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Characters / Decembersville

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     Central Characters 

Sophia Lilbette / Candel Aubra

  • Alone with the Psycho: Happens to her during her little "makeover" with Nutty Jimmy. Then later in the story she unknowingly rides in a carriage with the Meowsician, of all people, after he "saves" her from some dolls. And then it happens again when she ends up all alone with Darkchovi, who has revealed himself to be the real "Sophia" murderer, in the opera prop room. No wonder the poor girl is so traumatized....
  • Unlikely Hero: Prepubescent? Terrified of nearly everything? No special talents or abilities to speak of? Ladies and gentlemen, introducing our protagonist...


  • Eye Scream: It's only mentioned once or twice, but apparently the brutal beating he got from Chimabell actually caved in his right eye
  • Fake Kill Scare: It looks like Melloni kills him at the end of chapter 41. As it turns out three chapters later, not so much.
  • In-Series Nickname: Is called "Z" by Mellon

Pendulum Tin

Melloni Collie

  • Becoming the Mask: Originally, he was helping Sophia and co. so that he could sell Sophia to his gang's boss to save his ex. fiance, but over time he actually began to care.
  • Love Makes You Evil: In a way. The reason he was going to sell out Sophia was only so he could free his ex-fiance Sasha from his step-brother/boss.
  • Papa Wolf: It is his desire to protect Sophia that eventually pushes him to challenge Emmyli. He also dives into a freezing lake to rescue her while already badly injured.


  • And I Must Scream: Being turned into a doll is a terrible fate to begin with. But since Chimabell didn't fully change Darkslaw, he still retains his ability to think and feel as he is forced to do terrible deeds for the very people responsible for his condition. Up to and including being forced to hunt down the same little girl he sacrificed himself for in the first place
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Darkslaw was captured and turned into a doll after saving Sophia from the Von Pyres initial assault
  • Hidden Depths: At first he just seems like your typical teenager pestering a little kid and telling her scary stories. Then he saves Sophia's life and we learn his backstory.
  • Silent Snarker: Tammy, occasionally. One notable instance being when Chimabell tells him to take notes during one of his rants, but when he looks at the paper the only thing present is a doodle of Chima hung from a tree with a smiling Tammy nearby

Count Merry-Go Round

  • Villainous Breakdown: When he comes home after finally (he thinks) killing Sophia to find that he had destroyed his rose garden in his rage, and his best friend and wife's spirit are both seemingly ignoring him out of shame. He starts to break down completely, begging them all for for forgiveness and eventually starting to hallucinate his wife's spirit
  • Would Hurt a Child: Besides his hunting Sophia, he was also perfectly happy to toss around the Howler kids when he realized they were helping her.

Chimabell Von Pyre

  • Mommy Issues: Felicity Von Pyre apparently favored Chima over his siblings for the first few years of his life, because he was the only "normal" one out of the bunch. But when his bell-ears grew in, she became just as cold and cruel to him as she was to the other two, which was understandably jarring for the kid, considering he was about seven at the time. Basically his entire world-view was warped because of this.

"Meowsician" / Andante

  • Bad Boss: He stabbed Chimabell through the chest just to prove a point, if that's any indicator.
  • Laughably Evil: He's normally pretty serious, but when he shows up in disguise to manipulate the heroes personally he becomes much more eccentric and flamboyant
  • Talkative Loon: As part of his disguise, when he first meets Zero, Tin, and Mellon alone he rambles on about how cute they apparently are, parfait parties, bake sales, and pink aprons among other things
  • Yandere: for Count Merry. His entire plan is basically to just eliminate anyone, everyone, and anything that stands or has the potential to stand between him and his "master."

     Secondary Characters 

Bella Von Pyre

  • Big Brother Bully: He can usually be found either punching or attempting to throttle Chimabell.
  • Big Brother Instinct: It's starting to show through a bit in later chapters. Also, Word of God is that when him and his siblings were younger he would take the brunt of the beatings their mother would dole out to protect Campara and Chimabell. And he "murdered" their mother when she tried to shoot Chima.
  • Gender-Blender Name: Bella is, in fact, a man. His long hair isn't helping his case. (Nor is his affinity for crossdressing.)
  • In-Series Nickname: "Bella-Wella," courtesy of his darling brother Chima.
  • Parental Abandonment: The trio's real parents didn't have enough money to properly take care of them, so they left them with their employer, Felicity Von Pyre, hoping to give them a better life, on the condition that they leave and never try to interact with them again. Bella's the only one who remembers them (he was seven when they left) but they made him swear never to mention it to his siblings, so he kept his mouth shut and did his best to shield the younger two from the women they'd been dumped with.
  • Promotion to Parent: Apparently, he was more of a mother to his little siblings than the actual woman was.
  • Self-Made Orphan: Pushed his mother out a window.

Campara Von Pyre

  • Adrenaline Makeover: Inverted. She starts out sophisticated and put together, but she gets scruffier as time goes on.
  • Big Sister Instinct: There is a moment where she briefly throws away her pride and outright pleads with her captors to be let go.... Because she sensed that Chimabell was in a lot of pain and wanted to help her little brother.
  • Easily Forgiven: Played around with some, Tin holds no grudge against her despite her role in his prior imprisonment, and Sophia and Zero both warm up to her as well. However, Mellon is still rather grumpy with her and the rest of the rebels make it quite clear that she has a very long way to go before they'll consider her redeemed
  • Hope Is Scary: There's a part of her that really wants to, but life experiences have made her a little leery towards the concept.
  • In-Series Nickname: Chima calls her "Campy."
  • Middle Child Syndrome: A meta-example, interestingly enough. Both Bella and Chima have fairly large followings, but poor Campara tends to get left out in cold by the fans.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Gets a big moment of this when the rebels call her out for all the pain that's been caused by her and her siblings. Especially when she learns that Tin is the sun conjurer, meaning she's at least partially responsible for his time in the Chopping Place and all of the resulting trauma
  • Parental Abandonment: She was two-years-old when her real parents left, so she doesn't remember them.
  • Pet the Dog: Saves Sophia's life fairly early on, even before she had really bonded with any of the heroes except Tin.
  • Sour Supporter: To the heroes eventually, despite technically starting out as a prisoner. She's still snippy and doesn't hesitate to insist that she hates them and will make them pay when she "escapes", but as Zero points out she's had several opportunities to go through with her threats and hasn't. She even helps them of her own free will at times, and has saved Sophia's life before

Emmyli Collie


  • Oh, Crap!: Gets a rather amusing one when he sees Sophia walking casually with a strange adult Who happens to be the Meowsician in disguise
