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Nausea Fuel / The Simpsons

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Nausea Fuel in The Simpsons.

  • Homer's eyes crusting over after Lasik surgery in "Last Tap Dance in Springfield" (rendering him blind).
  • The knee wound from Homer's basketball-related injury growing over Ralph's hand ("It knows you're afraid!") in "Children of a Lesser Clod" (which was also a Gross-Up Close-Up).
  • In "Lard of the Dance", Willie strangles Homer with a pipe and his eyeball pops halfway out of his socket (a la Mr. DeMartino from Daria), resulting in an immediate gag reflex.
  • In "Stop, or My Dog will Shoot!", Bart buys the snake where he asks for "five feet" and the pet store guy measures out the proper amount from a snake roll and, in a combination of this and Fridge Logic (if that's how it's done, how does the next snake have a head?), cuts it off with a paper slicer.
  • "Trilogy of Error", where Marge cuts Homer's thumb off, and blood keeps squirting out of the nub and Homer is trying to rush to the hospital and his digit keeps fading in color... It made him unwell.
  • The very end segment of "Treehouse of Horror V" is rather nauseating. The whole family get turned inside out by a fog (after Bart wakes up from his dream of being cannibalized by the staff at Springfield Elementary) and begans singing and dancing about it. To add insult to injury, Santa's Little Helper comes out and grabs Bart by his intestines carrying him off.
  • "The Bob Next Door". Sideshow Bob switches identies with his cellmate. Their faces come undone at least 4 times, showing off the muscles underneath.
  • Homer's "affair" with a large hero sandwich as seen in "Dial N for Nerder". So bad, the host of the Cheaters expy show said, "I never thought I'd say this, but turn the camera off!"
  • Itchy and Scratchy.
  • In "A Tale of Two Springfields", Homer gets into a fight with a badger and is left with his stomach opened, and a lot of stuff was left pulsating in there, and maybe a lung.
  • In a Deleted Scene from "Treehouse of Horror IV" segment, "Bart Simpson's Dracula", Bart, who's still a vampire due to being bitten, floats into the room and asks Marge what's for breakfast. She gives him a plate of dead rats. Obviously, Homer still bemoans over him having a better meal than he did.
  • In "Sweets and Sour Marge", Springfield is rid of all of its sugary foods. Homer, desperate to feed his sugar addiction, goes into the Kwik-E-Mart and starts licking a unknown "sweet" spot found on the floor, to which Apu informs him is actually a mixture of VapoRub and blood. Homer responds to this by continuing to lick this highly toxic spot.
  • In "The Old Man and the Lisa", the scene of dead sea animals getting turned to a bloody pulp (Lil' Lisa Slurry) is really disgusting, and the worst part is when Burns tries to give Lisa some of the Slurry, causing her to start going around the town to stop recycling.
  • The beyond-rancid sandwich that gave Homer food poisoning in "Selma's Choice". By the time Marge found it behind the radiator, it had turned purple, the filling had turned into a greenish gunk, and mushrooms were growing on it. Worse, Homer kept trying to eat it even after it gave him food poisoning.
  • In the "Treehouse of Horror XIX" segment "How to Get Ahead in Dead-Vertising", we have the scene where Krusty goes through the wood chipper. What comes out the other end is a massive pile of his blood and organs.
  • Just about all of third segment of "Treehouse of Horror XXVIII", "Mmm... Homer", which revolves around Homer self-cannibalizing after he accidentally cuts off and grills his finger and realizes he tastes delicious. In particular, Homer pulling out bits of his brain with a corkscrew and using his cerebrospinal fluid as a sauce is just disgusting.
