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Self Demonstrating / Waspinator

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(Wazzzpinator say read like Scott McNeil, or Tom Kenny!)
Wazzzpinator rules!

(CR chambers opens, revealing Waspinator)

Ohhh. Wazzpinator just get out of CR chamber. Wazzpinator keep getting squished! Why univerzzze hate Wazzpinator?

Uh? Who are you?

You fanzzzz of Wazzpinator?

Horray! Wazzzpinator hazzz fanzzzz! Wazzzpinator feel so happy!

Wazzpinator tell you story of Wazzzpinator. Wazzpzinator was made for toyline and cartoon about robotzzzz who turn into animalzzz! Wazzzpinator wazzz described as great warrior who all feared. Then Wazzzpinator get turned into punching bag! Ohhhh. Wazzpinator spendzzz most of time getting blown up or scrapped by Maximalzzz, which izzz why Wazzzpinator spend too much time in CR chamber. Wazzzpinator tell Megatron thizzz, but Megatron no listenzzzz! Ohhh. So Wazzzpinator glad Wazzzpinator so loved by fanzzz!

Waspinator! Get your groveling skid plate out here! The Maximals are attacking the base! Do not disobey my orders, you got that?! Yessssss.

Wazzpinator not going to like thizzzz. So read Wazzzpinator'zzz tropes until Wazzzpinator gets back. Probably in piecezzzz. Why Wazzpinator can't be in crozzover with Autobotz and Decepticonz meeting colorful poniez?

  • Adaptational Badass: In that ozzer cartoon, Wazzzpinator wazzz not a puzzhover and wazzz genuinely menazzzing, being big, strong, and scary, and shooting lightningzzz! But Wazzzpinator here still suffered a lot! At leazzzt it wazzz actually portrayed as tragedy there.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Wazzpinator'zzz toy, said Wazzpinator great sharpzzzhot and feared by Maximalzzzz, especially when Wazzzpinator get Transmetal form! But what do cartoon do? Make Wazzzpinator chew toy!
  • Adapted Out: They leave Wazzzpinator out of Beast Wars: Transformers video game? Why developerzzz hate Wazzpinator?
  • Affably Evil: Wazzzpinator act like red mercenary sometimes by Breaking the Fourth Wall!
  • Amoral Attorney: When Megatron put Two-Head on trial for betrayal, Wazzpinator wazz Two-Head's lawyer. Wazzpinator point out that Two-Head probably going to be scrapped for working with male spider-bot to double-cross Megatron, and concluded by saying Wazzpinator down with that. Megatron even praizze Wazzpinator for eloquent defense!
  • Amusing Injuries: Wazzzzzzpinator always gets hurt! Wazzzpinator get blown to scrap every five secondzzzzz! Why univerzzzze hate Wazzzzpinator?
  • Badass Decay: Wazzpinator wazzzn't alwayzzz univerzze's punching bag. Early episodezz showed Wazzpinator cauzzing grief for Maximalzzz, ezzpecially when working with Dactyl-bot to double team Optimuzz! Maximalzzz only had one flyer on team, Predaconzzz had two! Zzzadly, good timezzz didn't lazzt, and, know what came after that.
  • Being Evil Sucks: Wazzzpinator wazzz fine with being Predacon, until Wazzzpinator kept getting blown up. So Wazzzpinator quit!
  • Berserk Button: Bird-bot try to out-fly Wazzzzpinator! Wazzzzpinator wazzzz not happy! But you know how it goes for Wazzzpinator...
  • Blowing a Raspberry: Wazzzpinator not above doing thizzzz. Cat bot dezzzerved it!
  • Breakout Character: Fanzzzz love Wazzzpinator! Wazzzpinator survive Beast Warzzzz! Wazzzpinator got to be in Hall of Fame! Wazzpzinator even get more tv apperancezzz! Wazzzpinator...RULES!
  • Butt-Monkey: No matter what Wazzzzpinator do, Wazzzpinator alwayzzzz gets blown up! Ohhhhh. Megatron treatzzzz it like businezzzz as usual!
  • Can't Catch Up: Everyone getzzzz Transmetal upgradezzzzz, but doezzzz Wazzzpinator? Nooooooo. Wazzzpinator left out in cold, so Wazzzpinator get blown up every minute! Ohhhhh.
  • Characterization Marches On: Wazzzpinator uzzzed to be fairly competent and deadly. Then Wazzzpinator's luck ran out. Ohhhhh.
  • The Chew Toy: Ohhhhh. Wazzzpinator get blown up too much. Ezzzpecially when Transmetalzzz come along.
  • Cosmic Plaything: The unviverzzze just hatezzzz Wazzzpinator.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Wazzzpinator izzzn't sharpezzzt tool in shed, but Wazzzpinator can happily hit targetzzz with eazzze!
  • Cuddle Bug: Wazzzpinator uzzze spider-bot as stuffed animal. Wazzzpinator felt happy.
  • Defector from Decadence: Wazzzzzpinator sick of being evil! Sick of being Predacon! And Wazzzzzpinator especially sick of getting blown to scrap all the time! So, Wazzzzzpinator QUIT!
  • Demonic Possession: Stupid Decepticon spark do thizzz to Wazzzpinator. If Wazzzpinator ever getzzz hizzzz handzzz on him—ohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoh! If he ever gets his hands on who? Don't think I can't take you over again' you incompetent wretch!
  • Determinator: You can do what you like to Wazzzpinator, but Wazzzpinator won't stop until every Maximal izzzz destroyed! Heheheheheheheheheheheheh!
  • The Ditz: Wazzzpinator not stupid! Wazzzpinator juzzzt keep head down, that all.
  • Driven to Villainy: Wazzzpinator from that ozzzer cartoon was good bot! But Bumblebot said Wazzzp was a Decepticon spy! Put him in stockade! Made him mad! Wazzzp wanted revenge! Autobots wanted to put Wazzzp back into stockade even though Wazzzp wazzz innocent! Wazzzp ran to spider lady! Spider lady acted like friend! Made Wazzzp Wazzzpinator! It hurt! Then Spider lady said she wazzz uzzzing Wazzzpinator! So izzz it any surprizzze why Wazzzpinator went bad here? You can blame Shockwave for creating the mezzz in the firzzzt place.
  • Eye Beams: Wait. Wazzzpinator hazzz thezzze? Ohhhh. Why did Wazzzpinator forget?
  • The Fatalist: Wazzzpinator will alwayzzz suffer. So Wazzzpinator juzzzt accept it.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: In that ozzer cartoon, Wazzzp wazzz a good bot! Everyone elzzze hurt him! Frame him up for being a traitor! But then Bumble-bot and Bulk-bot said that Wazzzp wazzz alwayzzz mean to them, and that even if Wazzzp not traitor, Wazzzp wazzz never a good bot! NEVER A GOOD BOT?! WAZZZPINATOR SHOW THEM!!! WILL HAVE REVENGE!!! But show ended before ozzer Wazzzpinator could carry it out.
  • Friendly Sniper: Just because Wazzzpinator get blown up, doezzzn't mean Wazzzpinator can't hit botzzz!
  • Glass Cannon: Wazzzpinator can fly fazzzt and shoot straight. But Maximalzzzz hurt Wazzzpinator before Wazzpinator can hurt them. Ohhhh.
  • Grand Theft Me: Decepticon spark steal Wazzzpinator'zzz body! Wazzzpinator had bad headache. Ohhhhh.
  • Groin Attack: Rat-bot hit Wazzzpinator in groin! But Wazzzpinator no have groin. How odd. Writerzzz have no senzzze of robotzzzz.
  • Happy Ending Override: Wazzpinator wazzz happy azzz god. Then writerzzz take Wazzzpinator'zz happinezzz away. Wazzzpinator have word with executivezzz who made thizzz happen!
  • Harmless Villain: Wazzzzpinator not harmless! Wazzzpiantor, rules! (Squish!) Okay, Wazzzpinator hurt now...ohhhhhh.
  • Hulk Speak: Wazzzpinator talkzz in the third perzzzon.
  • The Igor: Wazzzpinator play role when Megatron make Dinobot II! Wazzzpinator lovezzz to role-play!
  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: Fanzzz love Wazzzpinator. But only becauzzzze Wazzpinator get blown up. Every time.
  • Iron Butt Monkey: Wazzzpinator alwazzz get blown up, but it become too common for Wazzpzinator to worry about. Rat-bot even start collecting random scrap partzz of Wazzpinator from every time he blown up. Partzz get regenerated in CR chamber, but Wazzpinator still annoyed that he the only one whose partzz Rat-bot collect.
  • Jerk Jock: That ozzzer Wazzzpinator (back when he wazzz called Wazzzp) wazzz mean and liked to bully Bumblebot. With Iron-bot, Wazzzp even dizzzzmantled his legzzz! But Wazzzp wazzz still a good bot! Yet Bumblebot still blamed Wazzzp for being a Decepticon spy! Wazzzp spent many cyclezzz in stockade! Became mad! Will have revenge on Bumblebot for ruining Wazzzp's life!
  • Losing Your Head: Wazzzpinator alwayzzz lozzze head. Sometimezzz thatzzz all thatzzz left.
  • Lyrical Dissonance: Fans gave Wazzpinator a spot in the Transformerzzz Hall of Fame! They play The Touch and everything! But what Wazzpinator'zzz entry video get? Wazzzpinator getting blown up! Ohhhh.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: Predaconzzz no rezzpect Wazzpinator. So Wazzpinator quit!
  • The Nicknamer: Everyone get nickname from Wazzzpinator. It much eazzier to remember. Except Megatron and Optimus.
  • Oh, Crap!: Wazzzpinator alwayzzz doezzz thizzz when trouble happenzzz. But what can Wazzzpinator do? Wazzzpinator alwayzzz getzzz blown up. Not that Wazzpzinator likezzz it.
  • Only Sane Man: Scorpion-bot kizzz-up, Spider-botzzz crazy traitorzzz, flying Dino-bot traitor, Dinobot bigger traitor, snake/scorpion-bot mean, crab-bot mad, and ant-bot even madder! That why Wazzzpinator hazzz actual senzzze.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Wazzpinator stopped talking in third perzzzon when Wazzpinator decide to quite Predacons.
  • Overly-Long Tongue: Wazzzpinator hazzz very long tongue.
  • Pulling Themselves Together: Ant bot get blown up, Wazzzpinator must salvage. Wazzzpinator get blown up, nobody salvage! So Wazzzpinator hazzz to pull himzzzelf together. Ohhhh. Why univerzzze hate Wazzzpinator.
  • Red Herring Mole: In that ozzzer cartoon, Wazzzp wazz NOT Decepticon spy! It wazzz Longarm-bot! But Bumblebot still blamed Wazzzp! Locked him in stockade! While Longarm-bot became a head of Autobot Intelligence! Why doezzz every univerzze hate Wazzzpinator?!
  • Rejected Apology: Wazzzp from that ozzzer cartoon "forgave" Bumblebot...but WAZZZPINATOR NEVER FORGIVE!!!
  • Revenge Before Reason: Wazzzp from that ozzzer cartoon will NEVER forgive Bumblebot! Be it as Wazzzp or Wazzzpinator, Wazzzp WILL have revenge on Bumblebot, NO MATTER WHAT!!!
  • Running Gag: No matter what Wazzzpinator doezzz, Wazzzpinator will alwayzzz get destroyed. Ohhhhhh.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Wazzpinator quit Predacons! Wazzpinator wazz tired of being blown to scrap! They could kizzz Wazzpinator's big, shiny—(Gets Blown to Scrap)
  • Sitcom Archnemesis: Cat-bot and doggie-bot are Wazzpinator's worzzzt enemies. Wazzpinator at least beat them.
  • So Last Season: Wazzzpinator uzzzed to be deadly air warrior. But then Maximalzzzz get upgradezzzz and Wazzpinator get squished. Ohhhhh.
  • The So-Called Coward: Wazzpinator may get blown up, but Wazzzpinator still fight, even if Wazzpinator in piecezzz!
  • The Starscream: Wazzzpinator not above helping Wazzzpinator. Wazzpinator wantzzz power. Yezzzzzz Hehehehehehehe—ohohohohohohohoohoh! And rightfully so! After all, who else would dare to accomplish such brilliant schemes as I, the trope namer himself? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH--! Ohhhhh. Wazzpinator hazzz splitting headache!
  • Stuff Blowing Up: Ohhhhhh. Thizzzz alwayzzzz happpenzzzz to Wazzzpinator. What Wazzzpinator been doing with life?
  • Shout-Out: Rhino-bot hurt Wazzzpinator once, so Wazzpinator thought he was Shrapnel! Wazzzpinator! Well, Wazzzpinator thinkzzz he better bug-bot!
  • Take This Job and Shove It: Wazzpinator get sick of being blown to scrap! So Wazzpinator quit!
  • Tempting Fate:
    Waspinator: Waspinator having good day! Not get shot once! (Is immediately shot)
  • They Killed Kenny Again: Wazzzpinator no die! Wazzzzpinator...just get blown up...ohhhhh. All the time...
  • Third-Person Person: Wazzzpinator alwayzzzz do thizzz. If Wazzzpinator doesn't do thizzz, there'zzzz problemzzz!
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Wazzzpinator getzzz blown up so much, Wazzpinator just takezzz it azzzz izzzz.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone:
    • Doggie-bot got beat by Wazzzpinator. Thrice! Wazzzpinator, rulezzzzzz! Then, Wazzzpinator get to be happy at last.
    • Even after all the slag Wazzpinator goes through, Wazzpinator the last Predacon still functioning at end of main Beast Wars continuity! All other Predacons can kiss Wazzpinator's big, fat, stripy...
  • Took a Level in Badass:
    • In Beazzt Warz continuity, bezzidezz all other indignitiezz Wazzpinator goezz through, The Starscream uzzed Wazzpinator's body way better than he did. Maximals notice how much better Wazzpinator fly and fight while controlled by Starscream's ghozzt.
    • In Animated continuity, Wazzp become a lot crazzier and more dangerouzz after being turned into Wazzpinator. That guy wazz even more wrecked mentally than Beast Warz Wazzpinator is physically, and that zzaying zzomething!
  • Villainous Virtues: Univerzzzze may hate Wazzpinator, but Wazzpinator no stop! Wazzpinator destroy Maximalzzz!
  • Villain Decay: Wazzpinator suffer thiz badly after pilot epizodez.
  • Villainous Friendship: Terrorzaur is only Predacon to drag Waspinator back to base for repairs, and is the only being in the universe to treat Wazpinator with a modicum of respect.
  • Vocal Evolution: Wazzzpinator no make buzzing sound! Then Wazzzpinator get buzzier! Ohhhh. Wazzpinator well-renowned for thizzzz.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: Wazzpinator lozze worship. Then Wazzpinator becomezzz slave to Megatron. Wazzzpinator wazzz fine with thizzz. Then Wazzzpinator lozze it again! Ohhhh. Thizzz why Wazzpinator's voice no like that show. At least Wazzzpinator thinkzzz.

(Waspinator returns, in pieces)

Wazzzpinator losezzz. Again. Ahhh. Wazzzpinator go back to CR Chamber to get repairs. Again. Ohhh. Univerzzze really hatezzz Waspinator today.


Video Example(s):


"Waspinator Happy At Last"

In the final scene of "Beast Wars", Waspinator, who had suffered no end of abuse for the entire series, finally finds eternal happiness. This is if you disregard the sequel series.

How well does it match the trope?

4.79 (19 votes)

Example of:

Main / ThrowTheDogABone

Media sources:
