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Inaba Villains

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    Angel Blue Versus 

Angel Blue Versus

Stand: Dig It

The Arc Villain of the Inaba storyline, Angel Blue Versus is the illegitimate son of Donatello Versus. He was given the South Quarter Sluices.

His Stand, Dig It (named after a song by Shia LaBeouf and the D-Tent Boys), lets him dig out massive caverns and prevent them from caving in no matter how big they are.

  • All for Nothing: His desire to get his grandfather DIO's diary to find the Heaven formula is rendered moot when Joker points out the incident in New York. Angel Blue is not happy about it.
  • Bastard Bastard: He's Donatello's illegitimate son through a high school sweetheart, and tries to kidnap and kill certain individuals just to buy time to reclaim his grandfather DIO's legacy of Heaven.
  • Cover-Blowing Superpower: A brief earthquake occurs when he activates his Stand. Trouble is, Inaba doesn't rest on a fault line, and it's possible to track Angel Blue when the earthquake hits using a simple seismometer.
  • Expy: The way he uses his Stand to create caverns under Inaba is identical to the dungeons found in the Midnight Channel.
  • Fan-Created Offspring: Donatello Versus didn't have any children in canon, but here, he sired an illegitimate son with his high school sweetheart.
  • Jack the Ripoff: He tries to emulate the crimes of Tohru Adachi, who was arrested for two murders and several kidnappings a few years prior. Joker and Goro make sure he fails.

    Momo Jiraiya 

Momo Jiraiya

Stand: Crazy Frog

The first enemy Joker encounters in the castle cave.

His Stand, Crazy Frog (named after CGI singer Crazy Frog), can emit smoke from its body and swallow anything its tongue wraps around.

  • Meaningful Name: He's named after the famous frog-themed ninja Jiraiya, and his Stand is a frog with a humanoid torso atop it.
  • Shout-Out: His quip that Joker doesn't look like a clown brings to mind a certain other Joker.
  • Smoke Out: Crazy Frog can emit smoke from its mouth to debilitate an enemy.
  • Swallowed Whole: His Stand is capable of this, though the victim is merely teleported to a different location rather than killed. Joker is able to avoid this by phasing through the Stand.

    Big Bertha 

Big Bertha

Stand: Whip Me Hard

A Rumble Roses wrestler who Joker encounters in the castle cave.

Her Stand, Whip Me Hard (named after a Sota Fujimori song), holds a whip that only causes minimal damage, but can control whoever the whip hits.

  • Heel: Is clearly meant to be this for the Rumble Roses, due to her dominatrix attitude and Stand.
  • Mind Control: Her whip can only cause a minimal amount of damage and pain, but will allow her to control whoever gets hit.
  • Shout-Out: Joker lampshades the fact that she shares a name with a Super Mario Bros. enemy.
  • Stationary Boss: Her Stand can't move, relying on its long-range whip for offense.

    Sir Fortesque 

Sir Fortesque

Stand: Angus McFife

A strange knight who stands guard in the castle cave.

His Stand, Angus McFife (named after a Gloryhammer song), is a nigh-impenetrable suit of armor that can track down any target.

  • Black Knight: He claims to be a Knight in Shining Armor, but he's really more along the lines of this trope, even if he doesn't want to admit it.
  • Moral Myopia: Joker points out that an honorable knight shouldn't be complicit to a planned kidnapping, but Fortesque just decries him as a mere thief.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: He could have simply had his Stand track down Joker and possibly tire him out, but instead he blurted out that his Stand had an inner core that acted as a weak point. Granted he also mentioned that the armor was strong enough to protect said core, but Joker turned out to have the perfect bypass for that.
  • Shout-Out: He shares a name with the hero of MediEvil, only with more meat on his bones and less honor in his heart.
  • Super-Persistent Predator: His Stand can track a target no matter where and how they hide. If not for the mass of darkness between its armor and core, Joker would never have stood a chance.

    Nagisa Tachibana 

Nagisa Tachibana

Stand: Free Bird

A young woman who tried to open her own inn at Inaba, only for the Amagi family to prove more popular. She was given The Keep to hold onto.

Her Stand, Free Bird (named after a Lynyrd Skynyrd song), can warp the space of any building.

  • Always Someone Better: How she feels towards the Amagi family, hence why she agreed to Angel Blue's order of kidnapping Yukiko Amagi.
  • Blow You Away: In addition to being able to warp space inside any building, her Stand can attack with powerful gusts of wind.
  • Brutal Bird of Prey: Her stand takes on such a form.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Joker is able to prevent himself from being warped around by just melding into the nearby shadows like he always does.

    William Fergus 

William Fergus

Stand: Pump It

A masked wrestler keeping guard in the bathhouse cave under Tatsumi Textiles.

His Stand, Pump It (named after a song by The Black Eyed Peas), can hunt down any target its wielder is aware of.

  • Idiot Ball: He keeps his face hidden with a wrestling mask... But goes around with what is clearly an actual name rather than a wrestling handle.
  • Musical Theme Naming: His name comes from the two most well-known members of The Black Eyed Peas, and Fergie.
  • Synchronization: Like most Stand users, William can feel the damage taken by his Stand, which is how Joker is able to beat him since his own Stand is more physically powerful.

    Enji Masamune 

Enji Masamune

Stand: Macho Man

A biker gang leader who wants revenge on Kanji Tatsumi for beating up his entire gang. He was given The Grace of Insecurity.

His Stand, Macho Man (named after a song by The Village People), can emit steam from any surface.

  • A Father to His Men: His attitude shows he does care for his gang, wanting revenge for them getting beaten up.
  • Glass Cannon: Both he and his Stand are strong offensively, but while they can dish it out, they can't take it. Akechi easily knocks him for a loop with a quick blow to the jaw.
  • Moral Myopia: He thinks Kanji beating them up for keeping his mom awake was Disproportionate Retribution. He forgets that keeping even one person awake at night constitutes as a public disturbance crime.
  • Straight Gay: His Stand bears two male symbols, and Enji personally says that he is gay before Joker can ask, as well as saying not to make a big deal out of it.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: He thinks the name Joker refers to the Batman villain, doesn't know what the big deal is about the painting he was given, and was only given his Stand recently thanks to the remains of the sword of Anubis, meaning he doesn't even know other people have such a power naturally.

    Ai Nodaka 

Ai Nodaka

Stand: Slave 4 U

A gravure idol standing guard at the strip club cave under Marukyu Tofu.

Her Stand, Slave 4 U (named after a Britney Spears song), can create spotlights for its wielder by drawing in light.

  • Dominatrix: She's dressed as this underneath her robe, but there's nothing to indicate she actually is one.
  • Idiot Ball: She uses her Stand to completely drain the light from around her to try blinding Joker. A quick reminder that Joker's entire powerset revolves around blending into and moving through darkness.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Comes with being a gravure idol. She's even introduced wearing a bathrobe and assuring Agent Manx that all her private areas are still covered by her outfit.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: She's actually neutral regarding Rise Kujikawa, and is only helping Misa because she was promised a photo shoot with the popular idol.
  • Snakes Are Sexy: Her Stand's physical form is that of a serpent. A hot pink serpent at that.

    Misa Amane 

Misa Amane

Stand: Satellite

A popular idol who's been getting jealous of Rise still being popular despite being older. Her collection piece is The Married Spinster.

Her Stand, Satellite (named after a Rise Against song), can fire an orbital cannon at anyone its wielder locks on to.

  • Adaptational Badass: The power to kill anyone just by writing their name while thinking of their face is powerful, but the Death Note can only kill one person at a time. As a Stand user with the power to track anything and destroy a wide area, Misa is far more powerful in this story.
  • Adaptational Superpower Change: She went from being a Death Note holder in canon to a Stand user in this story.
  • Adaptational Villainy: In canon, it took being corrupted by Light Yagami to turn her into a villain. Here she becomes one on her own.
  • The Dividual: Her Stand's physical form has two bodies, the one with her having a radar dish, and the second one being an actual satellite floating at the edge of the planet's exosphere.
  • Kill Sat: Her Stand's main method of attack, firing on a target Misa indicates.
  • Logical Weakness: Her Stand can only detect physical objects, but shadows are not physical. So by merging into them, Joker can dodge Satellite's scanning ability.
  • Underestimating Badassery: She intends to move on to Junko Enoshima after dealing with Rise, not knowing Junko is also a Stand user and would easily see Misa coming.

    Agent Manx 

Agent Manx

Stand: Bear Chase

An agent of MI6 working directly for Gibbons. He was behind the kidnapping of Maruki.

His Stand, Bear Chase (named after the Pete Seeger song "Cumberland Mountain Bear Chase"), gives him all the natural abilities of a bear.

  • Attack Its Weak Point: Bear Chase's holes aren't an illusion, and attacking through them can successfully bypass the Stand and harm Manx directly.
  • Bodyguarding a Badass: He seems to be in charge of keeping Misa safe, though Misa is actually the more powerful Stand user.
  • Stronger Than They Look: The Stand may look like a worn-out costume, but it actually increases Manx's physical ability and gives him powerful claws. It's also much more durable than it looks.
  • Wolverine Claws: His Stand is a worn-down bear suit with incredibly sharp claws attached to it.



Stand: Crazy Arms

A criminal Stand user residing in the dungeon cave beneath the Inaba police station.

His Stand, Crazy Arms (named after a song by Van Morrison and Linda Gail Lewis), can create duplicates of the user's arms.

  • Awesome, but Impractical: The ability to create floating copies of your own limbs sounds great on paper, until you realize said limbs aren't any stronger than you are.
  • Dumb Muscle: He's just a brute with a Stand that Mitsuo hired as a "party member". Joker takes him out with ease.
  • Psycho for Hire: He was hired by Mitsuo personally, and his declaration of beating the pulp out of Joker shows he's definitely willing to use his Stand for heinous actions.
  • Smug Super: He thinks his Stand makes him too much for anyone to handle. Joker proves to him otherwise.

    Mitsuo Kubo 

Mitsuo Kubo

Stand: Space Invaders

A simple high school student arrested for killing a teacher. He had recently purchased Guilt has Black Wings.

His Stand, Space Invaders (named after a Player One song), is composed of toy blocks that he can control at will.

  • All of the Other Reindeer: Justified. While he claims the root of his ostracization to be due to his unattractive looks, it's actually his Entitled Bastard attitude, poor people skills, and overall Jerkass personality that made him a social pariah in Inaba. This eventually created his desire to gather Fame Through Infamy, but while he does later become a Stand user, both his inexperience and psychological immaturity only ensure that he continues to be treated like a joke. The police regard him as an inferior Copycat Killer compared to Tohru Adachi, who menaced Inaba prior to the story, while Joker treats him like a Smug Super who truly doesn't knows what he's doing.
  • Attention Whore: He is so starved for attention that he tried claiming Adachi's previous kills as his own work — which got him ridiculed online since his claims were bogus — and later murdered a drunk teacher. Once he gets his own Stand, he starts making plans to kill Joker so he can essentially take over Inaba and make everyone pay attention to him. Then after he's caught and arrested, he starts ranting about how he deserves attention for having fought Joker, but no one gives him the time of day.
  • Dirty Coward: He tried claiming Adachi's previous kills as his own, but the only kill he scored was a defenseless teacher who happened to be drunk at the time. After getting his Stand, he talks a big game about how he'll use his new powers to kill Joker and gain enough infamy to make himself the center of attention in Inaba. But once Joker focuses on him and sends his calling cards, his immediate response is to try fleeing with the Joestar painting, Guilt has Black Wings, showing that he is truly all bluster and no bite. Even his Stand is rather pathetic, its power involving the equivalent of throwing toy blocks at his attacker and hoping it'll work.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Hifumi Yamada of Jojolion. Both are physically unattractive Otaku, except Hifumi Yamada is a social butterfly and has a lot of friends, while Mitsuo Kubo is a total creep who resents the world for ignoring him and tries to get attention by killing people. They're also Stand users, except Hifumi Yamada's Stand, Rewrite, is incredibly versatile and has useful applications, while Mitsuo Kubo's Stand, Space Invaders, consists only of toy blocks, reflecting the Psychopathic Manchild he truly is. Goro Akechi even states that compared to someone like Hifumi Yamada, Mitsuo Kubo is "at the other end of the spectrum".
  • Fame Through Infamy: He's so desperate to be known that he's willing to kill just to get attention. At the end of his appearance, he's demanding to be recognized for being targeted by Joker, but Akechi doesn't even consider it worth his time.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: From simple high school otaku to convicted murderer to deranged Stand user.
  • Jack the Ripoff: He killed a teacher during Tohru Adachi's serial kidnappings in an effort to get himself noticed. Ironically, another copycat recruited him to cause chaos in Inaba by giving him a Stand.
  • Personality Powers: His Stand, Space Invaders, manifests as toy blocks he can psychically control, whether to inflict blunt damage or transform into 8-bit-style warriors, though they're rather easy to destroy. It reflects his true nature as a Psychopathic Manchild who desperately wants to be noticed, even if he had to kill people to get it. Once a veteran Stand user like Joker beats him, he quickly goes down like a chump and is reduced to ranting about how he should get attention for fighting Joker, which the police naturally refuse to give.
  • Psycho for Hire: He was given a Stand to help him escape prison and cause trouble. He was more than happy to do just that, including killing more people.
  • Retraux: His Stand has a rather 8-bit look to it.
  • Smug Super: He got his Stand very recently and didn't know there were others with such a power. So after breaking out of prison he was naturally on quite the ego trip. Joker made sure it didn't last.



Stand: Hero Getter

A masked villain who confronts Joker and Violet in the laboratory cave.

His Stand, Hero Getter (named after the song "Super Sentai Hero Getter", the ending theme of Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger), creates an endless supply of robotic humanoids that obey the user's will.

  • Card-Carrying Villain: He doesn't even try to hide the fact that he's basically a supervillain, even dressing the part.
  • Irony: He styles himself as a typical Toku villain, yet his Stand has "hero" in the name and the robots his Stand summons are noted to have typical Super Sentai colors.
  • Shout-Out: He's named for the first villain organization featured in Kamen Rider.

    Saizo Mori 

Saizo Mori

Stand: Blinded With Science

A serial kidnapper who was the first criminal ever captured by Naoto Shirogane. His collection piece is the Stonemason's Ring.

His Stand, Blinded With Science, is named after the song "She Blinded Me With Science" by Thomas Dolby. It can control any machine and fire energy bursts.

  • Crippling Overspecialization: While his Stand is strong, it can't do much without machines around to control. Against the more versatile Joker and Violet, he proves lacking.
  • Smug Super: The laboratory cave provides him with plenty of options due to all the machines inside. Unfortunately, he decides to resort to Explaining Your Powers to the Enemy, prompting Violet to smash all the machines and render them useless.
  • Those Meddling Kids: He hates that it was a mere child that got him arrested, and he's eager for revenge.

    Misuzu Hiiragi 

Misuzu Hiiragi

Stand: Heaven and Hell

A popular enka singer and the ex-wife of Inaba's mayor Taro Namatame. She holes up in the heaven cave.

Her Stand, Heaven and Hell (named after a song by Black Sabbath), renders her immune to either light or dark energy, depending on how the scales are set.

  • Didn't Think This Through: She somehow manifested a Stand that could render her invulnerable to Joker's power, and even accounted for Violet being there. What she didn't think about was that her Stand can only protect her from one of them at a time.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Once she realizes that Joker and Violet are too coordinated for her Stand to be effective, she reluctantly surrenders.
  • Necessary Drawback: Since Heaven and Hell takes the form of a scale, it can only block one type of energy at a time, leaving Misuzu wide open to the other kind in the process.
  • Not in This for Your Revolution: She couldn't care less what happens to Nanako, as she's only in this to punish her ex for returning to a political career after the scandal surrounding their divorce.

    Raye Suzuharu 

Raye Suzuharu

Stand: Sweet Black Angel

The man responsible for killing Dojima's wife in a hit-and-run, with a history of sexual harassment. He was given Carlysle's Mill.

His Stand, Sweet Black Angel, is named after a song by The Rolling Stones. It can fire beams of energy that damage anyone who doesn't agree with his version of reality.

  • Adaptational Expansion: It turns out he didn't just accidentally run over Mrs. Dojima. He tried to pick her up but was rejected, and he couldn't handle that.
  • I Reject Your Reality: The theme of his Stand, and a problem of his in general. He couldn't accept that the woman he was trying to pick up was already married.
  • Logical Weakness: Inanimate objects have no concept of reality, so they can't be damaged by Raye's Stand.
  • O.C. Stand-in: For the unknown driver who killed Dojima's wife.

    Tohru Adachi 

Tohru Adachi

Stand: Backside of the TV

A former detective who also tried to go on a killing spree using his Stand, only to be taken down by a bunch of meddling local teenagers. He was given the Elder's Memory

His Stand, Backside of the TV (named after a song remixed by Lotus Juice), can draw himself or other people into a television. While inside this TV world, anything can become real if the person inside perceives it as such, though nothing inside can actually kill them permanently.

  • Graceful Loser: He freely admits he lost on his own merit against Yu Narukami and his crew, and doesn't hold a grudge. Happens again when Joker and Violet finally catch up to him, even more so since they're actually a credible threat to him.
  • Logical Weakness: Enforced. While he was in prison there were strict instructions not to let him anywhere near a TV so his Stand couldn't properly function. Angel Blue had to sneak one in, and it's noted that it wasn't easy.
  • The Sociopath: He freely admits there's no real room in his heart for emotions.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gets one from Angel Blue, who admonishes him for being a train wreck of a human being.
  • Your Mind Makes It Real: While affected by Adachi's Stand, a person is only in as much danger as they're aware of. If a victim is aware that what they're seeing isn't real, nothing can really harm them.

    Hatsuko Haku 

Hatsuko Haku

Stand: Calystegia

An enforcer for Angel Blue Versus who was tasked with aiding Adachi during his prison escape.

Her Stand, Calystegia, is named after a song by Minako Kotobuki. It creates streamers that can alter spatial reality.

  • Mythology Gag: Both her Stand's mechanics and name are taken from Persona 4: Dancing All Night.
  • Puzzle Boss: Since her streamers make it difficult for Joker and Violet to phase around the cave, they rely instead on their physical abilities and teamwork to take Hatsuko down.
  • Reality Warper: Her streamers can alter physical space in a given area. Destroying the streamers will restore reality to normal.



Stand: They Might Be Giants

One of the villains hired to look after Adachi while in the city cave.

His Stand, They Might Be Giants, is named after the alternative rock band They Might Be Giants. It causes its user to grow to enormous size, but only within a certain range. If attacked, it will send an alert to the user.

  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: When Triangle is first introduced, his Stand is already active, patrolling the large area with the all-caps font of his speech suggesting he's massive.
  • Musical Theme Naming: He's named after one of the characters from the song "Particle Man", that being the misanthropic Triangle Man.
  • Oh, Crap!: Once Triangle's Stand is taken down, all he can do is weakly offer parlay.
  • Required Secondary Powers: The Stand is stationary, leaving it wide open. To counter this, it has a high Durability rating and can alert Triangle when it gets attacked.



Stand: Creatures

One of Angel Blue's last allies in the final cave.

His Stand, Creatures, is named after the song "Creatures (For A While)" by 311. It can create barriers capable of blocking even elemental attacks.

  • Explaining Your Powers to the Enemy: To be fair, he didn't think he'd have to worry since his power has very few weaknesses. Even Joker and Violet admit they would have struggled against him.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Akechi's ability to rend apart spatial reality proves to be his Achilles' Heel, successfully breaking the barrier and knocking Dartz out.



Stand: The Table

A villain fought by Goro while chasing after Angel Blue.

His Stand, The Table, is named after a song by Raekwon. It's an actual table that can manipulate any object placed on it at least once.

  • Boisterous Weakling: He talks a big game, and is the last villain fought in the Inaba storyline before Angel Blue is dealt with. But Akechi actually beats him pretty easily.
  • Boring, but Practical: He's taken out by Yu knocking him out from behind while Akechi holds his attention.
  • Required Secondary Powers: He can continue to control any object affected by his Stand even if it drops to the ground.
