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Western Animation / Lazoo

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A 2017 toon on CBC Kids based on an educational app from 2014

  • All There in the Script: the names of the three blue jay moms in "Blue Egg" are not spoken in episode but are revealed in the end credits. To ascertain which is which a viewer with a good ear has to match up voices with two of the actresses' other roles. Judy is voiced by Amelia Wasserman who did Becca the Chicken (and Bev, a human in earlier episodes) while Jackie is voiced by Nicole Bauman, who voices Robin later in the episode. June is determined by process of elimination as Elisa Le Grow had no other role in the episode.
  • Bag of Holding: Zarg's chest.
  • Bunnies for Cuteness: Miku
  • Canine Companion: Ori
  • Catchphrase: "Let's make and do!" (also used in opening song)
  • Changing the Majority the new TV depicts Zuzi with dark skin and brown hair. In the app that inspored it, she has light skin and orange hair. Her previous appearance is still visible in the thumbnail used in TV guides.
  • Cool Helmet: Zuzi's signature piece.
  • Counting Sheep: Zuzi does this with sheep she makes in Cock a Doodle Sneeze.
  • Egg Sitting: Zarg does this for Becca in Blue Egg
  • Giant Food: the recurring "Sandwich Mountains" are actual giant sandwiches
  • Girlish Pigtails: Zuzi
  • Good Old Robot:Zargatron
  • If My Calculations Are Correct: Zarg regularly speaks like this.
  • Lions and Tigers and Humans... Oh, My!: bonus points for Hoshi being an actual lion.
  • Meaningful Name: a cloud named Gus who blows gusts of wind, a sun named Sunny, Captain Moustache has a mustache, a mop named Floppy is not rigid, Hoppity the frog, Robin is a robin, Brownbell a brown egg, Bluebell a blue egg
  • One-Word Title
  • Parental Abandonment: Bluebell in Blue Egg
  • Portmanteau: "nesticopter" for a helicopter that lifts a nest in Blue Egg.
  • Pun: Hoshi "I bet we can find eggs we've never even dreamed of... at the zoo!" Zuzi "EGGS-actly!" .. "Citizens of the zoo, we have found an egg. We need your EGGS-pertise to figure out what kind of egg it is"
  • Reality Warper: Zuzi can bring to life the things she paints in midair. Like sheep.
  • Team Title: Lazoo is about the Lazoo Crew operating out of Lazooville.
  • The Face of the Sun: "Sunny" is a recurring character. In Cock-a-doodle Sneeze they even wake her up prematurely so as to begin the day earlier. She lying on the ground.
  • Theme Naming: the two anthros on the Lazoo Crew have Japanese names. Miku the rabbit girl and Hoshi the lion boy. Zuzi and Zarg have Zs like the show. All 3 Bluejay moms have names starting with J.
  • Theme Tune: same from opening plays at end without lyrics
  • Title Sequence: shows each character grabbing a letter to spell LAZOO
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Ori can do this to change into useful things.
  • Weird Sun: Sunny is occasionally seen wearing sunglasses.
  • White Bunny: Miku
