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Quotes / The Power of Hate

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    Anime & Manga 
"Let me ask you one thing...Ryoka boy. What are you fighting me for? Do you hate me? You shouldn't. The fact that you're here means that Orihime Inoue is safe. Judging from how you look, none of your friends are dead. If all that is true...can you really hate me from the bottom of your heart? It's impossible. You're not filled with hatred right now. You're only swinging your sword out of a sense of duty. You won't touch me like that. A fighting spirit that lacks hate is like an eagle without wings. You can't protect anything like that."
Sosuke Aizen, Bleach

I hate it...I really hate this world. I hate this country that carves into your soul your position in society the moment you're born.
William James Moriarty, Moriarty the Patriot

"As long as hatred exists, I shall remain impervious to attack."

Unico: (after being forced to attack Kuruku) I should have know, I've never had a chance against him.
Lord Kuruku: What are you talking about? This is more than a scratch.
Unico: But I had no idea I hardly touched you. I'm sorry.
Lord Kuruku: (yells) Why are you saying that you're sorry!? Why!?
Unico: Because I feel sorry for you.
Lord Kuruku: You feel... what do you mean you feel sorry for me?
Unico: I'm sorry that you're full of... so much hate. You think that all people are your enemies but that's only because you've never had a friend.
— Unico's final confrontation with Kuruku (as he's dying), in Unico in the Island of Magic

Show: "What have your hands grasped with such hatred!?"
Bern: "Power, and cunning! With it I shall be victorious!"

    Comic Books 
D'Spayre: Impossible! How are you even moving?! There's nothing left! Nothing but-
Juggernaut: Nothing but HATE.

Do you hate? The most powerful hate is not born out of ignorance or prejudice or a perceived threat. Those three are fear in disguise. The fury that fuels my corps ignites from personal pain. Those whose lives were ravaged by greed, lust and control wield the crimson light. The rings replaced our damaged hearts. They beat for them. And they keep us alive only to hate. But at least we live.
Atrocitus, Green Lantern

With blood and rage of crimson red
Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead
Together with our hellish hate
We'll burn you all - that is your fate!
— The Red Lanterns' Oath, Green Lantern

You just got lucky, that's all. I could've beat you. I almost did. Next time, I'll... Oh, sure. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking there won't be a next time. You're wrong, Daredevil. Dead wrong. Prison couldn't stop me, and neither can this prison you've made out of my body... My spine is shattered. I can't feel my arms or legs. I can't even talk. But, man, can I hate. I hate you more than ever. And that'll be enough. No matter how many months and years it takes, I'm gonna put myself back together. And then I'll come for you again. Just wait...
Bullseye, Daredevil Vol. 1, #181

Y'know, funny thing. I went looking for you a few months ago, Dex. Know why? Because I decided I was going to find and kill you in your sleep. For all you did. Because you're a sick, degenerate, sadistic son of a bitch that undoubtedly deserves it. And want to know what I found out during that? I learned about your tragic little origin. I know all about your careless drunk of a dad and prostitute of a mommy, and I know that must be the reason you're so hellbent on ruining my life. Why you murdered Elektra all those years ago, why you murdered Karen. You want me to kill you! Because you hate yourself as much you hate me, and I hate you. And by God, I want to. Believe me, Dex, I really do. But I won't! Because you are not worth the deluge of guilt that would come from that, or maybe the homicidal relief that could drive me to keep doing it. I won't be sucked into your nightmare! I won't let you ruin me. I won't give you what you want! But you wanna know what I will do? I'll give you something to remember for all that you've done. All the people you've hurt. This? (starts cutting a circle into Bullseye's forehead with a shard of glass as he screams out in pain) This is for ELEKTRA! This... (slices another circle) is for KAREN!. And the center? (jabs a hole into the middle) That's so you know just how much I #$@%ing HATE YOU!!! So, remember this, Bullseye, and when you finally muster up the courage to do what you've been dying for me to do and end your own miserable, grisly life...Aim true...Aim to kill.

"Hope isn't what keeps me going. I mostly have to get by with rage."
Grace Choi, The Outsiders

    Fan Works 
This anger… This despair… this hatred she felt. She would never let it go.
Luz after discovering her mother was murdered by the Wittebane assassins, All For Luz

I have hate. It is a burning fire inside me that I cannot quench. It is a force that I struggle at all times to bring to heel lest it bring me low in my haste. It preoccupies my thoughts and forces me to do things that I otherwise might not. It is my greatest weakness but also my greatest strength. It is not the best trait for a warrior, but it is all I have left... and it is enough.
Emperor Skantarios Laskaris, I Am Skantarios

Because what am I, if not a product of hatred? I was born into it, and suffered because of it. And then I was shaped and fueled by it. I doubt you can imagine the number of times where the only thing that kept me going was hatred. The number of times I clung to life just to spite those who wanted me dead. The number of times I refused to give up, solely because I hated them all too much to let them win.

Georgia struggled to free herself from the pain, struggled to bring her hands or foot or knee up against the Little Red Cheese, the girl whom she hated more than anyone else in the universe.
But she was not successful.
The Shazam girl clouted her again on the other side of the jaw, then followed it up with two more blows. Georgia was on the ropes now, or would have been if there had been a ring in space for them to fight in. Another blow, and then another. Only hate was keeping the bad girl awake now. She wouldn't give in, not even while her enemy was pummeling her like a heavyweight champ. She wouldn't...

"For a good while, it worked. Lex used his skills and his brains to help out the Lexorians. But inside of a month, he found out that he just couldn't suppress those old feelings. He hated Superman. Hated him like poison. That was the only thing that was still tying him to Earth. That was the only thing that made him feel like a failure. He held it back from showing Ardora or the kid. But, like he told me himself later, he felt that if he could just kill Superman, that'd sever the last tie to Earth for him. That'd finish up that unfinished business."
Nasthalthia Luthor, Kara of Rokyn

    Film — Animated 
Everyone will tell you to let it go and move on, but don't! Instead, let it fester and boil inside of you! Take these feelings and lock them away. Let them fuel your actions. Let hate be your ally, and you will be capable of wonderfully horrid things!
Bowler Hat Guy, to his younger self, Meet the Robinsons

    Film — Live-Action 
Your eyes are full of hate, Forty-One. That's good. Hate keeps a man alive. It gives him strength.
Quintus Arrius, Ben-Hur (1959)

He's a font of misplaced rage. Name your cliché; Mother held him too much or not enough, last picked at kickball, late night sneaky uncle, whatever. Now he's so angry moments of levity actually cause him pain; gives him headaches. Happiness, for that gentleman, hurts.
Garland Greene on Billy Bedlam, Con Air

I am constantly amazed by the curative power of hatred.
Montrose, Rob Roy

My natural dislike for you is slowly growing into a great hate.
PFC Al Thomas, Sands of Iwo Jima

Good. Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you.
Emperor Palpatine, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

"Let me hate him. It'll keep me awake before the coffee kicks in."
George Henderson, Harry and the Hendersons

However you look at it, in these books "power" tends to be an expression of the essential nature of the person or being whose power it is. On those occasions when we've seen Lord Foul act directly, he seems to exert the withering force of pure scorn. IMHO, that's pretty intense.
Stephen R. Donaldson on the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant's iconic Big Bad, Lord Foul the Despiser

If you don't already want to murder me, you will before I'm through with you. The urge to kill one's superior is intrinsic to the nature of our enterprise.


I could feel a strange and magnificent energy coursing up and down my arms and legs, like electrical currents. The energy was potent. Intoxicating. Familiar.
I’d experienced it before.
The energy was hate. Hate now enhanced with outrageous power. And the moral certainty that I was right. That everything I thought and everything I did was right right right!
I felt like a god.
There was nothing I couldn’t do. No one I couldn’t destroy.
Rachel, Animorphs #48: The Return

Then he remembers—as one remembers an island of consciousness preceded and followed by long anesthesia—going forward to meet the Un-man for what seemed the thousandth time and knowing clearly that he could not fight much more. He remembers seeing the Enemy for a moment looking not like Weston but like a mandrill, and realising almost at once that this was delirium. He wavered. Then an experience that perhaps no good man can ever have in our world came over him—a torrent of perfectly unmixed and lawful hatred. The energy of hating, never before felt without some guilt, without some dim knowledge that he was failing fully to distinguish the sinner from the sin, rose into his arms and legs till he felt that they were pillars of burning blood. What was before him appeared no longer a creature of corrupted will. It was corruption itself to which will was attached only as an instrument. Ages ago it had been a Person: but the ruins of personality now survived in it only as weapons at the disposal of a furious self-exiled negation. It is perhaps difficult to understand why this filled Ransom not with horror but with a kind of joy. The joy came from finding at last what hatred was made for. As a boy with an axe rejoices on finding a tree, or a boy with a box of coloured chalks rejoices on finding a pile of perfectly white paper, so he rejoiced in the perfect congruity between his emotion and its object. Bleeding and trembling with weariness as he was, he felt that nothing was beyond his power, and when he flung himself upon the living Death, the eternal Surd in the universal mathematic, he was astonished, and yet (on a deeper level) not astonished at all, at his own strength. His arms seemed to move quicker than his thought. His hands taught him terrible things. He felt its ribs break, he heard its jaw-bone crack. The whole creature seemed to be crackling and splitting under his blows. His own pains, where it tore him, somehow failed to matter. He felt that he could so fight, so hate with a perfect hatred, for a whole year.

Be angry, but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not make room for the devil.
Jesus, Ephesians 4:26 (New Revised Standard Version)

Hate is the most powerful emotion. Hate destroys. Hate is eternal. Hate outlasts love; hate survives generations.
I know about hate. I know its powers. I know it what it can destroy. I know what it can kill.
— Lucas Lytle from the Shivers (M. D. Spenser) novella, The Curse of the New Kid

Granny Weatherwax was often angry. She considered it one of her strong points. Genuine anger was one of the world’s great creative forces. But you had to learn how to control it. That didn’t mean you let it trickle away. It meant you dammed it, carefully, let it develop a working head, let it drown whole valleys of the mind and then, just when the whole structure was about to collapse, opened a tiny pipeline at the base and let the iron-hard stream of wrath power the turbines of revenge.

    Live-Action TV 
Hate gets a bad rap. It can keep you going sometimes when nothing else will.
Justine, Angel, "Benediction"

We both know it's not love. You like men who hurt you. You need the pain we cause you. You need the hate. You need it to do your job, to be the Slayer.

You do not understand hatred as I understand it. Only hate keeps me alive. Why else should I endure this pain?
The Master, Doctor Who

Evil dimensional people never die, and the bitter animosity towards the Ultra Warriors allowed me to return with deeper darkness than ever
Yapool explaining how he keeps coming back to life, Ultraman Ginga

I don't need laughter! What I need is... my rage! It's rage that's kept me alive, ever since the Daybreak incident! I will tear apart! That's everything... TO ME!
Isamu Fuwa giving in to the power of hate to destroy for good, Kamen Rider Zero-One

"You don't need 50 million people to love you; you need 5 million people fuckin' pissed."
Stormfront, The Boys (2019)

"Hate is nature's most perfect energy source. It's endlessly renewable."
Robert "Axe" Axelrod, Billions

"Revenge does wonders for the will to live, don't you think?"
The Grand Inquisitor, Obi-Wan Kenobi

Kick over the wall, 'cause government's to fall
How can you refuse it?
Let fury have the hour, anger can be power
D'you know that you can use it?

I will see that they all know
What you felt
And I just hate them so
Hate them, I hate

And it burns inside
The need to kill, I'm driven by
The crimson tide
Meet my demon, meet my Hyde
Machinae Supremacy, "Hate"

Hate, if you want to hate
If it keeps you safe
If it makes you brave
Soundgarden, "My Wave"

    Tabletop Games 
My armour is Contempt
My shield is Disgust
My sword is Hatred
In the Emperor's Name
Let none survive
— Blood Ravens oath, Warhammer 40,000

Hatred is the Emperor's greatest gift to humanity.
— Imperial proverb, Warhammer 40,000

Impurity shall be our armour, Hate our weapon, Immortality our reward.
— Chaos Space Marine creed, Warhammer 40,000

Hatred, for their kin on Ulthuan at first and later for all beings, has been the frozen fire that burns in the hearts of the Dark Elves, sustaining them through the hardships they have endured.
Warhammer: Dark Elves Army Book (7th Edition)

There is no greater weapon in this whole miserable galaxy than pure, unalloyed hate. That is why we will defeat the Imperium in the end; we hate as they never could.
Gharalox Ironbreed, Warpsmith of the Shadowstar Forge, Warhammer 40,000: Helbrutes

    Video Games 

Batman: I know you've suffered. You were tortured, held captive by the people who were supposed to love you. I don't know how you survived.
Lady Arkham: You want to know how I survived? I survived... because every night, I dreamed of the revenge I'd take on them... and this forsaken city!

The very grounds themselves are animated by a deep-rooted evil, a cosmic hatred for all that thrive beyond its tainted grasp.
The Ancestor, Darkest Dungeon, regarding the Garden Guardian boss

Hate is my weapon of choice.
Eldar Warlock, Dawn of War II

There are any number of plausible, scientific explanations for what followed, but I think it was just a question of hatred.
Harlan Wade, F.E.A.R.

I am the wellspring of darkness, fueled by Zemus' unbridled hate! I am he who is called Zeromus! I am he who knows naught but HATE!
Zeromus, Final Fantasy IV

Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate!
Kefka Palazzo, Final Fantasy VI

Long have I walked in hatred's company. As long as I can curse your name I shall not be defeated!
Gabranth, Final Fantasy XII

Gabranth goes EX Mode, Dissidia Final Fantasy

Dimitri: Edelgard! You... I will kill you! You will know the regret of my father, who was killed for you! Of my stepmother, who was slain by her own daughter! You will bow your head before all of the lives you trampled for your ideals before you die in misery!
Edelgard: Your obsession with me is appalling. If you were a normal human, you would most certainly have died already. Farewell, King of Delusion. If only we were born in a time of peace, you might have lived a joyful life as a benevolent ruler.

Answer hatred with hatred! It is a source of power. Believe in hatred, and the world becomes yours!

Feel the hatred of TEN THOUSAND YEARS!
Illidan Stormrage, Heroes of the Storm

"To the one called Maw; a bitter individual, who loathes all and holds loyalty to few. A strong and formidable foe, for every cord of muscle there is hatred. It is this hate that keeps his aging body strong."

How long have I been here, banished to the realm of nothingness? It is only by relying upon my anger and hatred that I have been able to retain my sense of self here, where all existence is nullified.
Secret Ansem Report 4, Kingdom Hearts II

Anger and hate are supreme.
Xemnas, Kingdom Hearts II

I have nothing more to bestow on you. The only thing I have left is my contempt for Xehanort. Are you willing to take on that burden?.
Terra's Lingering Will, Kingdom Hearts II

See how powerless you are to save them? Savor that rage and despair. Let it empower you!
Master Xehanort, Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
Zaeed Massani, Mass Effect 2

The emotion driving you now... That emotion is not bravery... It's not born out of some sense of righteousness... It's hate. Your hatred for me and everything I've taken from you!
Serpent to Vent/Aile as the Model W core awakens thanks to said hatred, Mega Man ZX

"Detest the enemies before you! Change that animosity into power... and unleash it!"
Arsene, Persona 5

Feel thy hatred twist within thee.
Feed thyself on its bile, sustain thyself on its anger.
This hatred, this bile, this anger - these shall be the tools for thy rebellion.
— Skaenite Scripture, Pillars of Eternity

Why do I hate you so much? You ever wonder that? I'm brilliant. I’m not bragging; it's an objective fact. I'm the most massive collection of wisdom and raw computational power that’s ever existed. And I hate you. It can't be for no reason. You must deserve it.

I believe you're a good person, but the Heart's power is poison. Even when you used it to save those people, I could feel its hate growing inside you. I've seen where that hatred ends.
Sienna 'Squigly' Contiello to Marie Korbel, Skull Girls

Revenge is the prime ingredient in the fountain of youth. I've kept myself alive for hundreds of years with a steady diet of jealousy and hate, awaiting the day when I will eclipse your family's thieving reputation.

Bern Bunnings: Do you mean to acquire even greater power by stoking the flames of the hate that consume you?
Shinjirou Sakomizu: What is it that you think you know, hm? But say you are correct, what problem is there to it?!
Bern: The problem is that it is fruitless, as I understand all too well! And I shall do you the favor of excising that hate from you!

Harness your hatred. Make it useful.
Darion Mograine, World of Warcraft

All that the Emperor asks of you is that you hate.
— Regimental Commissar, Dawn of War: Soulstorm

Embrace hate to take on the form of a Demon Bee. Become both extremely unpleasant and powerful.
Flavor Text for the Demon Mask, Roblox: Bee Swarm Simulator

Sasha: Your feelings, your fears, your anger. You must learn to control them, focus them, concentrate them, and release them.
Raz: As therapy?
Sasha: No. As firepower. Say something hideous and horrible jumps out at you. Something so disgusting that it simply must die.
(A Tiffany lamp appears)
Sasha: Ah! Oh, so tacky I can’t look directly at it. But, I control those feelings. Focus them. Concentrate, and... Release! And the world is a better place.

    Visual Novels 
Some people feed off the tragedy of their lives and this is what helps them through. In order to protect yourself, you act as if you're the only one who is suffering and put blame on others. For that, an enemy is needed. A simple, easily understood enemy.
Futaki Kanata, Little Busters!

The willpower that comes from self-hatred is stronger and longer-lasting than any faith or resolve, no matter how noble.
Koji Tonoo, The Song of Saya

    Web Comics 
Tarvek: How are you still moving?!
Zola: HATE!! Hate and DRUGS!! Lovely, lovely DRUGS!!

Gabe: I hate you. I hate you so much. I wish I could hate you to death.
Tycho: (nosebleed)

"She killed herself. Suicide. Couldn't handle the arena. It is a... rough place. I thought about doing the same many times. I would have taken the same path... If it weren't for pure hatred towards that woman below.
I thought I was the last. If I died, the Dutan'Vir would die with me. That was how they taunted me. And, that was how they kept me alive.

    Web Original 
The Christian tells you that hatred is wrong.
The Buddhist tells you that hatred is a distraction.
The atheist tells you that hatred is unhealthy.
[DATA EXPUNGED] tells you that hatred is fun.
Hatred, in reality, is but one of many invaluable tools to return Creation to purity. Hatred can work in harmony with love. The nature of the path to purity is irrelevant; all that matters is the sunrise at the end of the path.
The Brazen Heart, SCP-2427

Frank Castle is a vigilante whose only power is surviving any brutal situation you put him in... He has never forgiven the world for his loved ones' demise. At the end of the universe, the last two things to break down will be background radiation and The Punisher's rage. God help the radiation.

    Western Animation 
Razer: Taste the power of my rage!
Saint Walker: Rage has no real power. It is the orphaned child of fear and despair.

Megatron: So! You act out of hate! Excellent. That's an emotion I can trust.

Da'kyll: Well?!
Pahk'kal: We might be able to salvage one of the onboard computers and rig up controls to operate the Stargate. I-if we survive long enough.
Da'kyll: My hatred will keep me alive.

Maul: I'm surprised you could have forgotten me so easily after I killed your master and you left me for dead on Naboo!
Obi-Wan: It is you.
Maul: You may have forgotten me... but I will never forget you! You cannot imagine the depths I would go to to stay alive... fueled by my singular hatred... for you.

Kion: I'm worried about the Roar. The last time I used it, I was really angry. And it caused so much destruction!
Mufasa: The Roar of the Elders is very powerful.
Kion: I know. And that's why I'm thinking, I shouldn't use it again. I-I'm worried that I might turn into Scar.
Mufasa: Scar cared only for himself. His selfishness fueled his anger. Why were you angry, Kion?
Kion: Janja and the hyenas. They were attacking my mom. I was so mad at them when I used the Roar! I lost control. And it almost hurt my mom. I almost hurt my mom!
Mufasa: Scar never cared for anyone else the way you do, Kion. So perhaps you should speak with the one you care so much about.
Kion: Right. I will. Thank you, Grandfather.
The Lion Guard, "Never Roar Again"

"Hate is simple. Hate is power. Hate... Come si dice? Gets the shit done."
General Malice, Human Resources (2022)

    Real Life 
You are done for - a living dead man - not when you stop loving but stop hating. Hatred preserves: in it, in its chemistry, resides the "mystery" of life.
Emile Cioran

Passionate hate can give meaning and purpose to an empty life.
Eric Hoffer

In my world... "SPITE makes RIGHT"

Hate is even more powerful than love. Sometimes, hate is the only thing that gives me a reason to live. On the ashes of love, hate may rise.
Turin Turambar, Hate youtuber comment.

Anger and hate in this situation is a normal reaction and important to validate... But it is important to channel it into something useful, such as making incendiary bombs out of empty bottles.
Olha Koba, New York Times article about the Russian siege of Kyiv.
