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Alternative Character Interpretation / Smallville

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Alternative Character Interpretation In this series.
  • Jonathan Kent's ghostly appearances in Series 10. Did he really return from the grave to impart advice? Or was he merely an avatar of Jor-El, who recognized that his own tense relationship with his son might prevent him from adhering to his advice, thus choosing A Form You Are Comfortable With as "Jonathan" is the only person he knows Clark will listen to?
  • The Luthors: Are they cultured badasses and misunderstood woobies, or are they utter bastards whose cultured exteriors are just a thin veneer hiding the complete seediness underneath?
  • Lex: Misunderstood woobie or selfish prick who's way too eager to blame others for his problems? Was his descent into evil the result of a Well-Intentioned Extremist Jumping Off the Slippery Slope or a result of Sanity Slippage?
  • Is Oliver the true star of the show, or is he just a misguided Anti-Hero? You decide!
  • Is Chloe's transformation into a Big Brother-like figure to "protect" Metropolis in Season 9 the result of post-traumatic stress in reaction to Jimmy's death?
  • Happens In-Universe with the Native American Kryptonian prophecy, via Lex. Anyone with the immense powers prophesied would surely be corrupted by it, and his so-called archenemy would require immense courage to face someone with such power, so who's the real hero here?
  • Which party was truly responsible for Clark and Lex's friendship falling apart?
  • Was Lex's paranoia, jealousy of Clark and obsession with the strange what doomed his and Clark's friendship? Or where his extreme actions understandable, maybe even justified reactions to the weirdness that Smallville attracts?
  • How justified was Clark in keeping his secret from Lex? There are a few times where Clark's insitence on keeping his friend in the dark could be questionable at best like when he left Lex in a mental hospital he shouldn't have been in just because Lex had discovered his secret. Later seasons clearly show the value of Clark having allies that are aware of his powers.
  • In "Unsafe", does Alicia understand the G-Rated Drug nature of Red Kryptonite, or is she being honest when she claims to think that it's something that makes you act on your heart's desires? Given how she only found out about Red Kryptonite through unspecified second-hand means, it's possible that she didn't understand what she was doing to Clark.
