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Characters / Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Lapis Allies

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These are allies Rain's party finds throughout Season 1 in Lapis. They meet members of Rain's team at one point or another of the story, and many of them help his party on their quest to stop the Veritas.

For other characters, check here.

Tropes common to all of them

  • Clap Your Hands If You Believe: At the end of Season 1, EVERY supporting character, even the ones that the party didn't meet like Helena and Ulrica, help give Rain and his friends the natural good will that they need to stand against the Chaotic Darkness.
  • Late-Arrival Spoiler: These folks tend to get hit with it harder than most, because by and large they eventually end up in the general summoning pool as time goes on. As a number of them are 3-4* base rarity, to boot, it means that it's very possible to end up with them in your party long before you actually meet them.
  • Promoted to Playable: Tends to happen to them some time after they first appear in the story; they can be summoned as Visions and can be used in your fighting party.


Olderion's Maiden of Water, and the younger sister of Nichol. She's the Water Priestess of Olderion for her generation, and the one tasked with purifying the waters with the help of the Water Goddess Leviathan.

  • Ambidextrous Sprite: Another notable aversion - her typical standing posture has her right foot a little behind her left, resting on her toes, and her left and right-facing sprites do reflect this as they properly should!
  • The Chosen One: A minor one compared to Rain, but Luka was chosen by the Water Crystal at a young age.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Seems to be a family trait as she and her brothers have blue hair and eyes.
  • Expy: Of Aria, another Miko associated with Water who performs a Heroic Sacrifice to purify the land from evil influence. Appropriately, Aria's Leitmotif plays during her "death".
  • Gender-Blender Name: Not as blatant as her brothers, but Luka's name is masculine in several languages.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Puts herself into a Deep Sleep to completely purify Lake Dorr and Leviathan. She actually survived.
  • High-Class Gloves: An odd example - they're very conspicuous in all of her concept artwork (the gloves going past her elbows and accompanied with bangles on her wrists), but in the game itself, she's notably bare-armed.
  • Impossibly-Low Neckline: A little less impossible than a few other examples in the franchise, but it does seem there's nothing holding her dress up aside from the universe's need to keep the Water Maiden chaste.
  • Nuns Are Mikos: She has a number of nun-like elements to her outfit, including the veil.
  • Put on a Bus: Once Leviathan is tamed, she makes it clear that she's going to be just fine - she just has to purify Lake Dorr for the next decade or so.
    • The Bus Came Back: Nichol's Side Story chapter reveals that he convinced Leviathan to release her before he left for Paladia.
  • True Blue Femininity: Yes, blue is the official color of the Olderion Federation, her home, but it's worth noting that, of the three Wardens of the Waters that are met, Luka is both the most feminine and wears the most blue.
  • White Magician Girl: When she first appears, she definitely meets the demure feminine ideal, as well as being rather caring and compassionate to the point of attempting to cure the Leviathan. The final point comes when she finally becomes available as a Vision; the only white magic she lacks is revival magic.


Another Warden of Water, and Nichol's younger brother. He's tasked with commanding Olderion's military force on the frontlines where Nichol handles tactics. Has both admiration and envy for his siblings for their role to Olderion and Leviathan, which also causes him to exhibit an inferiority complex when comparing himself to both of them.

  • Buffy Speak: "Inferior-water-drinking foreigners!" Sure, Elle.
  • Dead Guy Junior: Nichol decides to name Elle's daughter "Ellie" after him.
  • Gender-Blender Name: Elle is unambiguously a man, despite the fact that his name is feminine in several languages.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Unfortunately, his You Shall Not Pass! act costs him his life.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He comes across as a real jerk to our heroes when they first meet him due to his Noble Bigot tendencies about non-Olderians, but he really does want to keep his country and his family safe, and both are feeling the squeeze due to the Leviathan crisis.
  • Someone to Remember Him By: His fiancée Arsha reveals that she's pregnant with his child after being informed about his death.
  • Taking the Bullet/Draw Aggro: Fittingly for the above tropes, when he becomes a Vision that can be summoned, he gains both of these abilities to cover for his allies.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: As shown in a flashback, Elle was rather desperate to prove to someone, anyone, that he was as capable of being as capable of helping Olderion as his siblings, Nichol and Luka. Nichol, for his part, tried to help Elle with his inferiority complex.
  • You Shall Not Pass!: Stalls the Waterlord from breaking Water Crystal long enough for Rain and Nichol to arrive at the Crystal room.


A pirate captain who rules over Olderion's northern sea. Initially hostile and willing to make a quick buck out of Rain's hide, her experience with him in the seas of Olderion causes her to turn over a new leaf.

  • Defeat Means Friendship: Once Rain's group defeats her and her crews, they lend their assistance and ship.
  • Expy: As a pirate captain who assists the heroes after being defeated, she's this to Bikke. She's also got no small amount of similarity to Faris.
  • Impoverished Patrician: Her backstory on her unit page, and a cutscene from the "Memories of Olderion" event, reveal that she was originally a noble's daughter growing up, living a life of luxury. Her family nearly lost everything, with Mercedes only having her ship to her name. Refusing to just accept being beaten down, she turned to piracy to stand up for herself.
  • Making a Splash: She can use the Water line of spells, and she also does Water damage with her Limit Break.
  • Spam Attack: Learns Barrage as she levels.
  • Stripperiffic: Outside of a longcoat worn open (which becomes fur-lined upon awakening), the only thing protecting her modesty is a bikini.
  • Video Game Stealing: Appropriate for a pirate, she learns Mug (damage and 50% chance to steal an item) by leveling.

Crown Prince Shera

The prince and eventually Emperor of Zoldaad, and also Jake's younger half-brother. Shera secretly helped Jake with his rebellion due to having no taste for his father Sozhe's militaristic interests. When the party meets him, they have to bail him out of prison, where he was sent by Lazarov's suggestion.

  • All Your Powers Combined: Emperor Shera's limit burst involves him summoning his personal guard, who have a wide range of varied and useful abilities.
  • Distressed Dude: The first time you meet him involves saving him in prison from being executed.
  • Faking the Dead: Pretends Amelia killed him in order to unmask a traitor in his court.
  • King Incognito: Has a habit of going out into the general public in disguise to get feedback from the people.
  • Gratuitous German: His limit bursts Kaiser Ziel and Kaiser Verteidiger, as well as some of his normal attack skills.
  • "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: Tries to use this on his father before The Reveal that his father is a zombie kicks in.
  • Magikarp Power: His 5 star version, Emperor Shera, is a mediocre damage dealer and support hybrid with not enough base attack to make a difference to the meta. Come his 7 star version, he is one of the better units in the game, with the ability to dualcast his abilities without dual wielding, the ability to give both himself and another unit the fire element, moves that chain with the Orlandeau family of chainers, and innate killers against almost all enemy types.
  • Playing with Fire: He has several fire-based attacks as a vision.
  • Rebel Prince: Helps the rebellion restore the Empire to its former glory.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: He was actively helping the rebels and once he's on the throne sends his personal guard out to help the party while they are in Gronoa. He also takes an active role in exposing the Prime Minister's corruption and provides assistance to Charlotte during her Story Event.
  • Spam Attack: Notable in that he starts with Barrage as a three-star vision, which is generally reserved for something learned at higher levels as a five-star vision.
  • Ship Tease: With Lid in the 4koma. He asks Jake whether he can ask Lid out on a date, much to his older brother's horror.
  • The Strategist: Works out a complex plan to oust rebellion in his court.
  • The Wise Prince: He wants to end Zoldaad's militarism, he wants to have a peaceful resolution to the rebellion, and he's concerned about the general welfare of the people. He also wants to make sure that Jake, his half-brother, gets a fair shake even though he's not a legitimate heir. He gets upgraded to The Good King at the end of Rain's travels through Zoldaad.
  • Took a Level in Badass: His Season 1 form is a measly 3-star. His Season 2 form, Emperor Shera, is a 5-star and a decent Divine Ruination chainer at 7-star with multiple killer types.


Lid's older brother. Also an engineer, he wanted to design airships just like his sister. However, letting greed get the best of him as result of brainwashing made by Lazarov, he started working with the military and later, the Veritas of the Heavens, to make a bigger profit off of creating weapons.
  • The Atoner: After Lazarov's hold is broken on him, he decides to work with Shera to promote peace and atone for what he did under brainwashing.
  • Big Brother Instinct: The actual reason for his Money Fetish was so that he could support Lid's projects and get them closer to their dreams.
  • Big Damn Hero: He shows up driving the Invincible so that the heroes can go fight the Chaotic Darkness.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Controlled by Dr. Lazarov for the man's experiments.
  • Broken Pedestal: Lid reveals that she used to think much more highly of her brother, before he began just working for the highest bidder. When it's revealed that he's working for Veritas of the Heavens, while Lid can accept it fairly easily, it still clearly bothers her greatly.
  • Face–Heel Turn: He's working for Veritas of the Heavens and Dr. Lazarov when the party first meets him.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: It's strongly implied that many of the mechanized foes that plague Rain and company throughout Dilmagia are his builds or designs, and the background information from Lid's five-star form reveals that he previously beat out Lid for the title of Cid, Dilmagia's master engineer.
  • Idiot Ball: During "The Phantom Blueprint", Evan is able to figure out pretty quickly that the machine that Heltich found was made by Dr. Lazarov, and that it's capable of controlling people and animating the dead. He decides to try to hide all of this information, including the machine, from his sister Lid, and he decides to confront Lazarov about this alone without telling anyone what he's doing or why. This is how Evan ends up Brainwashed and Crazy in the first place.
  • Money Fetish: A lot more than his sister, although could possibly be subverted as the only reason he wanted so much money was to make his and Lid's dreams come true.


A black mage from Mysidia who was exiled by Sakura and other Mysidian elders for research into magical powers to augment living beings, which had the side effect of creating monsters that ran wild. He later accompanies Ulrica to research her and to help her finally control her powers.

  • Break Her Heart to Save Her: What he thinks he's doing in a platonic sense. He comes to think that his continued research is just going to put Ulrica in danger, so he tries to tell her that he's abandoning his research and going his own way to save her life.
  • A Day in the Limelight: His first appearance was a brief appearance during the "Shadow of the Empire" event that showed how he met Ulrica. He, along with her, become the focal point of the "The Phantom Blueprint" event.
  • Elemental Powers: Heltich's spell list includes Playing with Fire, Dishing Out Dirt, Shock and Awe, and Blow You Away, with Casting a Shadow with his Limit Burst.
  • The Exile: While the specific final incident hasn't been shown, it's made clear that he's not welcome back in Mysidia.
  • Good Counterpart: He's one to Dr. Lazarov - the two used to work together, but Heltich had lines he wouldn't cross for research and he still works for the betterment of people as a whole instead of just himself. However, Lazarov was introduced first and Heltich's status as this is only shown in a limited-time event.
  • Love Epiphany: He comes to realize that his concern for Ulrica is romantic after seeing that she fought nearly to the death to help save him.
  • Mad Scientist: One with some level of ethics, considering that he viewed injecting living people with magical powers just to see what would happen as wrong. However, he was quite comfortable with animal experimentation even when it would result in monster creation, which led to his exile from Mysidia.
  • Professor Guinea Pig: It's suggested that his self-buff skills are him turning the results of his research onto himself.
  • Pure Energy: Heltich also learns several non-elemental magical attacks, in case his foes resist the Elemental Powers he has at his command.
  • Squishy Wizard: Like many black mages in the series, he's built for offense and not much else. Heightened by his various buff skills, which increase his magic power at the sake of his defenses.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Heltich's ultimate goal is to make it so that otherwise defenseless people could use magical power to defend themselves. However, while he won't experiment on (other) people such that they lose control, he's willing to perform experiments so dangerous that he gets booted from his hometown.


A berserker who wanders around, making her living as a mercenary. She originally travels alone for fear of hurting others during her rages, but she begins to accompany Heltich, in part because he wants something from her that isn't just to kill his foes.

  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Heltich is the first person that wants her for more than just killing things, and he's also the first person who has any interest in helping out her Shrinking Violet side. She naturally grows closer to him because of this.
  • The Berserker: Given that she has almost no active skills, she's pretty much there to beat things into a pulp, and in fact her Limit Break even puts her into the Berserk state, making it so that she auto-attacks.
  • Blood Knight: Her berserker personality will attack pretty much anyone nearby, and Heltich is apparently the only one who can calm it down.
  • Counter-Attack: In part to represent her berserk fury in-battle, she has a very high chance of countering anything done to her. Pretty much the only way to avoid a counter is to either kill her or hit her with a status ailment.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Yes, she hits like a truck and can counter nearly anything. However, physical hits and counters are all she can do - she doesn't even have backup buffs to help out. Anything with high physical defense and/or the ability to dodge blows is going to just laugh her off. Plus, if her Limit Burst is activated, she can't even be controlled, which makes it impossible to use her for chaining.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Her first appearance was a brief appearance during the "Shadow of the Empire" event that showed how she met Heltich. She, along with him, become the focal point of the "The Phantom Blueprint" event.
  • Hulking Out: How the game describes her entering her berserk state, apparently becoming much more physically imposing and threatening (she still uses the same sprites).
  • Love Epiphany: It takes her some time to realize that her protectiveness towards Heltich is more than just thankfulness. In particular, the fact that her berserker personality was willing to fight to the death to defend him makes her realize that he's more than just the guy seeking to teach her how to control her power.
  • Mythology Gag: Ulrica is visually a dead ringer for Lenna in the Berserker job.
  • Nemean Skinning: The first clue that Ulrica is more than just a retiring girl is the fact that she's wearing a Fur Bikini with a tiger's skinned head as a hat.
  • Shrinking Violet: Ironically, her personality outside of battle, which causes people unfamiliar with her to think that she'll be worthless in a fight.
  • Split Personality: She treats her berserk form as this, to the extent that she doesn't trust that she can avoid attacking others while in that state. However, how she acts towards Heltich suggest that the two aren't quite as different as she thinks.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: Heltich theorizes (and it's suggested in-story that he's correct) that Ulrica naturally possesses an excess of magical power in her system, and threatening situations causes Ulrica to access it, and the inability to control the excess when reached is what causes her berserk rage. She initially agrees to let him accompany her in the hopes that he can figure out a way to let her access it without the loss of control on her part.


A green mage from Mysidia who is energetic and cheerful, compared to everyone in the town, and loves taunting her enemy.

  • Genki Girl: She's pretty freaking genki, and she's more of The Prankster in gameplay than anything.
  • Hidden Depths: Her 6* awakening shows a more cunning side to her.
    6-star awakening story blurb: One of the most proficient green mages in all of Mysidia. Marie is extremely intelligent and incredibly well versed in magic, although her personality is quite eccentric. Yet another side of her, however, shows just how obsessed she is with discovering how green magic can push the boundaries of the human body. Behind all of her unusual behavior lies a calculating and logical mind that seeks to understand how much the heart of a person who has been strengthened with magic can take, as well as how low a person who has been enfeebled can fall.
  • Lost in Translation: Gumi's Schedule Slip caused Marie's Character Quest in Mysidia to not come to Global.
  • The Prankster: Loves to debuff and taunt her enemy.
  • Support Party Member: Being a green mage - she has spells to buff every stat and can cast spells to mitigate every type of elemental damage.


Prince Shera's maid. A former mercenary once known as the "Dual Gunner". She was secretly working with Jake to support the Empire, and after Shera assumes the Zoldaad throne, she tasks herself with gathering a team that will serve as Shera's personal guard.

  • All There in the Manual: It is heavily implied in their descriptions that Shine is one of her personas. However, she has a twin sister, Emilia, who is really Shine.
  • A Day in the Limelight: One event chapter focused on the doings of her and the others she recruited, with the only party member getting much reference at all being Jake (who doesn't even appear).
  • Dual Wield: She's one of the first few that can innately equip two weapons (limited to guns, but as she gets an attack buff when equipped with guns, that's not a problem).
  • Gameplay and Story Integration: There's a reason she's called "Dual Gunner Amelia," though she has to be leveled a bit before her Vision can do it.
  • Meido: Her current position, which is in part to be a spy for Jake and a bodyguard for Shera. Her frill and her dress are also equipment that others can equip (the dress, in fact, is one of the best armors for a gun user to equip, and is not one of the rare gender-exclusive items), although this doesn't change their sprite at all.
  • More Dakka: One of her skills is Rapid Fire, which has Amelia randomly targeting enemies and doing a normal attack - potentially up to seven times, doubled if she's currently equipped with two guns (and she almost certainly is). Back in the time where Chain families weren't really a thing, she was one of the best in the game at producing hits for Combo attacks.
  • Ninja Maid: Rather literally, as she's a former mercenary working as a maid.
  • That Woman Is Dead: She doesn't like responding to the name "Dual Gunner Amelia", insisting that she's just a simple maid. Sure, a simple maid that can take out a whole field of opponents in a rain of gunfire, but just doing what she can for Prince Shera and his brother. It's not entirely clear if this is just part of her cover, or if she wants to leave her old life behind.


Amelia's twin sister, an energetic girl trained as an assassin. She initially worked with Jake's resistance team under the guise of "Shine", gathering info on the Zoldaad Empire and spreading it to other nations to inform them of Sozhe's moves, but when her alter ego became unneeded after Shera took over, she settled with helping her sister in guarding the former crown prince.


A mercenary Chocobo Knight with a kind heart who catches Amelia's attention. Recruited by Amelia to be part of Shera's guard, she sends him and Ilias to help Jake and Rain's party deal with the miasma in the Gronoa arc.

  • Blow You Away: Specializes in wind-element attacks.
  • The Cavalry: Pun aside, he and Ilias come in as Rain and his friends are starting to succumb to Gronoa's miasma to provide an antidote that allows the party to continue their quest. Fohlen's contribution was making sure no monsters would get to Ilias on the journey.
  • A Day in the Limelight: One event chapter focused on the doings of him and the others recruited by Amelia, with the only party member getting much reference at all being Jake (who doesn't even appear).
  • Doppelgänger Spin: Fohlen starts every battle by making after-images from his chocobo running around at top speed. For gameplay purposes, this manifests as Fohlen starting every battle with the "mirage" buff active, meaning the first physical attack against him is guaranteed to miss.
  • Horseback Heroism: Well, chocobo-back, as this is a Final Fantasy game, but Fohlen stays mounted and does his best to help those in need.
  • We Help the Helpless: Takes a mission from a poor child to get medicine for his sister for free.


A Chemist specializing in concocting rare medicines from harvested plants. He's recruited by Jake via Amelia to help out in Zoldaad, and later accompanies Fohlen to bring an antidote to Gronoa's miasma to the party.

  • Bag of Holding: A notable aversion in a game (and series) that liberally uses this trope, as Ilias carries on his back a bag that's larger than he is. It's quite likely that he just has that much room to carry all his medicines.
  • Call-Back: During the event chapters featuring him, he tries to live up to the example of Mel, one of the great chemists in the history of Brave Exvius. Easy to miss, but she's one of the friend point summons, and her unit description even mentions how she made a Heroic Sacrifice to make medicines to save people. Ilias' design is also a Call-Back to hers - most notably, they wear almost the exact same hat.
  • The Cavalry: He and Fohlen come in as Rain and his friends are starting to succumb to Gronoa's miasma to provide an antidote that allows the party to continue their quest. Ilias' contribution is actually curing the miasma affliction.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Ilias might be the best possible healer for difficult explorations, as he's the absolute best with items, capable of spreading their use well beyond what anyone else can do. However, if items are either unnecessary because there's relatively few fights (such as event battles), the levels are easy enough that items aren't necessary at all, or items are just plain banned (such as the arena), Ilias has precious little that he can do.
  • A Day in the Limelight: One event chapter focused on the doings of him and the others recruited by Amelia, with the only party member getting much reference at all being Jake (who doesn't even appear).
  • Humble Hero: He may be the absolute best at producing medicine in the world, but his only concern is healing people and curing their afflictions; he couldn't care less about anything that isn't helping others.
  • Martial Pacifist: He's mostly just focusing on healing or getting materials to heal others, and he sometimes has a hard time even noticing that he has to defend himself. That said, he's just as capable of using the "attack" command as anyone else.
  • Squishy Wizard: Well, squishy scientist, but he's not particularly durable. That said, what he can do with medicines is well beyond what anyone else in the world can do.


A wandering mercenary who happened upon Amelia's recruitment for Shera's personal guard. She's sent to Gronoa to help Rain's party in their quest, but gets involved in her own adventures instead.

  • Making a Splash: Has some Water attacks to her name, as well as her TMR is a Water-elemental sword.

Click here to see her War of the Visions art 
Faithful Weaponsmith
Voiced By: Marina Inoue (Japanese), Cristina Valenzuela (English) [War of the Visions]

A machine engineer from Dilmagia who travels around the world to improve herself, she is always known for being a very skilled engineer - to the point that Emperor Sozhe of Zoldaad attempted to recruit her to create weapons for military use, but she refused. She travels the world in order to get ideas for new weapons and gadgets when she meets Rain, Lasswell and Fina in Kolobos Island. She also happens to be an old friend of Jake's who time and again helped him in his rebellion.

  • Ascended Extra/The Bus Came Back: She finally has a named on-screen appearance in a non-limited event as of the second anniversary, appearing in the "Side Stories" chapters that center around Lid and Jake.
    • It says something in her popularity that she was one of the first characters from Brave Exvius to come to War Of The Visions as a launch unit along with Ayaka and Mediena, and one of the first units non-relevant to an event to get a Neo Vision Awakeningnote , after Veritas of the Dark.
  • The Blacksmith: While she's a capable inventor overall, she admits that she primarily likes to focus on weapon creation and development. She's not afraid to touch base with Lid to see if developments in other fields will help improve her own work, though.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: She has the ability to add earth elemental damage to her attack and reduce enemy's resistance to earth, and her trust master reward is a powerful spear with the earth element on it. As a Neo Vision, her Brave Shift makes her into an Earth-element locked finisher.
  • Dub Name Change: From Eileen to Aileen.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: She is known for this.
  • Goggles Do Nothing: Subverted, as this is her Super Trust Mastery Reward, one of the best headgear for physical units due to the raw ATK and sheer amount of killers in it.
  • Multi-Melee Master/Multi-Ranged Master: She's one of the few units that can equip every type of weapon - the only ones she can't are unit-exclusive weapons.
  • Shipper on Deck: If both Jake's and Lid's scenarios in "Side Stories" (which are the same event, told from their respective point-of-view) are played, it's revealed that Aileen is this for them both - it's revealed that she gets Lid to reveal what kind of man she wants (and that she knows Jake well enough to know what kind of woman he actually wants, versus what he just wants to flirt with), and she picks their outfits for their Nameless Gunner and Heavenly Technician variants to cater to the other's turn-ons.
  • Swiss-Army Weapon: The first thing she does upon performing her Brave Shift? Have her pike unlock a secondary drill tip.
  • The Unseen: She's actually referenced occasionally in the plot, and even briefly appears during the "Empire of Light & Dark" side story event, but she's not actually seen during the main plot itself (outside of one brief unnamed appearance near the end of the first season) and if you missed that event, you won't see her outside of battle until Lid and Jake's Side Stories, or her Character Quest in Kolobos Island.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Because she refused Sozhe's request, he became frustrated, kept looking for someone to head up his Military Sciences division, and that gave Lazarov the "in" he needed.


An adventurer and explorer following in the footsteps of Montana, a famous adventurer in the world of Lapis, who is trying to find out the origins of the underground passages of Gronoa. She's a focal point of the present-day portion of the "A Promise Beyond Time" side event, and although not stated, is an NPC in the Realm of the Dragon King.

  • Achievements in Ignorance: Her Limit Break - she starts rummaging through her rucksack for something, not paying attention to the fact that a crystal skull tossed out of the bag has started hovering and firing lasers at all her foes.
  • Adventurer Archaeologist: Her role in "A Promise Beyond Time" is almost an inversion of how the trope usually plays out - she's an adventurer (it's even listed as her class) that seems more interested in archaeology than adventures.
  • The Bus Came Back: She eventually makes a brief reappearance during the last phase of "A World United," making small talk with Camille while helping out (this also confirms that the vision that appears to be her in the Brutal Bonus Level of Season 1 is not her ghost).
  • Call-Back: Similar to Ilias, she makes multiple references to Montana, an adventurer from the world's past that has been in the friend point summon pool since the game's earliest days. Her design is a deliberate updating of his, down to wearing very similar styles and colors.
    • Directly calls back to the "A Promise Beyond Time" event in her cameo, outright telling the party about Camille. Even though unlocking the island requires meeting her in the story.
  • Captain Ersatz: An adventurer who specializes in whips and guns and tries to dig up information on the past. She's a setting-appropriate Gender Flipped Indiana Jones.
  • A Day in the Limelight: She's the focal point of the present-day section of "A Promise Beyond Time," trying to dig up information about the creation of the tunnels under Gronoa as well as the elven ruins found there. The chapter doesn't directly reference any of Rain's party at all.
  • Dual Wield: A limited version - she can equip two weapons as long as the two are whips, guns, daggers, or throwing weapons.
  • Hero of Another Story: At the end of "A Promise Beyond Time," she affirms that she's going to explore even further to find out more about the past, though details of those journeys are not yet available.
  • Location Theme Naming: To connect her to her inspiration (Montana, who combines this with Shout-Out Theme Naming), she's named after the capital of the state that said inspiration is named after.
  • Master of None: Helena has a fairly wide variety of skills and passives, innate Dual Wield, and even has some Mana restoration. The problem is that she's not particularly powerful, her Dual Wield is limited to weapon types that are either subpar (whips, daggers), mostly useless outside of Trust Master rewards (throwing weapons), or used more capably by other units of the same rarity of summon (guns), and her skills distinctly lag behind what others of her rarity can do. With enough time and/or luck, she's going to be overshadowed in pretty much every role by specialist units. That said, her Trust Master reward is extremely useful to most units, as it grants Mana regeneration in addition to a couple other effects.
  • Shout-Out: Much like her inspiration, she's a giant reference to Indiana Jones. Her Trust Master reward is even a crystal skull, which also gets pulled out during her Limit Break.
  • To Be a Master: Her goal is to become a world-class explorer like her inspiration. By the end of "A Promise Beyond Time," she manages to go beyond what Montana found and make some new discoveries.

Click here to see her as she appears in War of the Visions 
Talented White Mage
"I have confidence in my White Magic. Please make use of my talents."

Voiced by: Kaede Hondo (Japanese), Christie Cate (English) [War of the Visions]
A white mage who became one of Sakura's students in the present day in the Town of Sian. A very talented White Mage with high disposition and a taste for candies. Whenever she sees her master, she gives her delicious candies. This causes Sakura to fear her as this act makes the sage to look like a child.
  • Barrier Warrior: Her seven-star form is a variant of one - she has three abilities that can create a 2000-hit point barrier that must be broken before the party will take any further damage (each has a different effect beyond the barrier's creation). This barrier won't stack with other hit point barriers, but it does stack with damage mitigation barriers (such as the one from Wilhelm's Limit Break).
    • The Japanese version of the Sakura & Ayaka Valentine unit takes this up to eleven, distributing HP barriers like crazy while healing and giving resistances to the party, even giving damage mitigation in their only Cooldown skill. In fact, the Japanese version of this unit was finally the one to take Warrior of Light Lenna out of the healer throne after years of being the undisputed champion of the class.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Ayaka has long blonde hair and is shown to be kind and caring towards others.
  • Through Her Stomach: The reason that Ayaka uses candy to lure out Sakura? She knows it works all too well.
  • White Mage: If the iconic clothing color and patterns didn't tip you on that, several people in her hometown of Sian note that she's an expert healer, plus is a kind and demure presence that the whole town is fond of. As a vision, she was a top-tier healer on release, arguably the best in the game, but has zero combat potential outside of her basic attack. She eventually got supplanted by more powerful healer units like Lotus Mage Fina, especially because Ayaka is unable to doublecast her skills like Fina eventually would become able to with her Latent Ability.


A monster exterminator from Pharm. He's often sent to investigate incidents and deal with monsters around the continent.

  • Bare-Fisted Monk: Due to being a Fighter, he focuses on martial arts and gets an ATK bonus when unarmed.


A young Samurai from the town of Sian whose family descends from the very founders of Pharm. He meets Rain during his research on the past of Pharm, which gets him interested in politics and the analysis of conflicts.

  • Lost in Translation: Thanks to Gumi's Schedule Slip, Kaede's Character Quest, which involves Ohga meeting Rain's party, didn't make it to Global. He still appears in the "Way of the Warrior" and "A World United" Story Events, though.


Ohga's Best Friend and a massive slacker who hates training, often getting scolded by Sakura for this. Despite that, she's still a capable fighter.

  • Badass Family: Yuri is the descendant of Kaede and Hayate, meaning she's also descended from Jiraiya and Chizuru, as well as the great-great- etc. grandniece of Miyuki, and all of them are either six- or seven-star max characters. In fact, Yuri has the most familial relations that are also visions in the game.
  • The Slacker: Yuri hates work and training and will do everything in her power to avoid it.


A traveling bard in search of inspiration for his songs, who has taken into Loren's feats (which he witnessed) during an event years before the game's story, which inspired him into a song that became a hit and made him widely known in Lapis. Upon meeting Rain and Lasswell in Olderion in the present, he's reminded of the events, and feels inspired to compose a new song based on Rain's own party.

  • Mistaken for Thief: Well, kidnapper, but as he wasn't totally forthcoming at first as Loren was investigating who was kidnapping children, he was mistaken for the kidnapper at first. He manages to clear it up before long.
  • Red Herring: Connected to the above, the story at first tries to cast suspicion on Roy, as to why this dark-clad individual is so keenly involved in the kidnapping affair (it turns out, because his younger sibling was one of the victims).


A Spellblade who trained under Loren years before Rain, Lasswell and Charlotte. She left the Grandshelt Knights due to not taking well to their code of conduct, breaking out of her own as a mercenary. She meets Rain and Lasswell in Gronoa when a weapon request she has for a blacksmith goes awry.


A gladiator from Zoldaad who takes fun in her job and is quite the loudmouth. Accompanies Sakura in Gronoa to visit Verun when he fumbles a gear request from her.

  • Dumb Muscle: Even by her own admission, she's a very direct thinker, and not a particularly deep one at that.
  • Gladiator Games: Her profession.


A descendant of one of Ruggles' apprentices. His distaste for conflict caused him to lose passion in his job as a blacksmith, until Sakura and Cedona appeared and forced him to face his fears.

  • Actual Pacifist: Due to Ruggles' teachings passed among the generations, Verun hates conflict. The idea that his weapons are used to wage war rather than protect others caused him to purposefully start slacking on his job.
  • The Blacksmith: It's his job. He's the one who made Sakura's Roselia rod at the start of Season 2.
  • Call-Back: His hammer is very similar (possibly even meant to be the same, inherited from master to apprentice) as the one Ruggles uses (and is also Ruggles' Trust Master Reward).
  • Early-Bird Cameo: He can be visited at his forge in Duggle Village (albeit unnamed), which first appeared months before the Season 2 event where he produced new weapons for Cedona and Sakura (also when he became Promoted to Playable).
  • Honor Before Reason: After meeting Sakura, he only makes weapons to people with strong convictions, no matter the cost.
  • Utility Party Member: His main role in parties is to provide buffs (including adding elemental effects) to allies.


A white mage from Mysidia, and Sakura's first friend. After being bedridden by a disease, she decides to use the magic she learned to help others. Her condition and focus on her research caused people to think of her as an egoistical and recluse person even after her death, with only Sakura knowing the truth. Her death also caused Sakura herself to become a recluse for a long time.

  • Crippling Overspecialization: Moreso than every other white mage in the game, which is stark considering just how many of them are hit by this trope. When fully buffed out, Roselia is in the running for perhaps the most capable healer, including very potent cures, the ability to heal all status ailments, and also the most affordable method available to restore Mana. She's even the first unit capable of triple-casting, in a game where double-casting is already very potent. However, outside of being able to heal (and some potency when casting Banish and/or Holy for attacking), Roselia is one of the squishiest wizards around. Without someone tanking to protect her, she's going to be paste if anything so much as sneezes at her. And if the enemy isn't taking much damage from holy damage (either via resistance or just high defensive stats), there's nothing she can really do to them.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: Is this to Sakura during the latter's event. She grows out of it by the end though.
  • Squishy Wizard: In a case of Gameplay and Story Integration, her status shows as having rather low physical stats. With her low hit points and defense, she can be very easily taken out with just a couple blows.
  • White Magician Girl: Subverted in that she really only studied the magic before deciding to help others.
