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Headscratchers / Digimon Ghost Game

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Headscratchers are questions that remain after you're finished with the work, so all spoilers are unmarked.

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    Where's the police? 
  • This is something that's been bothering since the second episode of the series. In spite all the damage the 'hologram ghosts' cause (intentional or not), we have NOT seen the police or government take action ONCE! The closest we get was when Yatagaramon had the ravens attack a pet shop, but that's it. The magazine Hiro read in Episode 2 that lead him to Mummymon mentioned how he'd been kidnapping people for a month, yet the police were never mentioned at all. Other, more serious cases like Phelesmon turning women to statues, Jyureimon absorbing people, and Archnemon eating people's brains should've gotten their attention given the sheer number of people vanishing.
    • To be fair, you can't really expect the police to do anything about Digimon attacks and given that these things effectively have powers way beyond human convention, such as Dracumon's ability to hypnotize people, Digimon incidents are way out of their league and will likely lead to nowhere. Not to mention that it's possible that they may have tried to investigate these incidents before but could not make a conclusion. After all, how can you deduce decapitation when Archnemon's consumption of human heads leave their severed necks a mess?
    • Archnemon is probably isn't the best example since she killed her victims, so police would know there's a murderer out there, at least. However, Zassomon and Ajatarmon definitely qualifies for your answer. Never mind knowing where to begin looking for Zassomon, they are probably utterly confused at what Zassomon even is. And Ajatarmon's victims, they are probably somehow treated off-screen by Mummymon, but police (and regular doctors) would be stumped at who or even what caused the strange plant growth. Also, I recall there IS one case of police being around - the Pillomon episode, they actually came to the picnic area, but Kiyoshiro somehow managed to make them believe his explanation, despite all the claw marks on the victims....
    • And that's not even getting into how some of the later Digimon behind these incidents are literal boss-tier Digimon. As in the Gigasmon or Vamdemon sorts. There's even a mass abduction incident instigated by a Piemon. Based on how Hiro had to use Cannoweissmon to fight on par with Vamdemon, Gigasmon and Calamaramon and had to out-gambit Splashmon and Piemon instead of fighting them normally, these things probably aren't even watered down from their former counterparts either, and could easily decimate whole SWAT teams, maybe even armies if they want to. Even if the police were to swat the Scarlatto Vetto building or Piedmon's tent, what do you expect them to do?
      • The idea that they would be outmatched does not answer why there's ZERO explanation for why there's no reaction on the whole to these incidents. Considering there will always be social media buzz, the lack of showing any attempt by the authorities to even acknowledge these disappearances, coupled with people showing little concern or panic as more and more incidents happen, is actually just a detriment to the attempted worldbuilding. Many of these cases are simply too big in terms of numbers of victims to go ignored as they do, and a few have resulted in attacks in broad daylight that should be investigated at the very minimum.
      • That should be a massive demotivator for solving these cases. No? Can't imagine anyone actively bringing themselves to solve a kidnapping case instigated by a Vamdemon.
    • Also in Episode 42 the One-Shot Character asked the police to help find her sister because supposedly an "Oni" (Oboromon) got her and the Police didn't really believe it was happening.

  • In Episode 15, Phelesmon dons a fortune-teller disguise as a front for his acts. However, he doesn't even try to hide that he's a big, red demon man-thing, and his "disguise" is just him wearing a white suit. Basically anyone can tell something is wrong as soon as they see him. So why is nobody noticing? Note that he also never used his illusory magic on himself, and there's not even implicit proof that he did. And it's not about what they can do if they meet him, it's about how every one of his on-screen victims didn't notice that this fortune teller looks completely wrong.
    • It could've been easily mistaken for makeup. Some people do actually transform their entire face through it after all.

    "They are holograms" 
  • The people around Hiro and others being completely unfazed at Gammamon, Jellymon, and Angoramon is absolutely puzzling because the explanation used to explain them while they are visible, is that they are AI holograms, who shouldn't be completely solid like that, all the other holograms in the city are intangible, so there shouldn't be a more advanced tech for solid hologram yet. Hiro sometimes pretend it is advanced tech, but logically, if it was, it would be more available to public already. Why would three random kids have them but no one else in the city, not even companies, have them? Not to mention Gammamon's antics that involves physical actions are enough to make a few people questioning it already. Wouldn't it be easier and more easily acceptable by people if Hiro and others explain their Digimon partner as AI puppets?
    • Anyone but Hiro and co don't know they are called "Digimon". So I think the "Hologram Ghost" thing is just the name they go by.
