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Deconstruction Fic / Citadel of the Heart

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While the fics vary in terms of how much of the Decon-Recon Switch they follow, there isn't too much denial that the fics tend to have a lot of this.

  • The entire continuity runs off of the premise of the original characters introduced mostly having some kind of relation to dangerous, invasive species that should have never been allowed to interfere with the other worlds. They only exist in their current form because of consequences far beyond their initial ability to foresee events due to a Wild Card.
  • Chronicler's initial introduction has him being a Marty Stu at face value, considering his attraction to Suguha, how much he goes out of his way to help her, and how much Chronicler so badly wants to be within her presence considering how he later down becomes increasingly hormone addled for her, and how even other characters, love rivals or not, are calling Chronicler out on how hormone crazed he is showing himself and- Wait, what was all of that? With that, then you realize something; he's a Deconstructed Character Archetype of a Marty Stu; on the surface, he's indeed meant to come across as one, but once you look deeper into Chronicler's character, you can find a lot more depth to his character than you would've with a simple Brevity Is Wit description of him otherwise. In short, the best way to describe him shortly is simply as "Hidden Depths". In fact, all that was just described? That's only his mere lustful traits alone being talked about here.
  • Solgaleo and Lunala frequently have their armored bodies clipped and regenerated as to farm valuable materials necessary to craft armor that is designed to withstand the extreme environments of the Ultimorian Multiverse, since even the Ultimorian Deities themselves have major issues surviving there anymore. Grandis flat out admits that had Solgaleo and Lunala never existed nobody would've been able to go through there or into that place ever again.
  • Reflection Code's M-Rating isn't simply because of it being in a Shared Universe with a fic that's also M-Ratednote , but because Reflection Code focuses on Yumi's love triangle with Ulrich and William involving how all three of them were Age Lifted to have Yumi at around 23, Ulrich around 18, and William in his 30s. Whereas Yumi is in a middle ground, Ulrich admits he's had a crush on Yumi before he turned 18 but deliberately chose to keep quiet on it until after the fact, and then William is basically an older male who had to deal with a deceased partner for years, and seeks out Yumi to fill in the gap by his fallen lover. Not to mention William's rivalry with Ulrich is based off of numerous deleted scenes from the canon show in that the two were a lot more violence prone in terms of their rivalry long before X.A.N.A. interfered with William's mind.
  • Speaking of Reflection Code, recall back in Truth and Ideals how Cheren's parents, as well as Ash with two different Love Interests are in a Polyamory relationship as to how they settled a potential love-triangle before it could even begin? In Reflection Code, Yumi's not going to so easily have that advantage because whereas Cheren's Parents and Ash, Misty, and Iris were approximately the same ages as each other, Yumi herself is 23, Ulrich is 18, and William is 34. Even if she wanted to get into a Polyamory relationship with the two, the controversy of an 18 year old and a 34 year old in the same relationship would be earning the trio some minor scorn at best if they ultimately ended up in this route. That and the fact William and Ulrich aren't even friends yet alone friendly towards each other at the start of the story.
  • Naotolis' nature of existence doubles as both a Take That! to Dakari-King Mykan's handling of such beings, but also a huge Deconstruction of an Always Chaotic Evil species. Naotolis was designed from the ground up to be a killer with no real motivation or agenda other than to follow orders given to it, leaving not a shred of mercy towards any of its victims. By a glitch, the Silver Specimen was created by accident, which lead to the species rebelling from human control and using the much more intelligent Silver Naotolis as the queen for a singular Hive Mind; a Hive Mind that is a Sadist Blood Knight in terms of what type of personality she developed with her intelligence, including actively killing off specimens of her own kind if she finds them too weak or enrage her for something relatively petty if it gets in the way of her desires.
  • Minerva demonstrates the negatives of pulling a One-Winged Angel too soon for your own good. As Silver Naotolis, she began to quickly shed her exterior shell to deal with the escalating threat Chronicler was posing to her, but in doing so she was sucked into the very miniature vortex she was actively attempting to escape and in the process of shedding her former self, lost her ability to keep herself from getting sucked in to another world. As a result, she makes her next appearance as a partially damaged Silver Naotolis with only her actual face semi-exposed and ready to emerge fully.
  • Chronicler's first display of his Runic Laser move towards Kazuto has him stunned with the fact Chronicler is potentially hiding away even more powerful moves than this one. Whereas normally anyone would turn in someone potentially dangerous on the spot, Chronicler's borderline Physical God abilities forces Kazuto to take advantage of the fact Chronicler is incredibly docile and calm around him, Asuna, and Suguha, as to not risk Chronicler going berserk and leveling a good chunk of the city out of feeling provoked.
  • Speaking of Chronicler's situation above, the protagonists in Reflection Code don't bother being civil to Mirror M, but unlike with the protagonists above with Chronicler, they don't even give Mirror M the option to speak his own intent; they flat out try and kill him in his sleep before he has the chance to power up and kill who knows how many others, because the Lyoko Warriors didn't know that Mirror M was more docile now than the legendary monstrosity he was in the past.
  • In Digimon Re: Adventure, Mimi plans for a group bonding session with solely the girls to try and give Meiko an easier time to bond with everyone so that Meiko doesn't have to worry about anything sexual. Turns out this is the exact opposite of what she wanted to do, and eventually begins crying out Taichi's name during a Freak Out in public.
  • Digimon Re: Adventure has Takeru being the unlucky sap with a Blood Knight Olympus Mons for a partner, and all of the danger and destruction that comes with it being played realistically.
  • Because Mirror M by nature is immune to the memory wipe of the Return to the Past, in the aftermath in which Mirror M wakes up after a Time Paradox causes him to end up in a overwritten version of the timeline in which the facility he was kept in was already long since destroyed. Since Mirror M wants answers from the Lyoko Warriors, he flat out doesn't even bother waiting for them and goes to seek them out first at Kadic in broad daylight. Not only that, but there's how the Time Paradox even happens; the whole facility was scheduled to be handled by maintenance staff for a power failure two days prior to the breakout for an accident which occurs on the day prior which almost allowed Mirror M to escape, resulting in the facility running on manual emergency power to restrain him again. These very staff, as well as every other staff in the facility, are all killed off or otherwise no longer have a reason to show up, as the Return To The Past sends time back to the third day before the breakout. With none of the systems operational by the afternoon of day three which caused the maintenance the next day to occur, and nobody having been there to turn on the emergency power, as well as having been stirred awake faster by the Return To The Past, Mirror M effortlessly escapes his containment three days before he would've originally broken out. As for Chronicler, he, alongside every other AI in the facility, had already escaped with Chronicler's own immunity to the Reset Button allowing him to keep his original memories of the breakout as to why it ultimately traumatizes him so much.
  • Rather than the Crests being what unlocks Perfect Level, they're instead what unlocks Ultimate Level for the Chosen, which goes to show how it's so much harder to unlock Ultimate/Final by comparison to Perfect. Mugendramon flat out states as well that it took him millennia to achieve his current form, and doesn't believe what he's seeing as real when MetalGreymon undergoes Ultimate Evolution into WarGreymon.
  • Takeru is a Sex God which is also meant to be a Deconstructed Character Archetype for him at the same time, although not by a whole lot and for a different reason than you would expect. Because Takeru Does Not Know His Own Strength, he has scarily strong stamina and has a good amount of capabilities to pleasure any woman's lust for sex; however, he's also a very athletic person with a lot of strength to the point many women are turned off at the prospect of having sex with him because Takeru is too strong in the bedroom to where they fear he might accidentally hurt them in the process. Even Hikari, who can actually satisfy Takeru's needs, mentions at times she feels pain from the aftermath of any session with Takeru at times, even if she outright mentions Takeru not being rough at the same time.
  • With Zekrom and other Unova Legendary Pokémon the issue was never really brought up, but Heart of Gold most definitely explores the aspects behind capturing an Legendary Pokémon, primarily in regards to what Truth and Ideals already establishes with Lugia. Lugia not only refuses to obey orders entirely upon being sent out, but doesn't waste time in trying to lay besiege against everything that moves. Why? PTSD from its time as Shadow Lugia giving it a nasty flashback to when the last time it was in a Poké Ball, or, at the very least the first time it was anyways.
  • Raiga's personality does not remotely resemble either of her two component's in any way or form. Flare is noted as being a female Expy of Goku, and Tempest is generally a much more Stoic Only Sane Man who is much more of a Knight of Cerebus than his female friend. As a result, much of the personality combines traits from both to make Raiga into a Knight of Cerebus Alpha Bitch type of personality. However, despite this detail, the Decon-Recon Switch is much more toyed around with regarding fusions in the continuity overall, so Raiga is just an individual example as to one of many of this type of form.
  • The trope Real Women Don't Wear Dresses is viciously deconstructed by bringing about the Unfortunate Implications of the trope proper. Jeri is a traditional Girly Girl and Rika is a stereotypical Tomboy. Rika asks Jeri why she doesn't choose for herself as to who she is as a girl instead of staying true to her feminine nature, but the problem arises when Jeri states this is exactly what she wants to be like, and retorts with how other tomboys in the past have bullied her just for embracing her feminine side. Literally in the first paragraph of the trope page for Real Women Don't Wear Dresses sums up exactly what Jeri's personal experiences is, and how the trope can end up causing a serious Broken Aesop if it ends up causing women to turn against each other if they remotely choose to simply embrace their traditional feminine routes.
  • The Incubator's efforts to delay the heat death of the universe are brought into question by Grandis, considering a Plot Hole from the original series was that the Incubators could've easily outright reversed the heat death of the universe entirely, but instead they were too busy grasping the Villain Ball for their own good. Also to note, this is far from the only time Grandis attempts to invoke a Logic Bomb paradox into his opponent's minds.
    "Sooo why don't you simply use your phenomenal cosmic power to, ya know, flat out reverse the heat death going on entirely?"
  • The victory against Taomon in Digimon Re: Tamers ultimately boils down to the Attributes rather than the standards Digimon cliches seen in the anime. WarGrowlmon is Virus Attribute, so despite being equal footing in strength, has an automatic advantage against Taomon. Cyberdramon, despite being the single most strongest Ultimate Level in the protagonist cast to the point he could easily go Mega at any time possible if he wanted, is a Vaccine Attribute who is weak to Taomon's Data Attribute so doesn't automatically Curb-Stomp her despite his inherent strength. Impmon digivolving into Devimon, even though he manages to score the KO, only does so because Taomon, as he states twice, is already softened up by both himself as Impmon with WarGrowlmon backing him up, and then Cyberdramon joining in late in addition to Impmon's Virus Attribute as both Impmon and Devimon. Even then, Devimon wasn't going to win in a fair fight, as Taomon immediately kicks him in the head and forces him to use stealth to get the KO against her upon digivolving.
  • In Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, the episode "Imposter's Home for Um... Make 'Em Up Pals" shows an Imaginary Friend which looks almost near-human in appearance aside from his nose as a source of conflict for Frankie. Taking the episode's poor quality aside, the idea of a non-Imaginary Friend trying to exploit Foster's is used in The Girl Of My Nightmares, except rather than it being Goofball, it's the very much non-real looking entity Darigus trying to take advantage of it, because the titular girl of the fic is the actual Imaginary Friend of the duo. In short, Darigus is using himself as a distraction as to lure everyone off of the trail of the true monstrous entity hiding in plain sight otherwise.
  • Nothing was stopping the Ultimorian Deities from attempting to create the Z.E.R.0. themselves prior to Crazy Carousal. The reason they didn't is because they didn't want to do so; they outright dreaded what such a weapon could do in the wrong hands, to the point they swore off trying to create it and only would give in if the metal needed to forge it was suddenly willed into existence. Considering it wasn't until Rose wished the Unobtainium Zeronium into existence in which the Ultimorian Deities had to haul ass to retrieve it because of the fact if they didn't create the Z.E.R.0. themselves, now that the metal they needed now actually exists to reverse engineer when ready, they would just be delaying the inevitable because now that the Zeronium already exists because of Rose, they no longer had an excuse as to not finish what they studied about the Z.E.R.0. beforehand with the imperfect prototypes.
    • The Z.E.R.0.'s destructive properties come into play because the blades of it are forged from anti-matter, with the Zeronium metal being akin to dark matter which is meant to stabilize the anti-matter so that it doesn't leak out and destroy anything simply being in its presence. In other words, had the Zeronium not be present, the anti-matter of the blades alone would destroy anything in range by virtue of merely existing.
  • Sonic's redesign for The Fastest Thing Alive has been noted as looking too heavy for Sonic to wear considering his Super-Speed... except that's exactly why Tails designed it in such a way. Sonic moves too fast with his Super-Speed to where even standing still poses a severe issue for him due to a constant feeling of anxiousness causing him to want to move around very often to counteract his anxiety issues, and Sonic's Super-Speed has no actual limit as to how fast he can get; the armor is designed to try and temper Sonic's speed, as well as protect Sonic from his own anxiety driven need to use said Super-Speed in the event he were to carelessly crash into something without warning.
  • The idea of the sins of the father not translating into the sins of the son become this for Kirigaya Ken and his old man, Enric Eriksen. Enric had a Toxic Friend Influence on his son over time that ultimately brings out the morally black aspects of Ken. Ken himself, unlike his old man, actually has true standards for even as morally corrupted he may be, but he would've probably been far less like what he is now had it not been for his old man's previously mentioned Toxic Friend Influence.
  • Minerva's first meeting with Chronicler, in which Grandis asks her to join forces with him, doesn't go well in the slightest; Minerva calls out What Measure Is a Non-Human? in regards to the fact while it's true her predecessor's entire species was Always Chaotic Evil to the extreme, Chronicler, as Delta Silver, is guilty of mass genocide of said species, and thus Minerva, the descendant of this species and a Token Heroic Orc among them, is absolutely appalled at the idea of working alongside someone who had no regrets about killing her mother's entire species.
  • Chronicler and Kizmel sharing the Eriksen surname with Ken and Enric is due to a massive series of Inverted Relative Error situations which nobody wants to address due to the entire situation becoming a massive Trauma Button for Chronicler and Grandis that'll essentially be the upbringing of a Traumatic Superpower Awakening if talked about so carelessly. In short, the best way to explain the situation without provoking either of the latter two's Trauma Buttons is to label this whole ordeal a case of pure unadulterated coincidence and nothing more. The real answer? It's an Invoked Voodoo Shark as the direct consequence of a Timey-Wimey Ball effect having taken place in Chronicler's entire conception process; the entire ordeal is otherwise never intended to have a set in stone answer to it.
  • Plio's powers and arsenal are straight out the abilities one would expect to see in Super Sentai or Kamen Rider for the heroes anyways. Plio, much like any example of the villains using the same type of powers and mecha in those shows, displays just how dangerous a Hero Antagonist like him can truly get when he possesses powers and abilities which tend to traditionally make the heroes in a Toku show overpowered much of the time instead.The absurdly high stakes with Plio's debut arc is simple; the encounters with all of the other Ultimorian Deities up to this pointed have been treated Lighter and Softer despite their own powers they have; Plio's confrontation is treated more of a Deconstruction and Subversion of how all of the other Ultimorian Deities have been introduced up until now, considering even with his regular form, all of the cast near him pulls a major Freak Out upon his revelation as a Deity, and things are treated disturbingly realistically because of Plio's Physical God nature as well as his overall absurd power as an Ultimorian Deity.
  • Other than the Porn with Plot premise, Digimon Re: Adventure's actual plot based premise is one based off of the Connected All Along trope shown in Adventure and 02, but especially in the aftermath of 02's ending in which the barrier between the digital world and the real world is no more. In Digimon Re: Adventure, by the time Taichi's Greymon and Parrotmon fight each other for the first time 15 years prior, everyone who was a witness to said fight, Hikari included, ends up eventually gaining a Digimon partner of their own. However, eventually those witnesses end up having witnesses of their own based on how they decided to go about their daily lives with their new Digimon, and those witnesses of these witnesses get Digimon of their own. What follows next is an endless chain reaction which causes the two worlds to be forced into a state of coexistence in which laws rapidly have to be developed in the real world as to monitor human/Digimon relations, and various licenses are needed to so much as legally own a Digimon of a certain level or higher as to avoid trouble with the law. For example, everyone can legally own an Adult Level mon without a license or with one, but they outright require a license for those Perfect Level or stronger. In short, much like how Truth and Ideals was written to be the author's own Fix Fic of the Pokémon Black and White anime series, Digimon Re: Adventure technically qualifies as a Fix Fic of Digimon Adventure tri. due to the author going with a plot idea that is generally considered a They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot scenario considering the numerous implications 02's ending can give for some people, such as how the two different worlds developed their coexistence and what struggles they had to go through to achieve peace nearly 25 years after 02's final battle.
  • Everyone witnessing the scene unfolded flat out confirms and or admits that had Grandis transformed into Exalted Grandis within a city, the collateral damage would be so immense that the whole city would've been abandoned and rendered a glass floor. Considering what does happen to the otherwise desolate middle of nowhere they are (Exalted Grandis' No-Holds-Barred Beatdown to Ogudomon causes the entire vicinity to look like a massive asteroid impact crater), they're not wrong, especially once we learn the main city in Digimon Re: Tamers still gets affected anyways; Exalted Grandis' fists pummeling Ogudomon into the ground causes immense earthquakes in the nearby area that caused a great sum of damage to the city even despite the long distance away from the city Exalted Grandis was.
  • A subtle one since it's not outright stated to have been what happened, but when Red chose to fly to Pewter City using a Pidgey, Pidgey's much smaller stature in addition to a lack of any kind of training was only able to get Red stuck halfway within Viridian Forest instead, even if admittedly Pidgey pulled off an impressive feat by even being able to accomplish the halfway point in the first place.
  • Pick any newly encountered Humanoid Abomination, Eldritch Abomination, or Animalistic Abomination, and then have the newly appearing entity speak. Depending on personal preference, an abomination being capable of speech could be considered Nightmare Retardant... except the natural reaction to learning something other than a human is capable of speech. "You Can Talk?" doesn't begin to describe some of the reactions in question. Some are initially unfazed, such as Kirigaya Ken, but then some entities take notice of the fact some people view their ability to speak In-Universe or out as Nightmare Retardant. Naotolis in particular, during her first encounter with Ken, taunts Ken's confidence with confronting her by asking one key question:
    "What else besides a human has the ability to speak? I talk like you, I sound like a Russian chick but a human nevertheless, but why do I have the ability to speak? Do you find it scary, yes, no? If so, then just how scarred mentally are you from this world? How mad have you been driven by the things you had seen in your life? What have you known about me?"
  • Diatrex's Nigh-Invulnerability is modeled after the Tyrannosaurus rex from the video game Carnivores. However, it's nigh invulnerability does not translate all that well once in the real world for the first time. Mirror M's brutish force is actually more than sufficient enough to break through Diatrex's armor whereas previously no other attack could. This is simply because Diatrex's nigh invulnerability could not be perfectly replicated in a materialized real world specimen this soon into the ability to materialize Diatrex successfully at all. In spite of this, however, Diatrex is still effectively Made of Iron because it's general durability still applies to anything that isn't Mirror M trying to attack it, even though now other weapons are known to be able to damage it properly.
  • The Liquiraptors are made of liquid metal mercury that take the form of a Raptor Attack dinosaur. The result is the fact the metal they are formed from is molten in nature, and thus absurdly hot to the touch. Not only that, but it is also highly toxic, as severe burns is the least of your worries upon exposure to mercury. The reason why Liquiraptor wasn't materialized sooner wasn't simply because of technical limitation; it was out of genuine concern for everyone's well being in regards to how the Liquiraptor's unique biology could adversely affect a large area overall.
  • A common trend is that a lot of the canon characters of a given fic are sometimes given an absurd Age Lift to being at least 18 years or older, more or less for the purpose of writing sexual scenes with them. This would usually be in stark contrast with their canon works, most examples being Digimon Re: Adventure, Digimon Re: Tamers, Sword Art Online: Special Edition, and Shadow Heat being major examples, albeit with Digimon Re: Tamers being relatively mild about it. This is basically an acknowledgement of the fact that many of the fanbase who were first time viewers when their respective source material were still fresh and new are all adults now, so that sexual scenes and graphic violence occurring in this fics is nothing out of the ordinary to the now fully grown original audience of these works.
