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CG's dedicated sandbox for Trope Pantheon projects. Please ask before editing.

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    F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald 
F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, Dual Gods of The Roaring '20s (Scott: Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, Great American Dreamer | Zelda: Zelda Sayre, the First American Flapper | Both: Enfants Terribles of the Jazz Age)


    Julius Caeser 
Gaius Julius Caesar, God of Politically-Motivated Conflicts (CAIVS IVLIVS CAESAR, Son of Venus, Proconsul, Imperator of the Gallic Legions, Dictator for Life, The Divine Julius, Saber, Fat Roma, Rider, Father of Understanding, The Uncrowned Emperor, First of the Empire, Last of the Republicans)
Caesar, as a young man (left); in his later years (right)
When summoned as a Saber Servant 
  • Intermediate God
  • Symbols: A bloodstained laurel crown and the Aquila (Eagle Standard) of the 13th Legion
  • Theme Songs: The Battle Has Begun from Rome, Caesar Tested from Spartacus: War of the Damned, Magna Mater (Ancient, Medieval, Industrial, and Atomic versions)
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good if you ask his troops or the lowborn, Chaotic Evil if you ask the Roman nobility and Xena, True Neutral as Saber
  • Portfolio: A Father To Both His Soldiers And The Poor, The Ace, Affably Evil, Ambition Is Evil, Evil Roman Patrician, Asskicking Leads to Leadership, Big Bad (to his enemies), Big Good (to his troops and the poor), Bread and Circuses, Deadpan Snarker, Et Tu, Brute?, Son Of Venus, Frontline General, Glory Seeker, Military Maverick, War For Profit And Personal Glory, Went From Being A Noble With Nothing To Dictator
  • Domains: Roman Aristocracy, Roman Military, The Roman People, War, Dictators
  • Heralds: Mark Antony, Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo
  • Followers: The Legio XIII Gemina (the 13th Legion), Caesar's Legion (unofficially)
  • Not To Be Confused With: the other Caesar and Caesar Zapelli
  • Allies: Alexander the Great, Leonidas (his heroes), Aphrodite (the Greek version of Venus), Aegon I Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen, Rhaenys Targaryen, Nobunaga Oda, Captain Titus, Maximus Meridius Decimus, William Shakespeare, Dante Aligheri
  • Special relationship with: His lover, Cleopatra VII
  • Opposed By: A majority of the French deities in the Pantheon, with Jeanne D'Arc and Asterix leading the charge
  • Mentor To: Annabeth Chase, Ashe, Jon Snow (supposedly?)
  • Worthy Opponents: Tywin Lannister, King Arthur Pendragon, Xena, Asterix, Obelix, Vitalstatix
  • Admired By: Steven Armstrong, Sundowner, Gunny Sergeant Hartman
  • Enemies: The House of Betrayal, any and all Pirate Deities, General Shepherd, Vandal Savage, Ezio Auditore da Firenze
  • Pities: Caligula, Cersei Lannister, Joshua Graham
  • Not To Be Confused With: Vandal Savage (who claims to have been Caesar)
  • Politician. Orator. Soldier. Writer. General. And Casanova. Gaius Julius Caesar has been all of the above. It was said that after being stabbed to death by a gang of Roman senators, that Caesar has ascended to join the gods. Now, that is a reality, and he brings with him his fighting force, the 13th legion.
  • The reason behind his assassination is that the Senators believed that Caesar planned on making himself King. Rome had been a republic for four centuries after running out the last Etruscan king, who had raped the wife of a Roman noble, which led to an unspoken rule in which any noble who tried to make himself King can be killed without trial, hence Caesar's assassination on the Ides of March.
  • Caesar himself has left a lasting legacy following his reign. The month July is named after him. Also, the royal titles of Kaiser and Czar were named after him. Not bad at all.
  • Caesar saw himself as another Alexander the Great, although he once lamented that his exploits and feats were no match for the Macedonian deity. Of course, Caesar received a visit from Alexander himself, who was impressed with his fortitude and exploits. The meeting had left Caesar in awe.
  • The 13th Legion is Caesar's military force...and his pride and joy. Mark Antony once said, "Soldiers like a little spit and dirt in their leaders," and Caesar himself is no exception. As Caesar himself shared in the hardships of the 13th, from the hard marches, to digging latrines, to even sharing the same crappy meal, which consisted of a handful of grain and a cup of sour wine, he has their eternal devotion and loyalty. It's also the reason why his temple is one giant camp. That, and he can be seen in the thick of battle, fighting alongside his men, identified by his signature crimson cape. If you see Caesar charging towards you with his cape fluttering in the wind, sword in hand, and a horde of screaming Roman legionnaires charging behind him, you run. It's one of the reasons why Captain Titus gets along so well with Caesar. "Treat your men right, and there will be nothing that they won't do for you," Titus says. Caesar shares that sentiment wholeheartedly.
  • Upon reading a copy of Caesar's Commentarii de Bello Gallico (Commentary on the Gallic Wars), Tywin Lannister is intrigued with the idea of meeting Caesar. Turns out that the deified Roman is a man the Lannister patriarch can relate to, save for the backstabbing and insane children. The two men trade war stories and hit it off surprisingly well, despite Caesar voicing his opposition in regards to Tywin orchestrating the Red Wedding and having a madman such as Gregor Cleagne on his payroll. If these two men ever joined forces...
    • If Tywin Lannister is known for The Rains of Castamere and reminding his enemies that "Lannisters pay their debts," then Caesar pretty much wrote the book on vendetta. When he was younger, Caesar was kidnapped by pirates and held for ransom. Caesar promised that he would return with an army and crucify them all. The pirates thought that Caesar was joking. He wasn't.
    • Some of the Pirate deities have opposed him due to this act. In Caesar's defense, he show mercy by slitting their throats after the deed was done.
  • Asterix is the one blemish on his war record, as he was unable to properly conquer his small village. Asterix does not hesitate to remind Caesar of that specific detail, which really sets Caesar off. "I should have done to you what I had done to Vercingetorix," Caesar replied, in reference to the Gaul chieftain. That remark, in kind, pisses Asterix off.
  • Speaking of the Westerosi deities, the Northern Deities, Melisandre and Stannis Baratheon all did a double take, as they thought that the Wilding chief Mance Rayder had ascended to the Pantheon, due to the resemblance of Caesar's main avatar. Caesar is considering making Jon Snow his apprentice in all things war following his ascension as King of the North. However, he does keep a wary eye on Catelyn Stark, as her brother is a dead ringer for Marcus Brutus.
  • Dislikes General Shepherd with a passion. While he admits that he went to war for personal gain, he at least didn't go to war and personally killed of his own men while doing so.
  • Caesar, surprisingly has a soft spot for Athena's (Minerva) daughter, Annabeth Chase. He knows potential when he sees it and has offered her the chance to study under him in battle tactics. Annabeth is seriously considering the offer.
  • Rumor has it that he was responsible for discovering the gemstones that would become the legendary Ancient Beasts. Johan Anderson is seeking a meeting with Caesar to confirm those rumors.
  • While most Romans look down on women warriors, Caesar is anything but. One of his avatars is quite familiar with Xena. For her part, Xena and her sidekick Gabrielle were not amused to hear that her former lover-turned-nemesis has joined the Pantheon. Safe to say that Xena is sore about the whole crucifixion bit that she underwent on Caesar's orders.
    • Which makes it funny as some of the deified members of the U.S.S. Enterprise thought that Caesar was Bones McCoy playing Roman soldier. That, and the members of the House of Justice thought that he was reborn as Judge Dredd.
    • Even more funny as some believe that Caesar was at one time James Bond. (Bond himself recognizes one of Caesar's avatars that took on Asterix as General Ourumov)
    • Another of Caesar's avatars caught the attention of Rick Blaine, as Caesar reminded him of the crooked Vichy official, Louis Renault.
  • If you thought Robert Baratheon had let himself go after winning the Iron Throne, Caesar's Nasuverse version puts the Fat King to shame. Seriously, Caesar is ashamed to see himself in such a state, as he is known for keeping in shape, even in his old age. On the other hand, in there he's known as one of the Sabers that is very helpful while not having a Sword Beam.
  • While his older self has no problem in snagging women, his younger self is quite the heartthrob with the Pantheon's lovely ladies. Maybe it's because he's descended from Venus, which makes him desirable to women (and some men). Red Sonja has caught his eye. He is seriously considering taking her up on her challenge to bed her once she is defeated.
  • Would you believe that he is a fan of both Dante Aligheri and William Shakespeare? Well, he is. Due to Dante placing him in Limbo with some of the more 'righteous pagans' in his works, and he respects his fellow Italian deity. Dante earned even more brownie points with Caesar by showing him the ultimate fate of Crassus and Brutus, the chief conspirators behind his assassination: right smack in the bottom of Hell, in the maws of Lucifer himself. Who's Laughing Now? indeed. As for Shakespeare, Caesar has a penchant for the dramatic, but while he was disturbed at seeing his own death being reenacted, Caesar has become a fan of the deified Bard's work.
  • Vandal Savage has called Caesar a 'false imposter,' as he claimed that he was Caesar during the time of the Roman Republic. Caesar calls bullshit on that claim.
  • He isn't just a military genius, he's also a brilliant rapper as he faced against the warlord Shaka Zulu. He does admire his "buffalo horns" formation but still believes that his is inferior compare to his troops.
  • Si autem praevaricator legis sis oportet, id facere potest capere in ceteris observare. (If you must break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases observe it.)
