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Characters / Zero Hour (ARC-V): Ray and Zarc

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Ray and Zarc

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    Tropes that apply to both of them

  • The Ace: The two of them were the strongest Duelists of the Original Dimension, and utilized all three known Extra Summoning methods.
  • Achilles' Heel: The En Cards. Not only were they what separated them into their reincarnations, but being in the presence of one causes them and whichever incarnation is facing it great pain.
  • Adaptation Expansion: The fic delves more into their previous life in the Original Dimension, and how they both came to regard one another as close friends and lovers.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: Their personalities diverge heavily from the anime.
    • From what little is shown of her in the anime, Ray was regarded as a loyal and dutiful daughter to her father, and was willing to sacrifice herself to split Z-ARC into four different Living Macguffins and prevent them from seeking each other out in the Four Dimensions. Here, along with her character being more fleshed out, she outright hates her father for his Control Freak tendencies, leading to her finding solace in her deep friendship, and later romantic, with Zarc Pendragon. This eventually lead her to become a Physical God alongside her beloved, and attempt to destroy the Original Dimension for humanity's Blood Lust for more violent duels.
    • Zarc Pendragon's personality and goals are a far cry from his canon counterpart, Supreme King Dragon Z-ARC. Z-ARC's only goals were to continuously win no matter what the costs, and cause mindless destruction out of Blood Lust. Not only that, but he's practically an Ax-Crazy, a delusional lunatic with Large Ham tendencies, and is more of a Simple, yet Awesome Duelist due to his Purposely Overpowered deck. On the other hand, Zarc Pendragon has a more grounded personality and more self-awareness. He's also capable of having a calm moment because he has Ray as his anchor, did his research and history reading so he knows how to use his powers fully, and has a goal to create a family dynasty.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: In the anime, the two of them were Arch-Enemies, and even before Zarc's ascension as the "Supreme King Dragon Z-ARC", it's unknown whether or not they've interacted before. In the fic, however, the two of them were Childhood Friends whose bonds later grew into romance, and are currently villainous lovers.
  • Adaptational Backstory Change: The backstory for both Zarc and Ray in the anime was minimal at best, to the point that Zarc's last name and possibly his actual name are unknown to this day. This story dives back through flashbacks into Zarc and Ray's lives, their relationship, and their personality.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: While both Ray and Zarc were the Greater-Scope Paragon and Greater-Scope Villain of the canon anime respectively, they're never mentioned or seen until near the end of the series. Here, they both appear in the first chapter and have much larger importance to the plot.
  • Affably Evil: While the two of them are hellbent on being revived in the physical world through their respective four Reincarnations and are quite the Soft-Spoken Sadist, both Ray and Zarc are shown to be very kind and courteous to those they interact with, and only becoming harsh to those who threaten their loved ones.
  • Anti-Villain: Played with. They're the Greater-Scope Villains of the story, but their motives and beliefs, even though it's selfish, are far from completely evil and at the same time, not completely good.
  • Ascended Extra: Compare to the anime, both Ray and Zarc are The Protagonist and the Deuteragonist respectively in the fic.
  • At Least I Admit It: Word of God has stated that Ray and Zarc do acknowledge their actions as both evil and selfish, and won't rationalize or excuse them otherwise.
    Azure-Witch13: They're all too human. They're just not delusional enough to pretend that it's not personal. They want to help Heartland because of Yuto and Ruri and they're completely willing to burn down Fusion if their counterparts desired it. They're not benevolent, they don't have "A plan" for everyone. You can see them cruel or kind or both, they're not completely evil or completely good. They just do what's best for themselves and their loved ones. Their powers make them gods. But they're not above humanity, they don't deny themselves human feelings or they'll stop caring about anything. Akaba pretends that his actions are for the benefit of others and that the pain he caused will be meaningless by the end when he returns the four worlds into one. Ray and Zarc know that that's stupidity and delusions of a desperate selfish man, Ray and Zarc don't deny the pain that they caused, and they don't deny that their actions are selfish. However, with their counterparts, they are willing to listen and compromise because they do love them truly.
  • Badass Bookworm: Both of them have highly educated backgrounds (Ray specializes in technology while Zarc is avid in literature and history), and are currently gods who know how to make use of their powers and are highly knowledgable in Duel Tactics and Extra Deck Summonings.
  • Battle Couple: The two of them are in love and capable Duelists who later ascend as Physical Gods.
  • Beauty Is Bad: The two of them are very attractive in the looks department, even prior to their ascension to Godhood, and are the Greater-Scope Villains of the fic.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: They're both Affably Evil and speak quite politely to others, but be aware of the fact they once nearly exterminate humanity in the Original Dimension.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Both of them have their own silly side (moreso for Zarc, considering his natural talent in showmanship), but are Omnicidal Maniacs who nearly wiped out the human race in the Original Dimension and can be brutal Sadists at times.
  • Birds of a Feather: What brought the two of them together is their mutual Parental Neglect.
  • Breaking the Cycle of Bad Parenting: Both of them didn't have the best parental figures in their previous life as they only had each other for emotional support, leading to them being the Good Parents to their Reincarnations.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: They started off as Childhood Friends, before being upgraded to secret lovers.
  • Deal with the Devil: In a way, the deals they make with their Reincarnations can be seen as this. Subverted, however, as they care for their Reincarnations as their children/siblings and will protect them from harm as much as possible.
  • Death Is Cheap: "Death is but a door, time is but a window, this will never be our end, and once more, we shall return to this world and be remade anew."
  • Deity of Human Origin: The two of them were originally humans who can communicate with the Duel Monster spirits, and later become gods capable of laying waste across the Original Dimension through a combination of magic and advanced technology of the Solid Vision System. The narration even refers to them as "destructive forces of nature".
  • Demon of Human Origin: As they transcended into Godhood, the two of them were merciless in their massacre of humanity in the Original Dimension.
  • Devoted to You: They are incredibly devoted to each other and only have eyes for each other (although it is possible for them to be attracted to another person), and make it very clear how much they want to hold the other, affectionately and sexually, once they get their original bodies revived.
  • The Dreaded: To anyone who once experienced their brutality as gods, as well if their Reincarnations are channeling their power. In fact, the Crimson Dragon itself is even wary of them as shown through the glowing marks of its chosen Signers whenever Rin or Yugo undergoes extreme emotions.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones:
    • In regards to their respective birth parents, it is averted due to suffering from Parental Neglect and having to deal with the growing Blood Lust from the audience of the Original Dimension as Action Duelists.
      • Downplayed in regards to Reiji, and moreso on Ray's end due to him being her younger brother. As the flashback in chapter 19 shows, they both care for the then-infant Reiji, and in the current time, were impressed by how well the 16-year-old carried himself as a CEO and Duelist. That being said, their fondness for Reiji back in the Original Dimension wasn't enough to stop the two from destroying all of humanity as gods willingly, which would likely kill the two-year-old infant Reiji as well.
    • They are this to each other, especially due to the "circumstances" of their past lives.
    • One of their few redeeming qualities is how the two regarded their Reincarnations as their own children/siblings, acting like a Cool Big Sibling or an emotionally supported parent to them, and, according to Word of God, are willing to compromise their own wants and needs to make them happy. Furthermore, they also extend their familial kindness to the people who cared for their Reincarnations.
  • Evil Virtues: For two god-like beings who once tried to massacre all of humanity in the Original Dimension, they sure have a lot of these, even for their own selfish reasons.
    • Ambition. The two of them seek to be revived through their Reincarnations' actions and rule over the four dimensions in their own benevolent vision for themselves and for those who they value.
    • Camaraderie. The two of them are genuine friends before their Relationship Upgrade, and trust the other's judgment.
    • Cooperation. They are capable of getting the cooperation of their Reincarnations and loved ones into reviving them.
    • Creativity. They show expert levels of deck building, proper balance to minimize dead draws, deck strategies, and can use devastating combos to defeat opponents. Zarc takes this further by creating Pendulum Summoning.
    • Determination. They are determined to succeed in their goals.
    • Diligence. Despite their god-like power, the two of them continue to diligently improve their methods and plans.
    • Equality. While they don't give a damn about anyone else, they love and treat all of their Reincarnations equally, whether for their strength, safety, or emotional well-being. This also extends to the loved ones of their Reincarnations as well.
    • Flexibility. Despite their initial plan to be revived, the two of them are flexible in making adjustments in order to cope with whatever situation arises. This also applies to their dueling skills, as seen in "creativity" above.
    • Generosity. They will give their Reincarnations more power and newer upgrades to their decks than what was initially promised, as seen with Ray attempting to make up for Rin after she failed to prevent their Mind Rape by Professor Frank.
    • Gratitude. They make no attempts to hide how grateful they felt for their Reincarnations' cooperation nor do their Reincarnations' bonds with others.
    • Honesty. While they're not above misdirection, there's no lie or deception involved in their plans to be revived and rule over the Four Dimensions.
    • Honor. They will always honor their deals.
    • Kindness. They show kindness to their Reincarnations and those they cared for and act as supporting figures for them.
    • Love. Their love for each other drives their actions to reunite and revive themselves. Furthermore, their love also extends to their reincarnations and to those who love them.
    • Loyalty. For all of their Blood Lust and anger towards humanity, the two of them are very loyal to each other and to those they cared about.
    • Passion. They are full of passion for one another and it helps drive their actions to complete their goals.
    • Patience. Just look under "kindness"; the two of them take time with their plan.
    • Resourcefulness. A variation; they won't resort to cheating in duels, but have no problems using whatever trick in the book to turn the tides in their favor.
    • Respect. They respect those who prove themselves to be strong and loyal to them and their reincarnations.
    • Responsibility. They make sure that those who work under them are safe, and any of them were to come to harm, they sure as hell will make up for them.
    • Temperance. As much as they're tempted to indulge themselves, and with each other, through the possessions of their reincarnations' bodies, the two are capable of self-restraint and would never force the respective reincarnation to do things that they themselves aren't comfortable with.
    • Vigilance. They're always careful with their plans and would react accordingly to any problem that'll arise.
    • Valor. They never went down without a fight, and even pulled a Mutual Kill against the Four Duelists in the Original Dimension.
    • Wisdom. They learn from their mistakes and shortcomings and prove themselves to be wise parental figures for their reincarnations.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Not quite nobodies, as both of them, are born into wealth (with Ray's parents being very important people) and became well-known Duelists in the Original Dimension. Then they both transcend into gods and decide to destroy the rest of humanity for their transgressions of wanting Action Duels to become more violent and bloody.
  • A God Am I: Zig-Zagged with A God I Am Not. While they both refer to and proclaim themselves as gods (as well as having the power to back it up), Word of God states that both Ray and Zarc also acknowledge their own human wants, feelings, and selfishness, and aren't delusional or prideful enough to even try or entertain the thought of their actions having a higher or better purpose.
  • Good Parents: Despite their possible age being around 18-20, both Ray and Zarc have proven themselves to be emotionally supportive parental figures to their Reincarnations.
  • Happily Married: Even though the two aren't legally married due to their "unique circumstances", both Ray and Zarc love each other very much despite their 14-year separation and desire to hold one another again through their original bodies.
  • Hates Their Parent: Neither of them has fond memories of their parents, with Zarc's being out of town most of the time while Ray was neglected and confided in her own home.
  • Healing Factor: Thanks to their recent divine status, both of them are capable of healing any wounds of their choosing.
  • Immortality Begins at Twenty: They are stated to be older than 18 by Word of God, and are currently The Ageless.
  • Like an Old Married Couple: Their dynamic in a nutshell, since they're not legally married.
  • Lonely Rich Kid: Neither of their parents was supportive figures in their lives, and it's implied that they don't have many friends outside of each other.
  • The Maker: They can use their Reality Warper abilities to manifest new cards for their loved ones to use.
  • Morality Chain: They play like this to each other, thus making them a Noble Demon.
  • Noble Demon: Despite their status as villains, the two of them are quite kind and nurturing to those they care for and would even make sure they are safe from certain harm.
  • Older Than They Look: Since they're both older than 18 and the Four Dimensions have only existed for 14 years (at the start of their Reincarnations birth), the two of them are chronologically 32-33.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: The two of them were intending to destroy the Original Dimension if it weren't for the Four Duelists from "different times" coming together to stop them.
  • Parental Substitute: They act like this to their Reincarnations whenever they require parental guidance.
  • Physical God: After merging with four of their respective ace monsters, they become this and are powerful enough to rival and match the power of the previous entities and villains of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime. Hell, their power is enough for even the Crimson Dragon to be wary of them in chapter 5 as the marks glowed when Rin woke up and she was pissed off, and 24 where Yugo upgraded Clear Wing into Crystal Wing.
  • Pitiful Worms: To anyone they deem to have greatly annoyed them or managed to trick them and bypass their usual notice, just ask Frank when he Mind Rapes Rin in chapter 5.
  • Reality Warper: Thanks to their inherent ability to perform magic and ascend to Godhood, they were capable of creating the Four Dimensions after their initial defeat by the Four Duelists in the Original Dimension, and currently, are shown to create new cards into reality; among other things as well.
  • Sadist: Not usually, but they can be needlessly brutal to others, especially for very personal reasons.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: Whenever the two of them interact with each other, expect them to show a lot of affection.
  • Spoiled Sweet: Both of them came from an upper-class background, but are very kind people despite their less-than-ideal family relationships. This even carried over in their current lives, as despite being villains who adopted royal aesthetics, such as their use of "Lady" and "Lord" to their names by their reincarnations along with regal clothing, they presented themselves as kind and generous to their four reincarnations and those who loved them.
  • Supernaturally Young Parent: Both of them are in their late teens (18-20), while their four respective Reincarnations/fragments are 14 years old.
  • The Unchosen One: A villainous example. Unlike the canon franchise's Big Bads, both Ray and Zarc aren't a primordial force nor were they manipulated by one (that we know of). They were just two average citizens who were dealt with a bad hand in life and possesses mild supernatural powers who decided to become gods and destroy the world. They even managed to pull it off and became the biggest threat to the universe to date. As early as the first chapter, it's made apparent that despite their benevolence, they still intended to rule over the Four Dimensions.
  • Vague Age: It's never really clear how old they are, but they are at least in their late teens or young adults by the time they become gods and had stopped aging from there. Word of God stated that they're around 18-20, but probably older than 18.
  • Villain Protagonists: Their goal of being revived in the Four Dimensions is what truly drives the plot forward, whereas Ray takes the leading role as The Protagonist while Zarc serves as the Deuteragonist despite his limited scenes.
  • Would Hurt a Child: When they were wiping out humanity as newly ascended gods in the Original Dimension, it's very likely that children and infants were fair game as well. Especially if you take into account how young Reiji was as an infant and how old the Four Dimensions were by the Siren Girls and Dragon Boys' current age.


Ray, Ray Akaba (emancipated), Ray-A, The Supreme Siren Queen, Supreme Queen Siren RAY-A

Archetype: Lulling Siren

The titular Villain Protagonist of Zero Hour, a Duelist from the Original Dimension, Ray was the original form of Yuzu Hiiragi and her other doppelgängers Serena, Rin, and Ruri.

Ray was the daughter of Leo Akaba, who she later renounced as her father, and no longer associates herself with her family name. She and Zarc were Childhood Friends who confide with each other due to the neglect of their own respective parents, and their friendship soon blossoms into romance as they grew older. By the time Zarc had declared war on humanity in revenge for their Blood Lust, Ray joins him in an Unholy Matrimony, leading to the two transcending into Godhood by fusing with their four respective monsters.

As the two of them laid waste to humanity as Physical Gods, four Duelists from different times unite together and wage battle against the two by utilizing four special cards. This leads to the split of the Original Dimension and the two gods into four, ending their lives entirely.

However... through Yuzu and her counterparts, Ray guides them and offers each girl a portion of her power to reunite with her beloved, which jumpstarts the plot of the fic.

Ray plays a "Lulling Siren" deck, which is an original creation in the story. It utilizes all known special summoning mechanics at the time, and would later gain an upgrade into Pendulum Summoning through her beloved.

  • Action Girl: While she can't physically do anything on her own unless she possesses the body of one of her Reincarnations, Ray is capable of dueling to the point of beating Yuri in chapter 1, and is mainly doing the heavy lifting to revive herself and Zarc.
  • Adaptational Badass: It's unknown how good of a Duelist Ray was in canon, as she only utilized the Natural Energy Cards to defeat Zarc (But it is implied that she can utilize all three Extra Deck Summoning methods). Here, she uses an Original Deck that's based around the mythical Sirens (completed with Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and later Pendulum Summoning), and is able to inflict a Curb-Stomp Battle on Yuri, who has never been defeated until near the end of ARC-V.
  • Adaptational Skill: Unlike in canon, she runs a Lulling Siren deck capable of Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Summoning. Furthermore, Ray also gains the Pendulum Summoning mechanic from Zarc.
  • Adaptational Superpower Change:
    • As a result of being Zarc's lover, she doesn't have the Natural Energy Cards or the Bracelets that would later be worn by her Reincarnations. Instead, this version has the ability to hear and communicate with the Duel Spirits like Zarc does, leading to her being able to be fused with her own Lulling Siren monsters to become a goddess.
    • Whatever deck she once used in the canon anime is unknown. Here, she uses a deck that revolves around the mythical sirens.
  • Adaptational Villainy: In canon, she was the Greater-Scope Paragon who manages to stop Z-ARC by defusing him, and continues to do so by allowing herself to be split into the Bracelet Girls to serve as Barrier Maidens prevent the Dragon Boys from reuniting and reviving their origin. In Zero Hour, she joins Zarc out of love and devotion to laid waste to humanity and seeks to reunite with him by having the Siren Girls, her Reincarnations, to serve as a Lady Macbeth to their respective Dragon Boy.
  • All Amazons Want Hercules: While Zarc's kindness and supportive behavior is what made Ray fall for him, she also felt attracted to his passionate personality, inner strength, and powerful dueling abilities to overcome the odds, and with the only equal he has is her, a queen for her king. This trait is also shared amongst the Siren Girls for the Dragon Boys.
  • Chess Motif: The Queen, as Ray spends most of the time moving in all directions to do the heavy lifting of reviving her beloved.
  • Cool Big Sis:
    • To her Reincarnations and Zarc's, although it's also a case of Action Mom since she tends to act motherly as well.
    • Downplayed with Reiji. While she did love him back in the Original Dimension, along with being proud of what he has become in the current time, Ray still was willing to destroy all of humanity with Zarc in the Original Dimension as newly ascended gods, which would've led to Reiji's death as an infant.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: She dishes this out to Yuri in the first chapter, who has never once lost a duel beforehand.
  • Dating What Daddy Hates: According to Word of God, Leo never approved her friendship with Zarc, but was too busy to care and didn't notice the two sneaking around to hang out and being secret lovers. When the two transcend into Godhood, all that Leo knows and cares about is that Zarc brainwashed Ray into joining him.
  • Death Glare: She gives a terrifying one to Frank who put Rin in a trance, and by extension, her as well.
  • Evil Redhead: She has long, maroon, and dark red hair, and isn't a hero by any means.
  • Fiery Redhead: She has a rather fierce temper underneath her usual calm and motherly expressions, and with dark red hair to match.
  • Fiery Stoic: She usually presents herself as much calmer than her more passionate lover, but can be very fierce in temperament as shown at certain intervals where she let loose.
  • Good Thing You Can Heal: As she muses to Zarc on how if it wasn't for her Healing Factor, his love bites would end up covering her entire body.
  • Hidden Depths: She's very adept with technology, likely owing to her parents' intellect and occupations.
  • Ironic Name: "Ray" is often associated with "hope" and "light", but instead of being the Hope Bringer for others, she intends to revive both herself and Zarc to rule over the four dimensions. Overly ironic however is that she and Zarc are the biggest hope bringers to Heartland as they promised that they would end the war and destroy Academia.
  • Light Is Not Good: She usually wears lighter-colored clothing and her name is associated with "light". Yet, she isn't the Big Good and the Greater-Scope Paragon from the canon anime.
  • Little Black Dress: In Rin's mental world, Ray wore a black and green dress.
  • Mama Bear: She's the closes thing to a motherly figure for her Reincarnations as neither of them had a biological mother (barring Ruri since Shun's mother raised her), and is fiercely protective of them.
  • Meaningful Name: Despite the irony in her first name, it still fits for being a beacon of light to those she cares about and pretty much to the Four Dimensions due to her father's insane actions.
    • Also, her last name, Akaba, can be translated to "Zero" in Japanese.
  • Mind Rape: When Rin got hypnotized by Professor Frank in their Duel, Ray got affected as well. It took both Yugo and Zarc to snap them out of it.
  • Modest Royalty: Unlike her beloved, who often dresses in regal clothing whenever he appears before his Reincarnations, Ray prefers to wear regular clothing when appearing before the Siren Girls.
  • Mythical Motifs: Sirens.
  • Nice Girl: If there's one thing that she shares with her canon counterpart, it's her kindness, and it really shows in her interactions with her Reincarnations and Zarc's, along with those who care for them.
  • Ojou: Her current personality showed shades of this, and it helps that she once come from a wealthy background.
  • Our Sirens Are Different: She runs a Lulling Siren deck and is often compared to one for her seductive beauty and a more monstrous side to them when battling.
  • Relative Button: Leo Akaba's existence and anything that relates to him are Ray's major Berserk Button, as she really, really, really hates him and the unfortunate fact of being related to him at all, which led her cutting all ties with him prior to the series.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: What allowed her to fall for Zarc in a Childhood Friend Romance fashion is due to the latter's kindness and accepting and viewing her as her own person. This trait is shared among the Siren Girls for their respective Dragon Boy, due to them being Reincarnations/Fragments of their origins.
  • Proud Beauty: According to Zarc, she is this. It's also justified due to the inherent nature of the sirens, to which she fused with her Lulling Siren monsters.
  • That Man Is Dead: While she uses her full name to introduce herself to her Reincarnations, Ray doesn't associate herself as Leo Akaba's daughter, as she cut off all ties to the man long ago.
  • Uptight Loves Wild: She was a dutiful and uptight girl who fell in love with the free-spirited and wild Zarc Pendragon.
  • You Are Worth Hell:
    Ray (to Zarc, as she took his hand after hearing his proposal to join him into becoming gods): Yes. I'll always choose you, above all else.
  • You're Not My Father: Whatever little love or bond she had with her father is long dead, and the only thing she feels about Leo Akaba now is burning hatred and regret for not killing him sooner.


Zarc, Zarc Pendragon, Z-Arc, The Supreme Dragon King, Supreme King Dragon Z-ARC

Archetype: Supreme King

The titular main antagonist from ARC-V, but serves as the Deuteragonist to Ray in Zero Hour. A Duelist from the Original Dimension who is the original form of Yuya Sakaki and his other counterparts Yuto, Yugo, and Yuri, as well as the original owner of the Four Dimension Dragons: Odd-Eyes Dragon, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, and Starving Venom Fusion Dragon.

He uses an unknown deck in the past, but it was capable of utilizing all known special summoning mechanics at the time for his Four Dimension Dragons. While he has yet to utilize a deck in the current time, he'll eventually use the "Supreme King" deck like in canon.

  • Adaptation Name Change: Implied. See Named by the Adaptation below for details.
  • Adaptational Attractiveness: Compare to his more deformed appearance as "Supreme King Dragon Z-ARC" in the canon anime, Zarc appears in his human form with draconic features and wears regal clothing whenever he communicates with his Reincarnations.
  • Adaptational Intelligence: This version of Zarc is shown to be far more intelligent than the boastful and bloodthirsty Z-ARC in canon, as seen through his love of history and mythology and having far more foresight in Duel tactics.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy:
    • Make no mistake, Zarc still waged war against humanity in revenge for their Blood Lust and is still very much the dreaded Demon Duelist. But he's genuinely in love with Ray, can actually take a loss if needed, and has shown and proven himself to be much more kind and reasonable. In fact, it can be argued that it was thanks to Ray's devotion and support, along with their respective Duel Spirits, that Zarc was able to find balance in his current life as a godly being.
    • In the anime, he views and treats his Reincarnations/fragments as mere alter-egos with no free will of their own, whose sole purpose was to reunite and fused together to revive himself. Due to this mentality, it wouldn't be surprising for him to view the Bracelet Girls in the same way for Ray Akaba. In the fic, however, Zarc's view of the Dragon Boys and Siren Girls as their own individuals, along with caring and loving them as his and Ray's children are practically the opposite from his canon counterpart.
  • Amazon Chaser: One of the things that he loves about Ray is her independence and strength, which is also a trait that the Dragon Boys would feel towards their respective Siren Girls.
  • Big Brother Mentor: To Ray's Reincarnations and his own, although it's also a case of Action Dad since he tends to act fatherly as well.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Along with Yugo, he manages to get Ray and Rin to snap out of Professor Frank's hypnosis, allowing Ray to instantly repel him from the mindscape.
  • Bite of Affection: He tends to do this to Ray to show how possessive he is of her in the Original Dimension, to where the latter chooses not to heal some of the bite marks as "badges of honor".
  • Blood Knight: As the audience of the Original Dimension yearns for more violent duels, Zarc himself becomes this as well.
  • Chess Motif: The King, as he generally waits to gather his strength with Ray doing the heavy work as the Queen.
  • Deuteragonist: For all intends and purposes, he's the second most important character in the fic despite his limited scenes, as he's also the reason that drives the plot forward with Ray and her Reincarnations' attempts to revive him by awakening the inner darkness in the Dragon Boys.
  • Draconic Humanoid: In his Mental World, he typically manifests in his human appearance with draconic features.
  • Emerald Power: As a Duelist champion, he has green strands of hair, and as "Supreme King Dragon Z-ARC", he has green portions.
  • Family Man: He's very family orientated, as shown in his interactions with his and Ray's Reincarnations, along with the infant Reiji back in the Original Dimension.
  • Fiery Stoic: He's much more extroverted and passionate than Ray, but can be very cool-headed at times.
  • Hidden Depths: In chapter 19, he's shown to be an avid reader of history, and is very knowledgeable of myths like the Egyptian Shadow Games, the Light of Destruction and the Gentle Darkness, the Rise of the Dark Signers, and the Crimson Dragon's influence of the birth of the Signers.
  • Hot-Blooded: Compare to his lover, he's much more free-spirit and passionate in demeanor, and back in the Original Dimension, his usual "entry" to his girlfriend's house is through the windows. Even in the current time, as seen in chapter 23, he still shows shades of this despite presenting himself with an Older and Wiser personality.
    Zarc wasn't used to waiting, he was used to taking what he wanted and finding the shortcuts, it was usually Ray who would tell him to be patient and to think carefully on important matters.
  • Like a Son to Me: Both inverted and played straight with the Dragon Boys.
  • Meaningful Name: His last name before ascending to godhood, Pendragon, literally means "Chief-Dragon" or "Head-Dragon".
  • Mythical Motifs: Dragons. It's even in his last name!
  • Named After Somebody Famous:
    • With the last name of "Pendragon", it's an obvious one to King Arthur.
    • According to Word of God, this was invoked by Zarc himself In-Universe. The title of the "Supreme King" in Zarc's own title is one he gave to himself as a nod to the legendary Supreme King from history books.
  • Named by the Adaptation: Downplayed. Unlike the canon anime, where Zarc is only known by his first name, he gets the last name as Pendragon. It is actually very possible that "Zarc" was not his first name, but what he became known by after he fused with his Four Dimension Dragons as Leo Akaba's computer has him listed as Z-ARC, while Ray was RAY-A, alluding that the "A" is meant for Akaba. Therefore his actual name is unknown.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: Compare to his beloved, he doesn't do much besides communicating with his Reincarnations and bestow them with new cards.
  • Olympus Mons: "Supreme King Dragon Z-ARC", even though he hasn't summoned it yet.
  • Other Me Annoys Me: Word of God states that if Zarc were to ever meet his canon self, Z-ARC, it wouldn't take long for either of them to come to blows.
  • Papa Wolf: He's fiercely protective of his and Ray's Reincarnations.
  • Princely Young Man: His current personality has shades of this, and it helps that he once come from a wealthy background.
  • Prophetic Names: His last name was Pendragon before he became an actually dragon.
  • Sadist: According to Ray, he later gains this habit of sadistically dominating his weaker opponents and loved to make a spectacle about it. This sadistic side of him would later be passed down to Yuri.
  • Signature Mon: His Four Dimension Dragons, consisting of "Odd-Eyes Dragon"note , "Starving Dragon Fusion Dragon", "Clear Wing Synchro Dragon", and "Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon".
  • Supernatural Gold Eyes: His natural eye color, fitting as even before he became "Supreme King Dragon Zarc", he had supernatural powers.
  • Uncle Pennybags: In the Original Dimension, he would spoil Ray by getting her gifts and tends to pamper his girlfriend from time to time.
  • Yellow Eyes of Sneakiness: He's always had golden eyes, but they're very apparent due to his own sadistic and creative nature.
