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Characters / Ozzie the Vampire

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A list of characters for the webcomic Ozzie the Vampire.

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Main Characters


Ozzadeen "Ozzie" Cortozzo
An art student, metalhead, and recently-turned vampire. She uses her vampire powers to fight back demons crossing into the human realm.
  • The Ageless: Ozzie stopped aging after she turned, although she hasn't been a vampire long enough for that to really matter.
  • Friendly Neighborhood Vampire:
  • Healing Factor: She can regenerate from almost any injury by regrowing her flesh or reforming as a cloud of bats; Grimsley notes that even she wouldn't recover from a fall into lava, though.
  • Horror Hunger: Ozzie needs to feed on blood to live. If she ever drinks human blood, she instantly loses all of her humanity. Thankfully, she's able to keep fed and keep her conscience by drinking demon blood instead.
  • Hunter of His Own Kind: She's a vampire who slays demons, feeding off of them so she doesn't have to drink human blood.
  • I Hate You, Vampire Dad: Ozzie doesn't know who the vampire who turned her is, and she apparently would like to give them a piece of her mind.
  • Late for School: Ozzie has a habit of running late for everything, including school. In chapter 2, she's running late for school because her alarms weren't set at an audible volume.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Not only can Ozzie use her wings as extra arms, she can sprout multiple pairs of wings.
  • Power Incontinence: Right after her transformation progressed to the point that she lost her reflection and started crying tears of blood, Ozzie lost control of her body completely.
  • Shaping Your Attacks: Ozzie's "finishing move", Gravesdrop.
  • Super-Senses: Ozzie has better eyesight than a human, able to make what's happening in a fast-paced fight that just appears as blurs to Austin.
  • Vampiric Draining: Her main method of finishing demons is to suck their blood and leave them a husk.
  • Voice of the Legion: Ozzie's black speech bubble on this page, according to The Rant, is meant to be read with a "scary demonic double voice".
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Ozzie can turn into a bat. She can also turn part or all of her body into a bat cloud, and reform them into weapons.
  • Weakened by the Light: While sunlight won't kill her instantly, it does significantly weaken her powers. She was on-par with a buff but otherwise normal human while the sun was under clouds, and when the sun broke out entirely she was Brought Down to Normal. It also makes her cranky.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Ozzie is immortal and can't be killed by anything... except all the classic vampire weaknesses, including decapitation, a wooden stake through the heart, silver, too much sunlight, and garlic. Also lava, apparently.


Kimberly "Kimmy" Marie Howell
A chronic snarker and Ozzie's best friend since childhood. Her soul is bound to Grimsley, letting her use magic to help Ozzie save the world.
  • Anti-Magic: Grimsley protects Kimmy from demonic magic, including direct physical attacks. She was able to completely No-Sell Glasya-Labolas in the first chapter, and took Catherine by surprise when she resisted Catherine's hypnotism shortly after binding herself to the book.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: Kimmy has a few moments like this regarding Ozzie, like when she threatens a demon that thinks she summoned them to fight Ozzie and not just Alastor, or when she was younger and gave Ozzie her lunches when she didn't have anything to eat.
  • Crush Blush: She becomes flustered and blushes when Austin teases her in Episodes 3 and 6, and when he calls her awesome in Episode 7.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She has a snarky, dry sense of humour.
  • Dysfunctional Family: Has four older sisters, and they all have problems with each other.
  • Experimented in College: Possibly. She casually mentions one of her ex-girlfriends (too casually), but it's not made clear if it's this trope or if she's actually bisexual.
  • Heroic Comedic Sociopath: Kimmy is a caustic and ruthless person of few morals. When she questions why Glasya-Labolas failed to take her soul and Grimsley answers "You don't have a soul", her reply is "Sweet."
  • Magically-Binding Contract: Kimmy's bond with Grimsley seems to be this, and it apparently has serious consequences if she uses her powers against normal humans.
  • Perpetual Frowner: She has a stoic, "Resting Bitch Face" as her default expression.
  • Personal Gain Hurts: Enforced. If Kimmy tries to use her magic to do anything other than fight demons, it violates her contract with Grimsley.
  • The Soulless: Grimsley says that Kimmy has no soul when she is unaffected by a Your Soul Is Mine! demon power. Whether he is kidding, and there's another reason for it, or if he's telling the truth and Kimmy really is devoid of a soul for some reason is unknown.
  • Spicy Latina: Largely averted. She's Puerto Rican and can be quick to anger, but is otherwise fairly deadpan.
  • Squishy Wizard: She has no magic ability or combat training without Grimsley, so most of her fighting is staying in the back away from the demons.
  • Stepford Snarker: Subverted; she has always been snarky, but dealing with her best friend being violently turned into a vampire plus spending an entire year fighting demons on top of dealing with schoolwork has caused her mental state to deteriorate, and she more often than not pushes other people who want to help her like Austin away.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Pizza. Austin is able to bribe her into a night out just by offering to buy her some.
  • The Un-Smile: Kimmy's "nice person smile".


Austin Geoffrey Jones
Ozzie and Kimmy's friend, neighbor, and classmate. He's more interested in meeting cute girls rather than fighting demons.
  • The Big Guy: Physically, although Ozzie is definitely the muscle.
  • Cannot Talk to Women: He freezes up completely whenever he talks to his crush. He doesn't have this problem with Ozzie and Kimmy though, because they're basically guy friends to him.
  • Formerly Fat: He's slimmed down a bit in the month between Episodes 7 and 8.
  • The Heart: The most moral member of the group, and the only one of the original four main characters to have absolutely no way to fight demons.
  • Oblivious to Love: He is oblivious to Kimmy's growing crush on him.


An ancient Grimoire; a sentient spellbook created to aid humans in the fight against demons. He's bound to Kimmy.
  • Blood Magic:
    • The spell to summon the Knights of Amdusias involves offering a bit of blood, which Kimmy accomplishes by biting her thumb.
    • Kimmy bound herself to Grimsley by writing her name in him with her blood.
  • Books That Bite: Downplayed; Grimsley is a sentient book, but isn't capable of moving on his own at all - not even turning his own pages.
  • Cast from Hit Points: Summoning demons means sharing and dividing the caster's life force among them for as long as they remain summoned.
  • Cyclops: He has a single eye on his cover.
  • Enemy Mine: With Ozzie. Grimsley was created to destroy all threats to humanity, but is perfectly willing to work with Ozzie as long as demons crossing over are a bigger threat.
  • Mr. Exposition: He's the foremost authority on demonic activity, and provides the most exposition in the comic.
  • Not So Above It All: Even he knows what Palzos are, and pre-ordered a set.
  • Spell Book: Grimsley boasts numerous spells within his pages, from frog conjuration to lightning to various summoning spells.
  • Straight Man: To Ozzie and Kimmy. He's very duty-bound and takes demon hunting far more seriously than the other two. He's also the only person who didn't laugh at Master Leonard's name.
  • Summon Magic: Grimsley can be used to summon certain demons and guardian spirits.
  • Time Abyss: It's not clear how old Grimsley is, but he is described as one of the first Grimoires. That would place him well over 500 years.
  • Tome of Eldritch Lore: Although he was designed to destroy demons, his spells are very much demonic in nature, requiring blood sacrifices and pentagrams to use.


Nora Steel
A punk rocker girl and lesbian. She got entangled with the group when Austin accidentally unleashed a demon in the record store she worked at.


Matt Garret

A conspiracy theorist who saw Ozzie transform from a bat, and is roommates with one of Nora's band members. He wants to know the truth of what happened to his dad. The eternal third wheel of the group.
  • Butt-Monkey: Nobody except Nora takes Matt very seriously. Kimmy and Ozzie frequently forget who he is (Kimmy only ever calls him "rando"). He gets in trouble or gets his friends mad even when he's being helpful. Even when he tries a Big Damn Heroes, he gets called a snitch. The only person that treats him with even a bit of respect is Nora, and he's left the third wheel when Shari's around.
  • Cassandra Truth: He's been ranting about demons his whole life. It takes Nora's demonic encounters for someone to start listening.
  • Conspiracy Theorist: Matt's room gives off this vibe. On his door he has a poster of an alien with the word "TRUTH", and tacked up on the walls he has newspaper articles about demons and diagrams of pentagrams and The Illuminati symbol.
  • Disappeared Dad: Matt's dad's disappearance is apparently what got him into the supernatural in the first place.
  • Forgettable Character: Neither Ozzie nor Kimmy recognize Matt upon meeting him again in chapter 3.
  • The Generic Guy: Aside from his interest in conspiracies, Matt's characterized as very normal. Made most explicit in this strip, where Nora asks him his music interests.



Steve Huertas

An obnoxious dork with a crush on Ozzie and Kimmy. He was unceremoniously killed in his first appearance.
  • Abhorrent Admirer: Steve, for Ozzie and Kimmy. Ozzie counts him having asked her out 98 times.
  • Advertised Extra: Steve has had two appearances, the first of which he dies in for a joke and the second was briefly in a flashback. Nevertheless, he was listed on the cast page on the main website until recently.
  • And I Must Scream: He's trapped in a demon's stomach in hell for all eternity.
  • Hate Sink: He's an unlikable overbearing nerd that swiftly gets killed off.
  • Otaku: The first time Kimmy met him, he forced her to play a Naruto game... in Japanese. His favourite band is listed as the Dragon Ball Z soundtrack.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Steve to Ozzie. He's been shot down by her over 90 times.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Although by the way he's described, that's a good thing.


Shari Shah

Nora's energetic, nerdy wife.
  • Attack Hello: Her first introduction was tackling Nora to say hi.
  • Genki Girl: She's very excited and energetic.



Ozzie's rival in nerdy endeavors.
  • Fat Bastard: He's not especially fit. He also rubs it in Ozzie's face that he's going to get a rare Palzo because he showed up the store first, and has a continuing rivalry with her.


Gus Brogan

A buff ex-military officer who now works at Bullseye.
  • Drunk On Power: He gets fed up with giving toys to nerds all day, he decides to only give Palzos to "the strong" instead of the normal first-come-first-serve.
  • Muscles Are Meaningful: He's an absolute barrel stack of a man, and is capable of arm wrestling Ozzie to a standstill in the rain and beats her once the sun comes out.


Darren Jones

Austin's brother, who was taken into the pocket dimension with the main group the day Ozzie became a vampire.

The wielder of another Grimoire, and a very powerful magician. She's traveling to Gloomsburg to destroy all the evil in the city.
  • Ambiguously Human: Only humans can use the power of the Grimoires, yet Dantalion is flabbergasted how a human could use magic so effectively. She blasted him through a wall and forced him to retreat in seconds without even touching her spellbook. Also, her name is rather unusual.
  • The Stoic: She's utterly unfazed by anything, and remains constantly neutral.



Glasya-Labolas, Monger of Manslaughter & Eternal Bloodshed

A pug-headed demon trapped in a vinyl record which Austin accidentally unleashes while trying to ask out Nora.
  • Belly Mouth: He grows a head out of his belly to suck up souls en masse.
  • Reforged into a Minion: In the latest arc Kimmie summons what's left of his spirit, devoid of personality, as a weapon against Dantalion.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Glasya-Labolas was sealed inside a vinyl record.
  • Soul Eating: After awakening, he sucks the souls out of everyone in Vinyl Fantasy Seven (except Kimmy and Ozzie). Thankfully, Ozzie punches the souls out of him before he can digest them.
  • Starter Villain: Ozzie takes him down in the first chapter without much issue.


Alastor, Punisher of Vile Men

One of the Demon Lords, and the first truly powerful demon Ozzie and Kimmy face. He serves as the main Big Bad so far.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: Alastor uses his pointed tail to tunnel through the ground to try and stab Ozzie. He later succeeds in stabbing her through the back with it, though it doesn't really hurt her.
  • Big Red Devil: His 'Nemesis' form has classic devil features such as horns (long and curved like a goat's), cloven hooves, and a pointed tail.
  • Breath Weapon: He has some powerful fire breath. This ends up backfiring on him when Ozzie blows him up by sticking her foot in his mouth.
  • Demonic Possession: What's left of him possesses Nora in an attempt to reclaim his body.
  • Devour the Dragon: As Alastor lays near defeat, he absorbs the already defeated Gogmagog and the last remains of his life force, which heals him and activates his One-Winged Angel form.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Alastor has a very strong Puny Humans worldview, and repeatedly expresses disbelief and contempt at Ozzie protecting people from demons.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: Alastor has eyes covering his body.
  • Not Quite Dead: He managed to escape the sealing of the majority of what was left of his body as a small worm creature.
  • One-Winged Angel: The 'Nemesis' form.
  • The Pretty Guys Are Stronger: While his minions are huge monsters, Alastor himself resembles a gray human man with some demonic features. His Nemesis form, while more monstrous, is still humanoid in size and shape, with a slim, graceful air.
  • Puny Humans: Alastor repeatedly expresses his contempt for humans, as they are under demons on the food chain.
  • The Social Darwinist: Alastor has a very strong version of this, believing that demons are in the right to rule over and eat humans because of their greater power, and thus is incensed by Ozzie protecting mankind. Ozzie turns this philosophy on him when she drains him, saying that since she's a demon that eats other demons, that means that she's the real apex predator.
  • Villain Respect: Alastor tends to have a very negative view of humanity, but he lets Nora go without letting Gogmagog eat her because, when he looked into her soul when trying to find out more on Ozzie, he notes that for a human she has unusually strong conviction, living life on her own terms and refusing to just accept the status quo. His last line to her before leaving is that she'd make a great demon. He later chose her specifically to be his Demonic Possession target until he could reclaim his body.


Gogmagog, Fallen Giant

A colossal demon in Alastor's service. He's powerful, but not very bright.
  • Dumb Muscle: He towers over buildings, but is stupid enough to believe Ozzie when she claims she isn't a vampire. In his defense, he had no clue whether humans had wings or not, but at the same time, he had no clue whether humans had wings or not.

    Master Leonard 

Master Leonard, Infernal Seducer

Another of Alastor's massive servants. He's very self-conscience of his name.
  • Combat Tentacles: His ball gag mouth unfolds into a set of these.
  • Embarrassing First Name: Master Leonard is sensitive about his name; Kimmy mocking it (and prompting other people to start laughing) reduces him to tears as he recalls being made fun of in high school.

    The Knights of Amdusias 

General Tropes

The four skulldiers of Amdusias, loyal knights that are sympathetic to the plight of humans. They can be summoned through one of Grimsley's spells.

Jeff, Captain of Amdusias' Knights

  • The Leader: He gives the other three orders in battle, and introduces the group to Kimmy.

Bill, Shredder of Souls

Mike, Reaper Creeper

  • Nervous Wreck: He constantly speaks with a nervous stutter and is generally more hesitant than the others. Downplayed, since he's just as strong a fighter.
  • Sinister Scythe: His weapon.

Ken, the Silent Shield

    Dorrian and Catherine 

Dorrian and Catherine, Bloodsucking Wraiths

The pair of vampires responsible for turning Ozzie, as well as weakening the barrier between the human and demon realms. They serve an unknown being called The Master.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Dorrian quickly realizes that Grimsley is protecting Kimmy from his attacks, so he instead strikes the ground to knock Kimmy over and avoid her Anti-Magic.
  • Really 700 Years Old: The group discovers that Catherine was a woman born in 1919, and was turned to try and open the barrier much like Ozzie. Dorrian is likely even older.
  • Significant Birthdate: Like Ozzie, Catherine's birthday is Halloween.
  • Not Quite Dead: After being blasted with garlic bombs by Kimmy, they slink back as badly burnt corpses to finish the job. Fortunately, the main characters flee back to the human realm before they can.
  • Transhuman Treachery: They used to be human at some point, but have fallen so far they doomed all of humanity with their Evil Plan.
  • Villainous Face Hold: Catherine does this to Kimmy a couple times — when they first meet and she goes in an instant from being a distance away to having her hand at her throat, and later when she's about to try and drink her blood.



A lesser demon; specifically the first one who made it into the human world and the first demon Ozzie and Kimmy defeated.
  • Affably Evil: He's genuinely polite to Ozzie, even before he finds out she's a vampire - at which point he compliments her "game" and tries to leave her be. The only reason he crossed into the human realm is get easy pickings before bigger demons can come over.
  • Expy: Of 'Macho Man' Randy Savage.
  • Odd Name Out: He's the only demon that isn't given a title.
  • Starter Villain: The first demon fought chronologically. He's so weak that a tired, beat-up, starving Ozzie throws him around and drinks his blood.


Malphas, Revealer of Secret Thoughts

A bird-like demon.


Dantalion, the Face of Many

A demon with a head made of hundreds of faces. She serves as a Portal Network for other demons.
