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    Magneto (Erik Lehnsherr)
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  • Action Dad: Father of three and one of the most dangerous mutants out there.
  • Adaptational Backstory Change: Instead of being a Holocaust survivor himself, Erik is the child of two survivors.
  • Badass Cape: His signature purple cape as Magneto.
  • Cool Helmet: His signature helmet, which also protects him from telepathic attacks.
  • Cunning Linguist: He speaks seven languages.
  • Due to the Dead: Buried his wife and daughter, but left those responsible for their deaths to the crows.
  • I Have Many Names: He was born Max Eisenhardt, he became Erik Magnus Lensherr while living in a Romani camp, before he and his children moved to America.
  • Madden Into Misanthropy: Being the child of two Holocaust survivors, hearing what have been done by men left him quite jaded towards humanity. The death of his parents and later, the murder of his wife and eldest daughter, made him pretty antisocial and distrustful of regular people.
  • Magnetism Manipulation: He's the Master of Magnetism for a reason. He's classified as an Alpha Level Mutant.
    • Barrier Warrior: Erik can protect himself and others with a personal force field that he can quickly expand to protect large areas.
    • Not Quite Flight: Erik is capable of sustaining a limited form of flight (or levitation) through interacting with the Earth's magnetic field.
  • Number Two: Used to be Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters assistant headmaster before the fallout between him and Xavier.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: His eldest child Anya Lehnsherr died alongside his wife Magda Lehnsherr.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Objects affected by his magnetism glow purple. Even in casual clothes, his outfit includes purple.
  • Psychic Block Defense: His control over magnetism makes his mind very difficult to read by telepaths, especially those who aren't used to minds like his.
  • Signature Headgear: His helmet is pretty characteristic of Magneto.
  • Smart People Play Chess: While he never had much of a formal education, Erik has a natural aptitude for strategic thinking, as evidenced by his ability to challenge Charles Xavier at chess - a game which Erik had never played before being taught by Xavier.
  • We Used to Be Friends: He and Charles were best friends, until diverging ideologies split them apart.
  • Workplace-Acquired Abilities: Through his many jobs, Erik is a skilled electrician, mechanic and metallurgist.

    Mystique (Raven Darkholme)
Click for 1990s Civilian Look
  • Action Mom: Mother of Graydon Creed, Kurt Wagner and foster mother of Marie D'Ancanto/Rogue, and her decades of experience make her an expert combatant, marksman, actress and spy.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Her signature blue skin and intense red hair.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Raven can amp up her muscles on demand — strength, speed, agility, you name it, pushing herself to the edge of human capability. Now, there's a ceiling to her power, being limited to peak human performance. Always bet on Raven to bring her A-game, no matter the mission.
  • Dark Action Girl: Raven is an accomplished martial artist. As she tends to keep herself at the level of peak human performance in regards to strength and speed, she is able to hold her own against some of the world's best fighters, including the likes of Black Widow, Captain America, and Wolverine.
  • Femme Fatale Spy: Raven is an accomplished spy, having developed her skills over several lifetimes. She's a master of stealth, infiltration, lockpicking, pickpocketing, and acting.
  • Healing Factor: Raven's body can quickly repair wounds and regenerate herself from minor to near death injuries in a short span of time. She has also developed a resistance or immunity to many toxins and diseases.
  • Homosexual Reproduction: Sadly averted for her and Irene Adler, since Raven's shapeshifting couldn't replace the need for an actual male.
  • Humanshifting: Raven can only copy the appearance of other humanoids, she can't alter her body to turn it into objects other than the appearance of clothing, and she can't alter her mass too much or she will feel the strain.
  • I Have Many Names: Leni Zauber, Amichai Benvenisti, Millicent Hardwick, Holt Adler, Byron Biggs, Veronica Lake are all past aliases.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Raven is a skilled gunfighter. As she is almost always operating at peak human strength and coordination, she is one of the world's most accurate shooters.
  • Logical Weakness: While Raven can make herself look like a person who is physically bigger than herself, she will not weigh as much as the real person does. Also, the longer she takes a form of someone with greater mass, the greater a strain on her body which could force her to prematurely reveal herself.
  • Master Actor: Having over a century of experience impersonating others, Raven is a very good actress.
  • Missing Mom: She left her two eldest sons, Graydon Creed and Kurt Wagner, to be raised by other people.
  • Older Than They Look: She was born at least in the late 19th century, meaning she's over a century old, but thanks to her mutation, she remains youthful looking.
  • Omniglot: She speaks German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Farsi, Korean, Swedish, Czech, Russian, and Japanese.
  • Shapeshifter Longevity: She's over a hundred years old but her mutation gives her an unspecified amount of longevity.
  • Shapeshifting Seducer: Raven, even without her ability to alter her appearance, is skilled at seduction. She tends to regard her body as a tool and has few reservations about using her body to accomplish her goals.
  • Skeletons in the Coat Closet: She wears a belt decorated with several small golden skulls. She also wears a thin headband with small golden skull.
  • Smoking Is Cool: As seen in her 90s picture.
  • Statuesque Stunner: Her default appearance is 5'10"/178cm tall, and she's very attractive.
  • Technicolor Eyes: Both her irises and sclera are golden in her default form.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Raven can psionically alter the formation of her biological cells at will. As a result, she can cause herself to look and sound like an exact duplicate of any human, humanoid, or semi-humanoid being of any sex, wearing virtually any kind of clothing. Her control is so exact that she can precisely duplicate another person's retina pattern in her own eyes; finger, palm, and skin-pore patterns on her own hands and skin; smell to overlap the original being; and vocal cords to match voices to the point of corresponding voice prints. Raven must have previously met the person she intends to duplicate. Her duplicated appearance improves if she is more familiar with the subject she intends to replicate.
    • Technically Naked Shapeshifter: As Raven gets no small amount of joy pointing out, she is almost always naked and simply alters her skin to look and feel like different clothing.
  • Yellow Eyes of Sneakiness: Her signature Supernatural Golden Eyes, and she can be quite sneaky and underhanded.

    Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde)
Click for 1990s Civilian Look
  • Adaptational Attractiveness: His true appearance in the comics was rather homely, but here he's more conventionally good looking.
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: As a member of the Hellfire Club, Mastermind wears a black suit along with a black coat.
  • Curtains Match the Windows: Brown hair and brown eyes.
  • Disappeared Dad: Tired of his philandering and neglect, his wife Pauline Harrison forced him, at gunpoint, to walk out of their lives, leaving his daughters Regan and Martinique behind.
  • Man of Wealth and Taste: How he likes to present himself.
  • Master of Illusion: His mutant power is the ability to project illusions into the minds of others.
    • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Jason has the ability to alter the minds of others (whether an individual or a group). This includes causing the loss of particular memories or total amnesia.
    • Me's a Crowd: With concentration, Jason can create illusionary duplicates of himself, in order to confuse his opponents.
    • Your Mind Makes It Real: His power works so strongly on the mind that even if his victims know they are being subjected to an illusion, they will still react to the illusion as if it were reality unless they are able to remove all doubt from their minds.
  • Perma-Stubble: Goes with his slightly disheveled appearance.
  • Psychic Link: Jason has the ability to develop a mental link with another person, giving him a deeper understanding of them and vice versa.
  • Squishy Wizard: His illusions are indeed powerful, but he has very little in the way of physical prowess.
  • Street Smart: Jason is a skilled liar, gambler, confidence man, lockpick, and driver. He is also a capable pickpocket. He has a plethora of criminal connections in most cities he's been to before and many in cities he hasn't.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Classified as a Gamma-Level mutant, his telepathic powers are rather weak, but he's such an artist with his specific technique, he can create illusions that are infinitely more convincing than other telepaths, even those who are more powerful than himself, such as Charles Xavier.

    Quicksilver (Pietro Lehnsherr)
Click for 1990s Civilian Look
  • Big Brother Instinct: He's very protective of his sisters Wanda and Lorna.
  • Big Little Brother: He's Wanda's younger twin brother, and he's the same height as their father Magneto, being 6'3"/186cm tall to Wanda's 5'7"/170cm.
  • Big Ol' Eyebrows: He has some pretty prominent black eyebrows that make him more expressive.
  • Brother–Sister Team: With his twin sister Wanda, and to a lesser degree with his younger sister Lorna.
  • Curtains Match the Window: He has silver eyes and white hair.
  • Healing Factor: His high-speed metabolism allows him to heal from injuries much faster than a normal person.
  • Super-Speed: His mutation gives him this power. Provided he has sufficient energy reserves, he can keep a cruising speed of about 500 MPH (800 km/h) for several hours. The speed at which he runs allows him to run over water without sinking (as long as he doesn't stop) and even run up the side of tall buildings.
    • Required Secondary Powers: The chemical processes in Pietro's muscles do not generate fatigue toxins, the byproduct of locomotion which forces the body to rest. His joints are smoother, his tendons have the tensile strength of spring steel, and his bones are made of a significantly more durable calcium. Pietro's reaction time and the speed at which his brain processes information are heightened to a level similar to his running speed, enabling him to perceive his surroundings while traveling at high velocities. Pietro's tear glands produce tears which are more viscous than normal, which prevent rapid evaporation and allow for the constant replenishment of surface fluids on his eyeballs under the influence of high wind velocity.
  • Super-Strength: Pietro's upper body can deadlift about four times his body weight, while his legs can press ten times his own mass.

    Scarlet Witch (Wanda Lehnsherr)
Click for 1990s Civilian Look
  • Brainy Brunette: Apparently Wanda has to "do the math" for her hexes. The ability to perform the spontaneous calculations for the effects she has achieved would suggest Wanda's mutation also gives her an innate understanding of advanced mathematical sequences and formulas, making her a human calculator.
  • Brother–Sister Team: With her brother Pietro, and to a lesser degree with her younger sister Lorna.
  • Clarke's Third Law: Wanda has the ability to manipulate the given amount of entropic energy in a finite space. Her powers aren't actually magical in nature, but they sure look like magic, and she treats them as such.
  • Color Character: Scarlet Witch. Even in casual clothes she has red.
  • Curtains Match the Windows: Brown hair and brown eyes.
  • Hot Witch: Even as a teenager she was quite attractive. As Scarlet Witch even more so with her sleeveless top and frilly mini-skirt.
  • Lady of Black Magic: Wanda has the ability to manipulate the given amount of entropic energy in a finite space. She refers to these energy fields and entropic discharges as "hexes" (more specifically "hex spheres" or "hex bolts").
  • The Mentally Disturbed: Wanda suffers from depression and is prone to mental breakdowns or even suicidal ideation at times. According to Erik, her mother was the same way, but says that she really only opens up to Pietro and Warren about these sorts of matters.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Her eyes glow red when using her powers, and she's an incredibly powerful sorceress and mutant.
  • Signature Headgear: Her tiara with tips that bring to mind horns.
  • Wicca: Wanda has truly embraced a number of New Age philosophies and is a firm believer in certain Gnostic practices. She studies occult literature, engages in regular meditation, and performs all manner of other arcane exercises. Wanda is also well-versed in traditional holistic remedies and folk medicine.

    Polaris (Lorna Lenhsherr)
Click for 1990s Civilian Look
  • Alliterative Name: Lorna Lensherr.
  • Big Sister Worship: She has actually cited her older sister Wanda as her role model.
  • Curtains Match the Windows: Born with green hair and green eyes.
  • Feminine Women Can Cook: Lorna enjoys cooking, baking, sewing, and other domestic activities.
  • Friend to All Children: She loves children, especially babies and toddlers, becoming Kevin and David Xavier's go-to nanny whenever the regular one is busy.
  • Magnetism Manipulation: Inherited her father's ability to control metal. By creating powerful electromagnetic fields around metallic objects, she can move and manipulate such objects remotely.
    • Extra-ore-dinary: Lorna has also shown fine tuned use of this ability to liquefy, mend, and reconstruct metallic objects, and has some level of influence on the ferrous metals that reside in everything.
    • Not Quite Flight: Lorna can suspend herself in flight by riding the Earth's magnetic field. She has better control of this than her father, perhaps due to her lighter weight or extended practice.
  • Mini Dress Of Power: Just like Scarlet Witch, Polaris wears a sleeveless mini-dress and she's a very powerful mutant.
  • Mood-Swinger: Lorna, like her brother and sister, suffers from depression and is prone to mental breakdowns. However, Lorna does not seem to be as affected as Wanda and Pietro, possibly due to her close friendship to Alex. Moira suspects she might be a bit bipolar.
  • Related in the Adaptation: Her mother was Magda Maximoff, making her full-sister of Wanda, Pietro and Anya.
  • Ship Tease: With Alex Summers.
  • Signature Headgear: Just like her sister Wanda, as Polaris Lorna wears a tiara shaped like a pair of horns.

    Toad (Martin Toynbee)
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  • Animal-Themed Superbeing: The toad.
  • Blessed with Suck: Born with green skin, hair and eyes, as well as only three fingers made Martin a target for relentless torment from others, especially as a kid.
  • Composite Character: He has elements of the version from X-Men: Evolution; He harbors feelings for Wanda and has used "Todd Tolensky" as an alias.
  • Embarrassing First Name: He usually goes by his middle name Martin rather than his first name Mortimer. He apparently made this change to avoid being made fun of as a child, but it didn't help at all.
  • Gasshole: Martin's lungs can expand and compress large quantities of air. He can use this to hold his breath for hours, but he usually uses it to belch with such force that he can knock a dozen people on their backs.
  • Healing Factor: Martin heals from injuries and ailments at an accelerated rate. He recovers from minor ailments, such as a cold, within hours. Broken bones heal within a matter of days. He also has the ability to regenerate severed body parts.
  • Hopeless Suitor: His crush on Wanda and Lorna is sadly completely unrequited.
  • In a Single Bound: Thanks to his frog-like legs, he can leap incredible lengths.
  • Orphanage of Fear: He grew up in one until his thirteenth birthday, after his powers allowed him to fight back against his many bullies. Mastermind found him and invited him to the school.
  • Overly-Long Tongue: Martin has the ability to extend his tongue up to 30 feet in length and use it as a whip to ensnare objects and people. His tongue is superhumanly strong, capable of lifting an adult male.
  • Secondary Color Nemesis: His skin is green and his costume as Toad is orange and purple.
  • Undying Loyalty: For Magneto, whom he sees as a surrogate father.

    The Blob (Fred Dukes)
Click for 1990s Civilian Look
  • Abusive Parents: His step-father Dean Crawford beat him in a futile attempt to make him stop eating.
  • Acrofatic: He weighs over 900 pounds, yet can move just as nimbly as a normal sized person.
  • Best Friend: He's best friends with his cousin Pyro.
  • Big Eater: Unfortunately his powers manifested by giving him a near-uncontrollable hunger.
  • Composite Character: He strongly resembles his X-Men: Evolution incarnation in appearance.
  • Cursed with Awesome: He's nigh-invulnerable and very strong, but his mutation manifested by gaining lots of mass.
  • Delinquent Hair: Has his hair in a mohawk.
  • Feel No Pain: Fred's nerve endings can cease transmission of tactile perceptions to his brain, which makes him impervious to pain.
  • Gravity Master: Fred's mass has the ability to amplify its own gravity by tapping into Earth's gravitational field while he is in contact with the ground. The resulting effect allows Fred to become almost completely immovable by external forces if he chooses to be.
  • Logical Weakness: Fred's eyes and the interior of his ears, mouth and nose are vulnerable to injury.
  • Missing Mom: His mother Evelyn Dukes died after giving birth to his sister Ashley.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: The fat tissue of his epidermis is resilient enough to revert to its normal shape within seconds after deformation caused by impact. As such, Fred is virtually impervious to physical injury. His skin simply cannot be punctured or lacerated by most known materials. His skin is also highly resistant to other types of damage, including thermal extremes or electrical burns.
  • Pro Wrestling Is Real: Fred loves wrestling. The jury is still out on whether or not he realizes it is staged.
  • Related in the Adaptation: His grandmother is Irene Adler, while his half-sister is Ashley Crawford, better known as Big Bertha. Through his aunt Doris Dukes-Allerdyce, he's the cousin of Pyro and Liz Allan.
  • Super-Strength: Fred can lift four tons with full effort.

    Pyro (St. John Allerdyce)
Click for 1990s Civilian Look
  • Awesome Aussie: He's half-Australian and a powerful fire-controlling mutant.
  • Badass Bookworm: St. John is a skilled writer. He is an avid reader of Gothic literature and poetry. He likes to stay informed on current events as well and does not shy away from any debate on politics or social issues. He has expressed a desire to become a novelist or journalist as a means to use his writing to further the mutant cause. As a student of Irene Adler, St. John is quite well-versed in the cultures and politics of many different nations.
  • Best Friend: He's the best friend of his cousin Fred Dukes.
  • Cool Shades: In casual clothes he wears yellow tinted glasses. His Pyro costume also has yellow tinted lenses.
  • Firebreathing Weapon: As Pyro he has a pair of flamethrowers so he always has fire he can manipulate.
  • Missing Mom: His mother Doris abandoned him on his twelfth birthday, taking his sister Liz with her and leaving him at the care of his grandmother. This left him with a chip on his shoulder towards regular humans.
  • Omniglot: St. John speaks three dialects of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Genoshan, Russian, French, and some Latin.
  • Playing with Fire: While he can't generate fire, he can control it, manipulate it and magnify it.
    • Required Secondary Powers: St. John is invulnerable to any fire placed under his psionic control. He can still be harmed by any fire which he does not control, but as he can establish a mental link with fire at the speed of thought this is not likely to happen unless he was attacked by a more powerful pyrokinetic.
  • Raised by Grandparents: His grandmother Irene took care of him after his mother left on his twelfth birthday, traveling around the world.
  • Related in the Adaptation: His grandmother is Irene Adler, while his twin sister is Liz Allan, he's the half-brother of Mark Raxton and the maternal cousin of Fred Dukes.

    Destiny (Irene Adler)
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  • Been There, Shaped History: She and Raven probably inspired Arthur Conan Doyle in creating his character Sherlock Holmes, since he named one of his characters after her.
  • Blind People Wear Sunglasses: She's blind and wears red-tinted sunglasses, just like Matt Murdock.
  • Blind Seer: She's a blind mutant who can see into the future. She lost her sight on both eyes when her powers first manifested.
  • Brainy Brunette: While she doesn't consider herself a genius, Irene is very intelligent due to decades of experience.
  • Cool Mask: As Destiny she wears a golden mask that covers her entire face.
  • Fountain of Youth: It is possible that Irene's work in the mutant community put her in touch with a mutant able to reverse her age. However, neither Raven or Irene will discuss the matter.
  • In the Hood: She wears a hood as part of her ensemble as Destiny, adding to her mystical image.
  • Missing Mom: Her daughter Doris Allerdyce certainly didn't appreciate her presence when she came to look for John on his twelfth birthday, calling her a "witch".
  • Older Than They Look: She's almost 200 years old and appears to be in her early 30s at most.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: Her daughter Evelyn Crawford died giving birth to her granddaughter Ashley.
  • Related in the Adaptation: She's the mother of Doris Allerdyce-Raxton and Evelyn Dukes-Crawford, making her grandmother of St. John Allerdyce, Liz Allan, Fred Dukes and Ashley Crawford. Another one of her daughters is Sara Aldine, Ruth Aldine's mother.
  • Seers: Irene has the ability to simply know things without any apparent explanation for her knowledge. She has no control over this ability which functions on its own. In fact, Irene's attempts to will it to work often cause the ability to cease working entirely for days or weeks at a time. The ability works most effectively when Irene is calm.
  • The Smart Guy: In her travels, Irene has learned to speak over a dozen languages and has extensive connections across the world. She is well-versed in a variety of disciplines, ranging across the world. She is well-versed in a variety of disciplines, ranging from classical literature, medicine, archaeology, psychology, genetics, finance, politics, and more. This is the result of over a century of study and not indicative of a profound genius.
  • Supernatural Sensitivity: Irene can detect entities that are normally completely undetectable, like spiritual and psychic beings. This can be used with her clairvoyant projections and her remaining physical senses.
  • Wealthy Philanthropist: Irene is one of the main financial backers of Xavier's School and she spends her time finding mutants in need of help. Depending on their situation, will take them to various safe havens she has personally verified: mutant communes or conclaves, the Essex Clinic, or the school.

    Rogue (Anna-Marie Darkholme)
See the X-Men page.

    Lorelai (Lani Ubana) 
  • Adaptation Name Change: So she isn't confused with the Asgardian of the same name, Lani's codename is Lorelai.
  • Adaptation Species Change: Much like her Ultimate counterpart, Lani is a mutant rather than Savage Land native given super powers by Magneto.
