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Live Blogs Let's Attempt to Watch: Yummy Gummy: Search for Santa
SnickerdoodleHamster2012-12-18 09:40:23

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Part Five: Gummy Bear is Coming to Town

Several things happened when we last off Gummy and his friends. Gummy managed to do rescue Santa in the matter of ten minutes. Keep in mind, most of this was a pointless dance-off that served no purpose other than to be Filler. At least after this installment, this movie will be over.

Allen apologizes for stealing Santa Claus. Apparently, all he wanted was to spread Christmas joy to his planet.

Santa Claus: Allen, why don't you use that wand of yours and be Santa! I'll even give you some tips!

Of course, being that they are late for Christmas, Allen is kind enough to teleport them to his spaceship! Time for another Travel Montage, this time actually being accurate! Woo-hoo?

The elves are quite delighted that Santa is being brought back, as well as his reindeer being brought on Gummy's private jet of Conspicuous Consumption. Allen then proceeds to say goodbye, with everyone being sure that Allen is actually doing good deeds this time. Though I keep wanting to say that Gummy kind of misses Allen at this time. After the reindeer come out, Santa then proceeds to leave. Gummy and his pals miss him, but one of the elves gives Gummy a candy cane as a thank you gift. Gummy and his pals then say goodbye to the elves. Vam Piro and Harry high five, but the background doesn't change during the close-up of their hands. It's now official, the animators don't care how good this movie is. Not like this was a good idea in the first place. I am still thinking about who went into the office at Lionsgate one day and said "Hey, do you know what would be a great idea? We could make a boatload of cash making a Made-for-TV Christmas Special based on a thirty-second long video about a singing gummy bear!" The last thing I would say to that is "That's a great idea! Who wouldn't want to watch a movie like that! Kids will watch anything, no matter how stupid it really is. Now here's a copy of this cheap animation software and this copy of iMovie! Now get working!"

Cue YET ANOTHER Travel Montage, this time set to an all new song which the trailer calls "Lucky Star". No, not that Lucky Star. Gummy then passes by Big Ben, which is located near the Eiffel Tower and the Taj Mahal. Why are the animators ignoring common knowledge right here? It's Geography 101, people! We then pass by some kid, who is delighted at his Gummy Bear plushie. Remember to ask your parents for one, kids! Also, THAT SPIKED HAIR! Kala then talks to Gummy about something, but I can not hear then over the music, darn it! Ducking exists for a reason, you know! Vam Piro then takes out mistletoe that he brought, and Kala kisses him.

Once Gummy and his friends return home, with Gummy being the most energized one out of excitement for toys. Santa had left a letter on their door, and Kala reads it as Gummy bounces in joy. Gummy, however, is disappointed when he bursts the door open to find not a single present. Once Kala finishes the letter, she mentions that Santa gave them the gift of respect and admiration, much to Gummy's disappointment. In fact, Gummy even lets out a Big "NO!" in anger! Gummy himself is then taught by Harry the True Meaning of Christmas, which is the joy of giving. This could be a heartwarming moment, but of course it had to end in Gummy finding presents before Harry's monologue is finished. Just as I thought they could make the ending good.

Gummy: Merry Gummy Christmas everybody!

Merry Christmas to you too, Gummy. I think...

Meanwhile, Allen is shown being nice and spreading Christmas across the galaxy. Cue the credits. You know what, screw the credits! I'm done with this awful movie!

Really though, should a viral YouTube dance song sensation be turned into a 50-minute Christmas Special? In this instance, no. Even with Gummibar presenting new holiday-themed songs with disco beats backing him up, there isn't much to work with. The story somehow manages to drag, even at its short length. The characters (a ragtag bunch of snarky misfits) are cliched and the writing tries too hard to be witty.

The irritating music mixed with some strange cases of Getting Crap Past the Radar used as weak humor (Santa bending over to expose his butt crack; sarcastic reindeer drinking beer and making fat jokes) should be a really good reason enough to avoid this. Viral YouTube videos do not always translate well into longer features, and this is a case in point.

Thanks for reading and enduring this movie with me! Tune in next time, when we liveblog Pooh's Adventures of Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom. Yes, they made a Pooh's Adventures of a Tabletop Game. Mind blowing, isn't it?

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