World was just a lost and confused victim of Ludow (the real villain)'s plan to profit off of the dinosaurs; and the T. rex in Jurassic Park III didn't live long enough to do anything villainous. So, why would any T. rex from Jurassic Park qualify as an evil enough villain to warrant being sent to the Phantom Zone?
    • After Batman gets sent there, Phyllis refuses to send him back to Earth, because even through he is not a bad guy, he is still a giant jerk to everyone around him, which is apparently enough to be imprisoned in there. As helpful as the T. Rexes may be, they are still giant, carnivorous and wild animals who are acting on instinct and can be dangerous. Which brings up another question - why did Superman say that only the worst bad guys are in there?
    • Worth noting that the T. rex doesn't have the capacity for speech in Jurassic Park either. It's fairly safe to assume that there's a bit of a Broad Strokes approach to the original canon going on here.
    • It should also be noted that, upon closer inspection, these are not the dinosaurs from LEGO's Jurassic World sets. These are actually the dinosaurs from the LEGO Dino theme, in which the T. rex was definitely an antagonist (if still not an actively malicious villain). The dinosaurs also have distinctly masculine voices, whereas Rexy and the raptors are female. Therefore, I now ask: was it ever confirmed by Word of God that these are supposed to be the Jurassic Park dinosaurs, or is this actually a case of God Never Said That?

  • What kind of bothered me about the movie is how relationship between Joker and the Rogues wasn't cleared up properly. Joker had them forced to surrender themselves to the GCPD, and later refused to break them out of Arkham Asylum. After being released from Arkham by Batman, they were technically free only to help defeat Joker's Phantom Zone army. By the end of the movie, it appeared that Joker allows the Rogues to follow him again. How come the Rogues seem to easily forgive Joker through all of that?
    • There are a number of possibilities
      1) If we assume that Finn and his sister are playing Batman, then this is just a round of playtime. Thus, while a master builder can end up on the villain side, the Rogues gallery can do their thing. There's a reason why Batman tells Barbara they'll give the guys a head start.
      2) The villains were amazed that Joker got Batman to admit that he hated the Joker. Also technically they defeated his army and proved that they were better than what the Joker insinuated.

  • So the Joker takes over the McGuffin airplane dressed like a pilot. Why though? He immediately tells the captain who he is and continues to dress himself in his standard costume. And before that, nobody would have seen him except his goons. Well, it is a child playing after all...
    • It's entirely possible that Joker enjoys his costumes as much as Batman does.
  • One of the background villains is Red Hood. While his identity is never revealed, he's likely not Jason Todd since he's working with The Joker and this incarnation of Batman has never had a Robin until now. The only other candidate is Joker, but he's already here. So who is he?
    • The Joker. DC revealed that there are actually three different Jokers running around for their Rebirth initiative, and all versions of the Batman franchise are considered canon in this universe.
    • The minifig has a regular head under the oversized hood, which is Jason Todd's mask. It may be best to just relax, considering one of the rogues is a mutant from The Dark Knight Returns (so future canon is also included)...

  • I get it that the out-of-universe reason for which Lord Voldemort doesn't use his iconic Avada Kedavra spell in the film and instead transforms the cops in animals is because the film is kid-friendly and the filmmakers couldn't have a character explictly murdering others onscreen, but why Voldemort teams up with the Joker and the other Phantom Zone criminals to begin with? Voldemort is a blood supremacist and utterly despises Muggles! It seems kinda strange that he didn't refuse to join them nor deemed them "unworthy" of his attention...
    • Perhaps loosing taught him a lesson in humility.

  • How does nobody in this universe find it weird that a good portion of its films heavily feature humans? Even with the Rule of Funny in effect, you'd think at least someone would acknowledge that.
    • Just speculation, but it's likely that live action movies in the LEGO universe are the equivalent of animated films for us. They look a bit different and have a different number of fingers, but they look similar enough.
    • The implication of the LEGO movies following the first one seems to be that they are actually taking place at least partly within the imagination of a kid (or kid in an adult's body) playing with LEGO. The cuts to life-action are just that person remembering the various Batman movies and TV shows they've seen and incorporating them into the game.
