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Fridge / Digimon Ghost Game

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Clockmon's case of Adaptational Attractiveness most likely comes form the fact that unlike a normal Clockmon who don't use their powers due to the danger surrounding them, this one actively uses his powers thus feeding himself and lacking the malnourishment normal Clockmon would suffer from.
  • The way the Digivice -V- is used on the anime so far relates to how the actual toy works:
    • Top button (Select) ×2, bottom button (Enter) ×1 - Check Digimon status on the toy, makes Digimon visible/invisible in the anime. Checking your Digimon status can relate to changing its visibility status.
    • Top button (Select) ×3, bottom button (Enter) ×1 - Missions menu for the toy, generates Phantom Zone in the anime. Among the different types of Missions are "ADV Missions" where taking a set amount of steps will trigger a battle and the background will change into the unique environment for the Dim Card (if not already set), which is equivalent to the Phantom Zone generated from the Digivice in the anime.
  • Ruli and Kiyoshiro's focal episodes appear to follow a certain theme.
    • In Ruli's case, the Digimon she faces are demonic Digimon (and in one case, Angelic). Examples include Dracumon, Phelesmon, Vamdemon and Piemon.
    • Kiyoshiro, in the other hand tends to be pitted against dragonic Digimon, like Majramon, SkullGreymon, Toropiamon and Eyesmon. Sepikmon is an exception, though.
  • While Dracumon is able to hypnotize Hiro and Gammamon, he doesn't try this trick on Angoramon. This could simply be because Angoramon knows enough to avoid that attack, or because Eye of Nightmare requires eye contact to work and Angoramon's bangs get in the way.
  • Why does Ruli have so much random sports equipment such as the hockey stick and golf club she uses to fight off a Brainwashed and Crazy Angoramon? Her habit of picking up and dropping new hobbies as she seeks out something that clicks with her!
  • While Ajatarmon having a female voices dose give it a sense of Vocal Dissonance, it actually makes sense. Ajatarmon's namesake is Ajatar, an evil female spirit in Finnish folklore that lives in the woods located at the mountains of Pohjola.
  • Some fans complain about how long it takes for Ruli and Angoramon to unlock the latter's evolutions (it took 13 episodes, by which point both Gammamon and Jellymon had already done so), but there might be a good reason for it. Ruli has been established to have gone through several hobbies in attempts to find something she wants to stick with, including go-karting and photography. Meaning she's indecisive, which likely limits her Digivice's capabilities given how they seem to be connecting their wearers and their Digimon's emotions.
  • While Manticoremon was acting out the Werewolf legend, the ending implies the werewolf might have been Real After All. If so, why didn't it attack this time? It's possible it felt Manticoremon's rampage was revenge enough...or it's possible seeing Angoramon saving his 'princess' where the werewolf failed appeased it in another way.
  • In episode 36, the Hiro's Study Files segment pokes fun at Gigasmon's misinterpretation of a prophecy in a horror film trailer where global warming wipes out the human population, via Ruli saying "A terrifying demon lord appears in 1999, destroying humanity!" Not only is this a very obvious reference to the Vamdemon arc of Digimon Adventure, but it also coincides with the episode of Ghost Game released the closest to August 1 (July 31 in Japan, to be exact).
  • Episode 39 & 40 seems to imply that the gate Digimon travel through seems to have some adverse effect on some of them. This could could explain how the Digimon Hiro and the others encounter causing trouble would spend most of the episode acting erratic on whatever they were obsessed with over the course of an episode, but would then mellow out after being defeated or talked out of what they were doing.
  • The Oboromon in episode 42 resemble ghosts of fallen Japanese warriors, and are playing a game of manhunt where the one with the highest "body count" becomes their "King" with a longer scarf made out from all of their victims. In some sense of word, they are playing the Ghost Game.
  • The first Digimon Hiro fought is a Clockmon who drains life force from people and ends up being freaked out packing by GulusGammamon. The final Monster of the Week Hiro fought before the plot really starts to pick up as a Quartzmon, a Digimon based on a quartz clock who drains life force from other people, and is heavily implied to be driven into the human world by the Pitch-Black Champion's emergence.

Fridge Horror

  • Unlike in past seasons, the gang never fails to solve a Digimon incident as opposed to previous protagonists who were regularly thrown in uphill/losing battles against major villains. It's for good measure — at least Taichi and Takato can afford to lose a battle or two and suffer some setbacks, since they could just stand back up and fight again for most of the time. Had Hiro ever fail to resolve a Digimon attack, it would likely result in up to hundreds of deaths or disappearances and the gang members participating in the fight could show up dead or vanished too.
  • There is a far worse implication when one rewatches the scene where Bokomon takes the killing blow to protect Gammamon in episode 13. Only Bokomon could've taken the knife properly. While Hiro could've taken the knife as he is seen running to Gammamon as well, it is ultimately Hiro reenacting the death scene that snapped GulusGammamon back to Gammamon. If Hiro took the knife, he had a (slightly) higher chance of survival as it can hit a non-vital area. However, if Gammamon became GulusGammamon in response to him nearly dying, likely there would be no one left to bring him back to his senses with Hiro's injury, resulting in the death of everyone from the Dark Pales attack. And don't even think about what would've happened if Hiro did die from the attack.
  • If Sealsdramon was already prepared to kill Hiro and his friends, has he collected any human body counts? Tokyo would've been in a state of panic with a serial killer on the loose.
  • Jyureimon and Shawujinmon only get thwarted because the protagonists just happened to camp nearby instead of discovering an urban legend first before finding the Digimon responsible. The humans captured would definitely have been eaten if it wasn't for this coincidence. And we don't know how long these incidents had been going on, so the earlier victims may have already been consumed.
    • In a similar tangent, there are multiple cases that wouldn't had been discovered if the protagonists didn't just happen to go to the places where the incidents are occurring for a vacation, because the offenders are too sneaky or the incidents are happening in rural towns. The other variation is the protagonist's friends just happened to get hit and alerted them. Sometimes, even Ultimates capable of killing hundreds or taking over the world are discovered because of the coincidences. At the worst case, a ZeedMillenniumon is found just because Ruli's friend asked her to investigate some hauntings and a walking corpse. Just how many towns are cratered or emptied and how many world-wipers are trying to stir an apocalypse and remain undetected?
  • When Piccolomon goes back to the past to erase Gammamon, he ends outclassed and beaten badly, and outright terrified, likely from a meeting with GulusGammamon. But what if the one who terrorized Piccolomon was not a dark evolution, but Gammamon's regular evolution and personality?
  • The Dokugumon commanded by Archnemon are nowhere to be seen after their master is slayed by GulusGammamon. They didn't seem to be killed by the main characters (who never kill any enemy Digimon willingly even if they deserve it), and, while they may have been taken back to the Digital World by BlackTailmon Uver. off-screen, there is the possibility they are now rampant in the human world, without anyone the keep them in check...
    • It's possible that they're Hologram Ghosts created by Arachnemon and are tied to her existence, so they just vanish alongside her. This explains their seemingly infinite numbers; Arachnemon is always aware of where the gang is and the Dokugumon are always created and deployed in large numbers wherever they are, even if the room(s) they are in were supposedly devoid of any enemy Digimon.
  • The first time GulusGammamon appeared, it was due to a discordance between Gammamon and Hiro, causing a dark evolution. The second time, however, there was nothing like that, he emerged on his own to take down Arachnemon. If we are lucky, it might be something that can happen only in extreme condition (like as a survival mechanism if Gammamon is unconscious), but there is still the fact that he can choose when to come out.
  • There are several dangerous Digimon such as Phelesmon and Vamdemon who use social media to garner intrigue and/or search out their next victims. There's a very disturbing implication of this. Firstly, intelligent and dangerous as many Digimon around the caliber of Vamdemon are, they are never tech-savvy enough to induce an attack in any way other than direct invasions and/or enslavement of other Digimon. Secondly, Phelesmon and Vamdemon's damage are affected by No Ontological Inertia, meaning that everything will go back to normal once they're dealt with. However, if a particularly dangerous Digimon happens to be savvy enough to weaponize social media and human interactions, they can use it to start mass civil unrest, create Apocalypse Cults that demands its victims to commit suicide so they can feed on their suffering, or even create extremely convincing deathtraps for the sake of killing civilians or turning them into completely irreversible minions, forcing the party to kill transformed, innocent civilians. And the scope might potentially be on the millions, Japan-wide or even worldwide.
  • Ex-Tyrannomon has to willingly reverse his transformation, unlike Splashmon. The horror comes in when you realize that, despite the added difficulty, this is overall a good thing: while Splashmon transforms the victims into safe bubbles of water, Ex-Tyrannomon's victims end up transformed in dolls who can be, and are, ripped apart. If turned back upon defeat, at least one of them would have ended up severely mutilated.
  • When you think about it, it's almost lucky that Hiro went to the school nature trip with Ryudamon while he was Gyukimon. Imagine what would happen if he left him behind.
  • There's implications GulusGammamon was reincarnated into Gammamon. So far, the only way this could happen in this universe is if something killed him and reverted him to a Digitama. Even if discounting his base Adult form, his Perfect form, Regulusmon, is said to be as strong as Megidramon, whose appearance alone is capable of creating numerous Digital Hazards, and his Ultimate form Acturusmon is said to be even worse. With how powerful GulusGammamon is, what killed him?
  • At the end of Episode 44, Kiyoshiro looks noticeably pissed off at Jellymon unlike previous times where she decides to wreck havoc for fun (and she makes clear that she just doesn't know what will actually happen when Andiramon creates valuable items for Hiro's class). He's reminded of Episode 5, the previous time where Jellymon invited a Deva to destroy his dorm.
  • Ryudamon seemingly Dark Evolved into Gyukimon. This would be scary in other series, but in Ghost Game, evolution without a Digivice is permanent. Meaning not only can Digimon accidentally/intentionally Dark Evolve into a rampaging monster...they're stuck that way for good. One only wonders how many instances of things like these are out there.
  • While the true victim of the Moon=Millenniumon incident is Toru, it's also potentially a Break the Cutie moment for his younger sister Kotoha. Imagine a girl no older than Ruli being forced to see her grief-ridden older brother playing with the barely-living corpse of his fiancee and having to endure routine hauntings and nightmares for slightly more than a week. And then when she calls the main trio to investigate, she finds out that her brother's fiancee's corpse is reanimated by a world-wiping apocalyptic abomination seeking to destroy the world and her brother insisting to keep her fiancee until several persuasions, completely ignoring the abomination of a Digimon right in front of him. Then she gets to see her brother broken while hugging the corpse of his long-dead lover, accepting that she's gone for good. She would be absolutely traumatized for life.
  • As horrifying as it is, it's a good thing that Moon=Millenniumon drained data from three people before it gets enough sustenance to break loose. The thing feeds on people's souls, meaning that it would just kill Toru slowly without him even being aware if not for it jumping straight into becoming ZeedMillenniumon by attacking two more people and spreading the damage evenly so nobody dies.
  • Given Quartzmon's goal is to trick people into swallowing its clones so they get a horrific dose of Horror Hunger and the actual victims realm up to hundreds, it wouldn't be surprising that a large portion of these people would be at least trying to eat their friends, family and pets just like Ruli did. Based on how there's little to no public outcry afterwards and there's only a short window before the victims succumb to fatigue, it's likely none of the attempts actually gone through. And we hope they don't. Imagine what happens when the public finds out about the "hundreds of mysterious deaths" about people and animals being eaten.
  • Dagomon's episode brings some very unsettling implications about Hikari's run-in with the Dark Ocean. First of all, is the Shadow merely an illusion and there's a real Dagomon behind it? And are the Deep Ones who threaten to attempt essentially raping Hikari real humans enslaved and betwitched by Dagomon?
  • Given that GulusGammamon, Ghost Game's answer to the franchise's trademark macabre apocalyptic abomination archetype, has been hiding within Gammamon for more than a year and Gammamon has been around Hiro almost constantly for that amount of time, one only wonders if he's watching Hiro and Gammamon through the latter's body too, and when they meet other humans and Digimon, there's always a Diablomon-like Digimon with an unusual sense of malice and cunning studying them through Gammamon. It's further made worse when you realize he can come out to bring forth the end of everything at anytime he likes to but just chose to remain silent until the GRB corrosion he left in the Digital World reaches a tipping point, giving him a unique sense of Paranoia Fuel in a setting where Ultimates can raze entire towns and effortlessly attempt mass murder just walk around like any other Digimon, uncaring of how many people they might harm or kill.
  • Upon Regulusmon's debut and gaining full control of his body, he told Hiro that Gammamon was erased, which is pretty frightening to think about considering the finale showed us what exactly he does when trying to rid himself of Gammamon's presence. But the real scary thought comes from Hiro's Batman Gambit. Upon realising that Gammamon is still alive, but barely hanging on, Hiro decides to sync with Regulusmon, something that the Digimon has been wanting Hiro to do throughout the series, in the hopes that he can give his partner enough strength to reign control of his body from within. As we saw, this did in fact work, but if this hadn't worked, and his Batman Gambit failed, not only would Hiro have unintentional provided the means of Regulusmon reaching his Ultimate evolution Acturusmon, it's very likely BloomLordmon would have been killed, the other humans partner Digimon likely would also have been killed, or infected by the GRB Factor by force, and Hiro would either be under Regulusmon's influence, or subjugated to a case of cruel mercy by him, considering his affection for him was genuine. That's not even taking into account that if Hiro hadn't thought to do his Batman Gambit when he did, Gammamon would likely be beyond saving, and true to GulusGammamon's words, there's a high probably at that point, Hiro would have ended up syncing with him anyway, as he wouldn't have any other options.
