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"It's morphing time!"
The fifteenth instalment of the Power Rangers Redverse written by Mad Red X 12, using suit designs from Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger while having some connections to the actual Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. It's been centuries since the defeat of the United Alliance of Evil and the death of Lord Omnicron, and all that's left are a few straggler groups of villains across the universe - one of which is led by Rita Repulsa, who just so happens to be the wife of the sealed Lord Zedd and on top of that the daughter of Master Vile from back when he was the Eltarian Vahil. After forming her own little army, Rita heads to Earth, intending to conquer the Insignificant Little Blue Planet to have a base of operations from which she can safely begin her plan to become a Galactic Conqueror. Unable to acquire assistance from the existing Ranger teams, Zordon, the Red Eltar Ranger, travels to Earth himself with his trusty assistant Alpha 5, the Dinozords that went unused by the Flash Rangers, and the six Power Coins that Ninjor had forged for use in the Supernova Gigazord, in order to stop Rita from menacing the home of his missing friend Zedd. When he arrives, he activates the old Command Centre Zedd had him build, and finds that the magical and technological effects emitted by it has resulted in a small society of Advanced Ancient Humans who live near the facility. Taking up residence at the Command Centre and interacting with the local humans, who perceive the Sufficiently Advanced Alien and his robot companion as gods, Zordon begins to realise that the Power Coins can create a new team of Power Rangers, but the sentient coins will only grant this power to those they deem worthy.

While Zordon continues trying to understand the mysteries of the coins, Rita launches her first attack, stealing the Dragon Power Coin and sending down hordes of Putty Patrollers to menace the human civilisation. During the assault, Zordon is cornered and then saved by five residents of the village - Geki, the younger brother of the village's elected leader Burai; Goushi, a scholar and astronemer; Dan, a knight and delivery boy; Boi, a farmer and explorer; and Mei, an artist and Boi's gleeful companion. Badly beaten and outnumbered but refusing to give up, the five humans continue to fight until they're completely surrounded ... whereupon the Power Coins come to them in a cloud of light and grant them their power, making them into a new team of Power Rangers known as the Mighty Morphin' Rangers. Upon seeing her forces be defeated by a gang of the humans she despises, Rita becomes even more determined to conquer Earth, with the newly-formed Rangers continuing to fight her forces with the assistance of the veteran Zordon and the rest of their village.

While the Rangers continue to develop their skills and bonds with one another, Rita exploits her stolen Dragon Power Coin, kidnapping Burai and brainwashing him into becoming her evil Green Ranger, equipped with an ancient treasure known as the Dragon Armour. After coming dangerously close to killing the Rangers, the Rangers are able to break the spell and bring Burai over to their side, allowing them to reach six members and also gain new options for combat with his Dragonzord and later the autonomous Brachiosaurus Zord known as Titanus. As Rita's forces grow in number and power, the Rangers, backed by their allies, fight to protect the ancient Earth from the forces of evil.

The Mighty Morphin' Rangers:

Their Allies are:

And they're up against:

  • Rita Repulsa: The Big Bad, the daughter of Vahill and the wife of Lord Zedd. The leader of a small splinter group from the now destroyed United Alliance of Evil, she's intent on conquering Earth to spite the Eltar Rangers and to allow her a base of operations that's out of the way.
  • Goldar: The Dragon, a manticore-like Titanian Warrior clad in golden armour who serves as her main enforcer and Geki's Arch-Enemy.
  • Finster: The Evil Genius, a Claydoionian scientist and scientist who creates monsters for her with his skills and Monster-Matic machine.
  • King Sphinx: The Brute and Goldar's own Dragon, an Egyptian sphinx-like humanoid who assists Goldar in fights and off-duty serves as his Professional Butt-Kisser.
  • Baboo and Squatt: The resident Bumbling Henchmen Duo, a pair of rejected United Alliance of Evil soldiers who were picked up by Rita along the way and serve as her spies, saboteurs and scapegoats. With Baboo being an Pougite alchemist and Squatt being a Mygorian recorder, they tend to be sidelined in most capacities, although they do make their own efforts to fight the Rangers.
  • Scorpina: The evil Sixth Ranger, the wife of Goldar and "daughter" of Count Ethegon who arrives on Earth to provide assistance to the villains.

Recurring Power Rangers Redverse Tropes:

  • Brats with Slingshots: The Thunder Slingers, which are basically slingshots that fire energy bolts.
  • By the Power of Grayskull!: "It's morphing time! DINO/DRAGON BUCKLE!", followed by the prehistoric animal their respective Zord is based off of.
    Saber-Tooth Tiger!
  • Cool Bike: The Battle Bikes, three bikes for the Red, Black and Blue Rangers which have sidecars for the Green, Yellow and Pink Rangers respectively.
  • Cool Sword: Geki's Tyranno Sword, which can transform into the Tyranno Battlizer Morpher.
  • Custom Uniform: The Green Ranger outfit stands out from the rest of the team due to its golden Dragon Armor vest and armlets which Geki briefly uses after Burai's temporary depowering. The outfit also has golden trims on its boots and gloves, and a red stone fitted into the helmet that is said to be made by the same material as the Power Crystals.
  • Double Weapon: Dan's Triceratops Lance, which can transform into the Mighty Maces.
  • Five-Man Band: The Mighty Morphin' Rangers.
  • Home Base: The Command Centre, which is also Zordon and Alpha 5's residence. The Rangers themselves have their own homes in the Home Village, but do tend to meet up at the Command Centre.
  • Humongous Mecha:
    • Animal Mecha: All of the Dinozords, which are all based on different varieties of prehistoric animal (and a dragon).
    • Combining Mecha:
      • Tyrannosaurus Dinozord + Mastodon Dinozord + Triceratops Dinozord + Sabre-Tooth Tiger Dinozord + Pterodactyl Dinozord = Dino Megazord, which has Carrier Mode and Warrior Mode.
      • Dragonzord + Mastodon Dinozord + Triceratops Dinozord + Sabre-Tooth Tiger Dinozord = Dragonzord Battle Mode
      • Dragonzord Battle Mode + Tyrannosaurus Dinozord + Pterodactyl Dinozord = Mega Dragonzord
      • Mega Dragonzord + Titanus = Dino Ultrazord
    • Transforming Mecha: The Dino Megazord starts out in Carrier Mode, then converts into the humanoid Warrior Mode. The form Titanus takes when it pulls out its twin tail cannons is also considered a transformed mode.
  • Make My Monster Grow: Rita Repulsa, being the Trope Namer and all.
    Rita: Magic wand, MAKE MY MONSTER GROW!
  • Maker of Monsters: Finster, who sculpts the monsters from magical clay and then puts the figurine in his Monster-Matic machine to "bake" them into a full-sized monster.
  • Mix-and-Match Weapon: Burai's Dragon Dagger, which is both a dagger and a flute that can be played to create different spells.
  • Mooks: The Putty Patrollers and their Putty Captains.
  • Powered Armour: Burai's Dragon Armour, the only recurring piece of the Rangers' arsenal that's man-made, even though the metal that forms it was mined from a meteorite.
  • The Straight and Arrow Path: Mei's Pterodactyl Bow, which can transform into the Morphin' Mesmeriser.
  • Supervillain Lair: The Moon Palace.
  • Swiss-Army Weapon: In addition to the Blade Blasters, all of the main five's Power Weapons can transform into different forms, with the Red Ranger's weapon being able to become a Battlizer Morpher and the other four Rangers' being able to become different weapons.
  • Transformation Trinket: The Dino Buckle Morphers, which are belt buckles that hold the Power Coins. Burai's Morpher is a gold-plated version known as the Dragon Buckle Morpher.

Tropes specific to Mighty Morphin':
