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Awesome / Fate/Grand Order - Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot

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Switch On... Agateram.

Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot was when Fate/Grand Order grew the beard, so you know there have to be moments in the film adaptations that would be completely and utterly awesome.

Wandering; Agateram

While Wandering; Agateram revolves a bit more around drama than fighting, it still has a few of these.
  • During their duel at the gates to the Holy City, Bedivere manages to beat Gawain. Bear in mind that Gawain is the second most powerful of the Knights of the Round Table (with only Lancelot being stronger), and thanks to the Lion King's Gift, the sun shone down on them despite the scene taking place late at night, which meant that Gawain was powered up by Numeral of the Saint. Bedivere, who in life had no supernatural powers like the other knights, manages to win. The artificial arm given to him by Merlin did help, but it's impressive nevertheless.
  • As punishment for letting the heroes escape in the aforementioned fight, the Lion King hits Gawain with Rhongomyniad. However, much to her surprise, he survives. She's so impressed that she spares his life.
  • Fujimaru tells Ozymandias directly to his face that he will not work for him. Ozy even commends him for having the balls to say "no" to a pharaoh!
  • During the infiltration of the fort to rescue Hassan of the Serenity, the heroes find themselves facing Agravain and his Enforcement Knights. Sanzang steps up to fight, and in a move that even takes mobile game veterans by surprise, makes use of Sun Wukong's duplication technique to take out the Enforcement Knights.
  • The crowner is easily Arash using his Noble Phantasm at the cost of his life to stop Rhongomyniad from destroying the village of the resistance. Rhongomyniad appears as a massive cone-shaped spiral of light descending from the heavens, and Arash fires a single arrow, which annihilates his body where he stands from the recoil, at it. This one arrow contains enough power to completely break down the spiral of light, causing it to disperse from the inside out. And what makes this feat even more impressive is that Arash was already severely wounded by Lancelot when he made the shot.


Paladin; Agateram decided it needed to make up for the previous movie not having enough awesome, and boy did it ever deliver.
  • Mash vs. Lancelot. Mash takes on the strongest Knight of the Round Table by herself and doesn't just win, she WIPES THE FLOOR with him. She spends virtually the entire fight on the offensive both physically AND verbally, spending half the battle Calling the Old Man Out and the other half giving a Heroism Motive Speech as she describes what a knight should be. And then, at the very end, after driving Lancelot into the walls of the pyramid, she has the gall to sass him.
    "Isn't that right...Dad?"
  • The fight with Gawain outside the gate to the Holy City starts with a clash between Gawain and Lancelot, who are, for the most part, evenly matched, before Bedivere interferes. He shows his determination to do what must be done...only to find that First Hassan was listening in. Since Bedivere had proved his resolve, the first Old Man of the Mountain deigns to take to the field of battle, engulfing Gawain in a sandstorm. Gawain finds himself cut off from the sun, and the look on his face shows that he knows he's in deep trouble.
    • Eventually, First Hassan decides he's had enough and walks away from Gawain. The knight leaps into the air and comes down with a heavy strike...only for Hassan to casually block Gawain's strike. Without even turning to face him. In BROAD DAYLIGHT with Numeral of the Saint active! Gawain is understandably gobsmacked, left wondering who the hell his enigmatic oppponent was.
  • The heroes are stuck outside the city, trying to break down the gate. But nothing they have works. Cue Ozymandias riding in on his airship and blowing the gate to kingdom come with its Wave-Motion Gun.
  • Cursed Arm and Serenity set up an ambush for Tristan. What ensues is a short but fantastic fight as the Hassans use everything they have to bring the twisted knight down. First Serenity fills the air around them with poison before going for a fatal strike...only for Tristan to effortlessly drive her back, revealing that his Gift of Reversal took his conceptual weakness to poison and turned it into an immunity. Then Cursed Arm unleashes his version of the infamous Zabaniya Noble Phantasm, which Tristan blocks — but that was exactly what Cursed Arm was planning on, as he had released the curse sealing the Shaytaan's arm. The demon's malevolent energy then engulfed Tristan, ending the fight.
  • The fight between Lancelot and Agravain gets more screen time in the film than it did in the video game, and holy hell did it ever expand. Lancelot deals with Agravain's entire entourage of Enforcement Knights with a single thrown halberd, with enough force to not only pin them all to the wall, but shatter the surrounding balcony structure, covering Agravain with flying rubble. Their battle ends up pitting Agravain's sorcery and command of the Enforcement Knights against Lancelot, who was forced to rely solely on the skill of his blade. It's a surreal encounter that must be seen to be believed.
  • Gawain's final duel with Bedivere was also expanded from the game. And you know you're in for one hell of a fight when it starts with one party running through multiple stone walls without even FLINCHING to attack the other party. Throughout the entire fight it's made abundantly clear that Gawain is by far the stronger of the two combatants, and so Bedivere has to rely on tactics in order to keep pace. And yet, no matter what Bedivere tries, he finds that Gawain simply will not. Stay. DOWN. Additionally, the fight continues to break down in scale to the point where the two men are reduced to throwing punches at each other rather than sword strikes. Finally, Bedivere brings the fight to an end by hiding his arms with his cape, with one hand holding Arash's knife, and driving that knife deep into the center of Gawain's chest. Much like the fight between Lancelot and Agravain, this is an experience for the eyes.
  • The final confrontation with the Lion King. She ultimately decides that she means business, as she immediately uses Rhongomyniad upon Fujimaru and Mash. However, Mash uses her true Noble Phantasm, Lord Camelot, for the first time, and manages to tank it. Prior to this, every time Rhongomyniad was used, someone had to perform a Heroic Sacrifice to stop it. Mash completely blocks it.
  • At the very end, Bedivere shows up before the Lion King and takes her on by himself, using the sacred sword Excalibur. Bedivere, as it turns out, was human all along, kept alive by the magic of Excalibur, disguised as his artificial arm. He lifts the transformation, which temporarily gives him an arm of solid gold, and uses the sword to cut through everything Rhongomyniad throws at him. He makes his way all the way up to his king, even taking the spear to the chest in the process. All to return the sword to her and bring back her lost humanity, and atone for his mistake 1500 years ago.
