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The Crew of the "Dark Lady"

Captain Sabertooth (Kaptein Sabeltann)

The King of the Seven Seas, the captain of the Dark Lady and the titular character of the franchise. Nobody knows where he came from and what his real name is, but he has terrorized the Seven Seas for many years and is always on the hunt for gold and treasure. While the world at large fears him as a ruthless pirate king, the people of his home, Port Abra in the Invisible Land, revere him and hail him as their ruler and protector.
  • Bad Boss: Downplayed a little, but still prominent. He's no doubt a competent captain, he generally doesn't demand anything more of his men than they're actually capable of doing, and he's far more likely to threaten horrible punishments to his crew than he is to actually carry them out... but that doesn't mean he's pleasant to work for. He's quick to insult and yell at his crew, blame them for things that aren't their fault, and he can get creative about making their lives on board uncomfortable if they displease him.
  • Bald of Evil: It's revealed in the very first play that he's actually bald and his long black hair is a wig. It hasn't come up since, though.
  • Big Eater: Not that he gets to indulge too often since he just can't seem to get rid of his terrible cook, but he actually loves good food. He'll forgive quite a lot of you if you're a good cook.
  • Determinator: One of his most admirable qualities. Captain Sabertooth does not give up, ever. It doesn't matter how hopeless the situation, or in some cases how bad an idea it seems to be, he'll keep fighting no matter what.
  • Does Not Know How to Say "Thanks": Or rather, he thinks that a proper pirate should never say thanks, and so he never does — he'll even reprimand his crew if they try to thank him for anything, claiming that "a real pirate doesn't have any manners!" At most he'll show his appreciation and gratitude in small unspoken ways.
  • Greed: The main driving force between his actions. He's got riches and gold a-plenty, but he's never satisfied and he'll go to any lengths in order to get more treasure.
  • Large Ham: Without a doubt the hammiest character in the franchise, especially when played by his creator and original actor, Terje Formoe.
  • Noble Demon: It depends on the media, story and actor just how evil, or not-evil he really is, but for the most part he lands somewhere in this category. Terje Formoe sums him up as being "better than the bad guys, but worse than the good guys."
  • Shrouded in Myth: Nobody knows if "Sabertooth" is his real name or just an alias, and his backstory is a complete mystery. He's said to be several hundred years old and having been born out of an eternal flame, "but people say a lot of things when they're scared" as the narrator points out.

Pinky/Tiny (Pinky)

The world's youngest pirate, or at least he likes to think of himself that way. He's the galley boy, occasionally deck hand, of the Dark Lady, and is constantly trying to prove himself in the eyes of the adult pirates. Earlier translations named him "Tiny," but from 2014 and onward, English translation have kept his original Norwegian name, "Pinky." Though he's not in every single production, he's arguably the real protagonist of the franchise as the major stories, plays, movies and TV series tend to center around him.
  • Age Lift: The earliest incarnation of Pinky was somewhere in his late teens and more a Jerk with a Heart of Gold. After the first animated movie re-imagined him as a young boy, the rest of the franchise followed suit, and since then he's pretty consistently been portrayed as 10-12 years old.
  • Cheerful Child: Post-retool. He's very upbeat and generally well-behaved, even if he sometimes gets a little too eager to prove what a tough pirate he is.
  • Composite Character: Again, post-retool. The original teenage Jerk with a Heart of Gold Pinky turned out in one play to have a Cheerful Child younger brother named Marco. The later Pinky is essentially Marco in age and personality, and Pinky in name and general role... which ended up making Marco a bit of a redundant character.
  • Defector from Decadence: As the Token Good Teammate, he begins having doubts about whether he really wants to be a pirate when he realizes it sometimes means robbing and hurting people who don't deserve it. He eventually leaves the pirates and settles down in Luna Bay... though old dreams die hard, and even after giving up piracy he still tends to end up being drawn back into various adventures because he can't quite resist the call to adventure or forget his old hero-worship of Captain Sabertooth.
  • Free-Range Children: While he did have Longfinger and to a lesser extent Rosa to watch out for him while growing up, Pinky had to learn how to take care of himself from an early age and is very independent. When not on the crew of the Dark Lady, he generally does his own thing most of the time.
  • The Smart Guy: Despite his young age and frequent lapses into foolishness, he's probably the smartest of the pirates. Among other things, he is one of the few crew members who knows how to read, having been taught how by his friend Raven.
  • Token Good Teammate: The main reason why Pinky will never be a very good pirate, and why he eventually becomes a Defector from Decadence, is that he's really too soft-hearted. The rest of the crew, while not overly malicious about it, will cheerfully rob innocent people blind, while joking and laughing about it... but Pinky can't help but feel sorry for the victims. According to Longfinger, he can't even go scrumping apples without feeling guilty about it afterwards.

Longfinger (Langemann)

The First Mate of the Dark Lady, also known as "Sabertooth's Shadow," because whenever Captain Sabertooth goes Longfinger is sure to be following close behind. He's an old friend of Pinky's father Morgan, and has largely raised the boy after Morgan was lost at sea.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: To Rosa. He likes her, and she likes him, but while he's otherwise a calm and collected person who always has control, whenever he's around her he often becomes downright awkward, especially when he actually tries (and usually, but not always fails) to ask her out.
  • The Dandy: Not the most stereotypical of dandies, but he's described as a bit of a charmer, he likes fancy clothes and is always meticulously groomed. He sometimes disguises himself as a snobbish nobleman, and nobody ever doubts it for a moment (as long as you don't ask him to do a German accent).
  • Only Sane Man: By far the least eccentric and clownish of the pirates, he occasionally has a minor moment where he realizes he's Surrounded by Idiots.
  • Parental Substitute: To Pinky. He was the one who saved the infant boy from the remains of the ship his father was on, and the one who convinced Captain Sabertooth to take him back home to Port Abra. Ever since then he was the boy's main caretaker (though Rosa looked after him a lot of the time while he was out at sea).
    • Parents as People: While Longfinger clearly cares for Pinky very much, tries to look out for him when he can, and the two have a pretty strong bond overall, it's impossible to deny that his parental skills are lacking just a little. His life as a pirate and Captain Sabertooth's shadow keeps him busy a lot of the time, and he isn't there for Pinky as much as he should be. He's also plain bad when it comes to fatherly advice.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Where Captain Sabertooth has clear Bad Boss tendencies, Longfinger is far more reasonable and understanding. He might yell and command and call the crew lazy good-for-nothings if he doesn't think they're working hard enough, but he's also generous with praise when they're doing a good job and is fair-minded overall.
  • Tall, Dark, and Handsome: The best-looking and most charming of Captain Sabertooth's men, he often uses his good looks and charm to trick people into dropping their guard before he runs off with their treasure.
  • Undying Loyalty: No-one is more loyal to Captain Sabertooth than Longfinger is, which is probably why Longfinger is the only one who can freely speak his mind to the Captain and even argue with him, without fear of repercussion.

Wally and Wimp (Pelle og Pysa)

A pair of twins who have sailed with Captain Sabertooth longer than almost anyone, and are utterly loyal to him, which may be the main reason why they're tolerated on board — they aren't exactly the sharpest pairs of knives in the drawer and often mess up the simplest of tasks, often because they can't stop bickering.
  • Always Identical Twins: They are twins who look and dress completely identically... though, in some theatre productions they are more Alleged Lookalikes than completely identical. A Running Gag is that Captain Sabertooth can't tell them apart and frequently addresses the wrong twin, but Longfinger and Pinky have no such problems. Their personalities are similar, though not completely identical; Wally is far more bossy and forceful, while Wimp is more timid and childish.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Averted. They both have eyepatches, but they're the most bumbling and incompetent of the pirates. It's occasionally hinted that they don't even need the patches but just wear them to look tougher.
  • Fat Idiot: They're the fattest, and the stupidest, of the pirates.
  • Identical Twin ID Tag: Early on in the franchise, especially in illustrations and merchandice, there was an attempt at this by giving Wimp a blue headscarf as opposed to Wally's red. This has pretty much been abandoned though; nowadays both brothers have red headscarves.
  • Lovable Coward: Wimp is aptly named. Wally is a little braver, but he's not exactly a paragon of courage either.
  • Momma's Boy: Wally always criticises Wimp for being this, but truth be told Wally isn't much better.
  • Sibling Seniority Squabble: Wally is a few minutes older than Wimp, and he never lets his brother forget that fact.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Meatballs. Preferably their mother's meatballs.
  • Yes-Man: Wally, to Captain Sabertooth. It's most prevalent in the franchise's early days, where Wally would frequently parrot whatever Sabertooth said to the point of annoying him, but he hasn't quite lost this trait even in later years.

Benjamin (Benjamin)

One of Captain Sabertooth's most prominent and trusted men, who often serves as guard and lookout, but is more likely to be found loafing around or thinking up new and creative ways of shirking work.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: While he's probably not the shining example of brilliance he thinks he is, he's got things far more together than most of the other pirates, and is actually quite bright and competent. The problem is that he's too lazy to actually put much effort into anything he does... that is, unless there's a party going on, because then he'll be the most energetic and enthusiastic person there.
  • Casanova Wannabe: He's got an eye for the ladies, and in Port Abra where he's known as one of Captain Sabertooth's men, he seems to have a few admirers... though whenever he's out in the world where pirates aren't hailed as heroes, the ladies tend not to be very impressed with him.
  • Deadpan Snarker: The biggest one in the franchise, most prominently in the stage plays but it's definitely present in other versions too. Benjamin always has some witty or sarcastic comment to everything, which tends to greatly annoy Captain Sabertooth.
  • Disguised in Drag: Whenever the pirates have to disguise themselves, Benjamin always ends up disguised as a woman. For the most part he doesn't seem to mind too much.
  • The Gadfly: He likes to rile people up by teasing or annoying them, and cheerfully laughs at other people's mishaps and misfortunes, though it's mostly good-natured.
  • The Genie Knows Jack Nicholson: Mostly in the stage plays. While the characters are pretty modern in language and attitude, the setting for the stories is unmistakably sometime during The Cavalier Years and modern-day references are kept to a minimum... except when it comes to Benjamin. He'll casually mention things like the European Union and gluten-free diets, he has a stated passion for Sudoku, and he'll reference modern celebrities and pop culture without batting an eye. The other characters tend to either not notice, or they react with confusion or annoyance. The only one who occasionally seems to know what he's talking about is Cloudcuckoolander Tully.
  • I Just Want to Be You: It's not a prominent part of his character and may simply be an In-Joke reference to the fact that his original actor Tor Sigbjørnsen occacionally portrayed Captain Sabertooth in appearances at the Kristiansand Zoo and Amusement Park, but it shows up every now and again that Benjamin secretly wishes he was Captain Sabertooth. Unlike most examples of the trope, he's too lazy to make any real effort into making the dream come true, but sometimes he does let it slip, most prominently in the 2019 animated movie, where he tries to use the magic diamond to wish that he was Captain Sabertooth. Unfortunately for him, the diamond only grants one wish per person and he'd already used his.
  • Lazy Bum: He takes any excuse to not to his job, or at least do it with as little effort as possible.
  • Pungeon Master: If he's not snarking, he's generally making some pun or other. Often, he manages to do both at the same time.

Tully (Skalken)

The cook on board the Dark Lady, who thinks of himself as the best cook on the Seven Seas. Everyone else think he's the worst. His specialty is rat soup with cockroaches, and things just go downhill from there.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: He's... not all there at all times, especially when it comes to cooking.
  • Hidden Depths: He's a terrible chef, and he's oblivious to most things, but he's actually a surprisingly good actor.
  • Lethal Chef: He himself thinks he's a Supreme Chef, no matter how many times everyone tells him his cooking is awful.
  • The Load: His main function in the stories (apart from comedy relief) is to be the terrible chef that everyone complains about and occasionally provide some extra problems for the protagonists with his cooking experiments. That said, on some very rare occasions he does actually manage to pull his weight and contribute positively.
  • Nice Guy: He's actually really friendly, and definitely the most harmless of Captain Sabertooth's men... at least if you don't count his tendency to make people sick with his cooking.
  • The Pollyanna: He's almost manically cheerful, and if he ever loses his high spirits it's seldom for long.

The People of Luna Bay

Veronica (Sunniva)

A young girl who lives and helps out at her Aunt Bessie's inn at Luna Bay, and who becomes very close friends (or possibly more!) with Pinky.
  • Guile Hero: She's a young girl and not much of a fighter compared to the pirates (barring a couple of Adaptational Badass moments in certain productions), so she gets by on her wits instead.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Very blonde and a Nice Girl to the core.
  • Puppy Love: It's not very prominent, but her relationship with Pinky has definite overtones of this. While they refer to themselves as "friends" first and foremost and there hasn't been any Anguished Declaration of Love or anything, they do seem not to want to be apart for too long, hold hands quite a lot, and some of the songs they share head straight into romantic territory.
  • Spanner in the Works: Her most consistent role in the franchise. She'll occasionally grab the Distress Ball and become a Damsel in Distress if the story climax isn't exciting enough, but much more often she ends up toppling the villains' plans by being at the exact right place at the exact right time.

Aunt Bessie (Tante Bassa)

Veronia's aunt and the innkeeper at Luna Bay, whose supreme cooking and secret family recipe has turned the place into a very popular place for sailors to stop and visit.
  • Apron Matron: Of the Maiden Aunt type, at least until she hooks up with Red Rudy. She's kind, loving and generous, and seldom gets angry, but don't mistake her kindness for softness; she can only be pushed so far, and if you overstep the line she'll even step up to fight ruthless pirates.
  • Parental Substitute: To Veronica. It's a little unclear whether she's Veronica's actual aunt or just an Honorary Aunt, but she is essentially the girl's mother figure. At the end of the second animated movie, it's hinted that she becomes one to Marco as well.
  • Supreme Chef: And how. Luna Bay's prosperity and popularity is pretty much solely thanks to Aunt Bessie's famous food.

Red Rudy (Røde Ruben)

A retired sailor who now stays at Aunt Bessie's inn and has a bit of a romance going on with her. He's brave and smart, but sometimes gets a touch of gold fever if he sees riches.
  • Demoted to Extra: Poor Rudy. In the original two plays about Captain Sabertooth, he was one of the main characters and the person Captain Sabertooth seemed to develop a personal vendetta against. As the franchise began moving away from Luna Bay and began focusing more on the pirates as they were out plundering or even staying at their home in Port Abra, Rudy was quickly moved Out of Focus. With the Retool of the plays he's a minor character who really doesn't play much of a role in the plot, and in the 2019 animated movie he doesn't even appear, even though parts of it does take place in Luna Bay.
  • Only Sane Man: For the people of Luna Bay. He's definitely The Smart Guy of the island, being the one to see connections and notice small details that everyone else misses, and he's also the only one who consistently takes the threat of the pirates seriously.
  • Mr. Vice Guy: He's a good guy, and a good Parental Substitute for Veronica, though he does occasionally get a touch of gold fever and lets greed get the better of him. This trait is mostly present in the original version of the plays, though; it was heavily toned down or outright removed in the Retool.
  • Retired Badass: He's no longer at sea, but he hasn't forgotten how to use a sword if he has to.

The Mayor (Borgermesteren)

The beloved, but not particularly smart or competent, Mayor of Luna Bay.
  • Head-in-the-Sand Management: No, we do not believe that pirates are coming to Luna Bay — we just had a vote on it, and since the majority voted "no," pirates clearly aren't coming to Luna Bay.
  • Gender Flip: Originally a man, but in later productions presented as a woman. Not that this helps the management style any.

Inhabitants of Port Abra

Raven (Ravn)

Pinky's best friend at Port Abra and the daughter of the innkeepers Gusto and Bella. Though her parents would like her to take over the inn when she grows up, Raven herself dreams about being an explorer.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Her real name is "Ravina," but the first time they met Pinky misheard her name as "Raven" and the nickname stuck. After living in Port Abra for a while, even her parents call her "Raven."
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With Pinky. They're very close friends, but unlike with Veronica there never seems to be any Puppy Love romantic attraction there.
  • Nice Girl: She's got a solid backbone, but she's sweet and sympathetic. She's even the one who teaches both Pinky and John Bowie to read, just because she felt sorry for them when they couldn't.
  • Sink or Swim Mentor: Literally becomes this to Pinky when she tries to teach him to swim. Despite insisting that being pushed into the sea without warning was how she learned to swim, she finds that the technique doesn't work for Pinky and has to jump into the sea herself to save him from drowning.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: For Veronica, in stories that take place before Pinky moves to Luna Bay. In these stories Raven takes the role as the main girl character, and Pinky's best friend and confidante, the role usually given to Veronica.

Rosa (Rosa)

Fort Abra's weaponsmith and the commander of the fort Villa Rosa. She's got an on-again-off-again romance going with Longfinger, and before Pinky was old enough to join the crew of the Dark Lady, she often kept an eye on him when Longfinger was out sailing.

Gusto and Bella (Gusto og Bella)

Port Abra's innkeepers; originally they and their daughter Raven were stowaways that the pirates accidentally brought to Port Abra on the Dark Lady, but they were allowed to stay and run the inn when Captain Sabertooth discovered that they were really good cooks.
  • Big Eater: Gusto. He explains it away by insisting that "a cook has to taste the food he makes."
  • Good Parents: Though sometimes a little strict, they're loving and ultimately understanding parents to Raven. Bella especially can have a bit of a Mama Bear streak if her daughter is in danger.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Minor version. Bella is really named "Bela," but everyone in Port Abra calls her "Bella."
  • Supreme Chef: With Indian food as their specialty.
  • Women Are Wiser: Bella is notably more together than she slightly buffoonish Gusto.
  • Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Gusto is short, overweight and comical-looking, while Bella is tall, slim and gorgeous.

Oliver (Oliver)

The wooden-legged proprietor of the general store at Port Abra; he knows just about everyone in town and can provide just about anything you might want or need.
  • Handicapped Badass: His wooden leg might mean he can't go out to sea anymore, but he's still Port Abra's undefeated champion in leg wrestling.
  • Seadog Peg Leg: A more realistic version; with his wooden leg he has retired from the sea and now runs the general store in Abra.
  • We Sell Everything: His general store pretty much has everything you need.

John Bowie (John Benløs)

The son of Port Abra's shoemaker, though his mother wants him to become a pirate and join Captain Sabertooth on the Dark Lady. At first he and Tiny hafe a bit of a rivalry going on, but they end up as friends later on.
  • Abusive Parents: His mother really wants him to be a pirate, even though he really doesn't have what it takes. She seems to think that yelling, insults and corporal punishments will help.
  • Butt-Monkey: For the franchise in general. In the TV series, the only part of the dranchise where he actually plays a major part, he tends to suffer various misfortunes and go though several Humiliation Congas, though mostly it's his own fault. Whenever his name is mentioned elsewhere in the franchise it tends to be some offhand remark of something bad having happened to him; the first mention of his name, in the play The Treasure of Gory Gabriel, implies that he was marooned by Captain Sabertooth for asking too many questions, and the entire thing is treated as a joke.
  • Jerkass: Though with a pretty big Freudian Excuse. His domineering and verbally abusive mother keeps pushing for him to join the crew of the Dark Lady and become the world's youngest pirate, which means he's pretty desperate to impress Captain Sabertooth. It also means he's horribly jealous of Pinky, who is even younger than him and as Longfinger's ward has a better chance of making it onto the crew before him.
  • Terrible Trio: Form one with his friends, Ebba and Simon. He's the clear leader of the trio and the one who gets most of the attention and characterization, with Ebba and Simon mostly being Satellite Characters to him.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: He usually ends up on the losing side, but on a rare occasion he does come out on top — generally in the episodes where he isn't the instigator of the trouble.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Originally The Bully to Pinky because they were competing for a place on the Dark Lady. After he turned out to get horribly seasick, he decided to give up his plans for being a pirate and instead be a shoemaker like his father. The two got along much better after that.

Isabel (Lillebøll)

A ghost who haunts the "witch's house" at Port Abra. Most people think she's just a fairy tale to frighten children with; only Raven knows she's real and occasionally visits her when she needs some supernatural advice. She appears as an elderly woman in an orange dress.
  • Cryptic Conversation: Her answers usually come in the form of riddles. Some are easy to solve, some... not so much.
  • Friendly Ghost: Ghost she may be, but scary she is not. The ghost stories that are told at Abra about the terrible Isabel really don't have much to do with the friendly, soft-spoken woman Raven befriends.
  • Spirit Advisor: To Raven. She's always willing to help with advice or answers to questions, though some of her answers don't always make sense until you actually work out what they're supposed to mean.


Happy Jack (Glade Gorm)

The replacement cook on the Dark Lady after Tully's cooking made people sick one time too many. Rather a better cook than Tully, but also a sly and greedy mutineer who has greater ambitions than just cooking.

Turtle, Bink and Roger (Turte, Birk og Roger)

Happy Jack's stooges, who follow him everywhere but don't really have a lot of initiative or ambition on their own. Originally, such as in the first animated movie, there were only two stooges, Turtle and Bink, but later revisions of the play has added a third stooge, Roger.
  • Flat Character: As a contrast to the far more complex and dynamic Happy Jack, who at least gets something resembling a character arc, these three get very little characterization and pretty much stay the same throughout.
  • Satellite Character: They're really only important as supporting players to Happy Jack, and even then mostly as confidantes that he can deliver some exposition to. They barely ever interact with anyone else.
  • Those Two Guys: Or those three guys, after Roger joined them.

Lord Maga Khan (Maga Khan)

The Lord of the Jungle on the island Shangri-La. May or may not be a vampire, and is always on the lookout for the Magic Diamond, which can grant wishes.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: He's never stated to be a vampire, but especially in the second animated movie he pretty much is one in everything but name; he has sharp canines, can fly, and burns in the sunlight... though he never drinks blood and he can also throw fireballs.

Queen Sirima (Sirikit)

Maga Khan's wife, a master of disguise and supreme actor who can completely change her looks and personality in order to charm and manipulate people.

The Count of Gral (Greven av Gral)

The ruler of the island Gral; an evil sorcerer who has enslaved the entire population of the island and seeks to turn everyone into his obedient slaves.
  • Big Bad: Of the franchise in general. All other antagonists generally only appear in one story and are forgotten about after their defeat. The Count, however, not only returns but his presence is felt in stories where he doesn't actually appear in person.
  • Evil Sorcerer: He's a very powerful sorcerer, and he may be the most evil character in the franchise.
  • Killed Off for Real: Probably as a reflection of the fact that he is the most evil antagonist in the franchise, he's also the only one who is killed off in the end — all the other villains just go through a Humiliation Conga and are allowed to crawl off, defeated and broken, but the Count has to be taken out for good.
  • Mind Control: His main tactic for getting people to obey him. Most often he gets people in his power by making them drink a magic potion which transform them into his obedient slaves, but he can also take temporary control of them with his Magic Staff or some kind of Mind-Control Music.
  • Sadist: The Count enjoys seeing his foes suffer.

The Count's Vultures (Grevens Gribber)

Gruesome, Greedy and Sly (Grufull, Grisk og Slu — Piodor, Lucifer and Lola in the original version) are the Count of Gral's wicked helchpeople who aid him in enchanting and enslaving anyone who sets foot on the island.
  • Laughably Evil: They're no less evil than their master, but a lot more bumbling and a lot more inclined to clown around and laugh at everything.

Prince Badal of Lama-Rama (Prins Badal av Lama-Rama)

The conniving, jealous brother of the popular King Rufus of Lama-Rama. He thinks his brother is a silly fool who wastes time and money on fun, parties and feasts when they could be out conquering, expanding their kingdom and growing in power.
  • Evil Prince: With a side order of Prince Charmless. He's not very popular in Lama-Rama, largely because of his sour and unfriendly personality.

Bjorn the Brave (Bjørn Barsk)

A former member of the crew of the Dark Lady, who got greater ambitions and tried to steal the ship. Rough and uncouth, he doesn't quite have the same style as Captain Sabertooth.
  • Fearless Fool: He's not called "the Brave" for nothing... but he's also very blatantly not called "the Clever." He'll fearlessly go for whatever seems like a good idea at the time, even though a lot of the time it proves to not be a good idea.
  • Jerkass: As a contrast to the lovable, Affably Evil pirates of the Dark Lady, he treats everyone horribly, including his own crew and allies.
  • Shadow Archetype: To Captain Sabertooth. Both are ruthless, Bad Boss pirate captains who will go to any length for treasure, but where Captain Sabertooth is an elegantly-dressed Noble Demon whose bark is really worse than his bite, Bjorn is a rough, uncouth and dirty Jerkass with few, if any, redeeming qualities.


Gory Gabriel (Grusomme Gabriel)

The former pirate king and terror of the seven seas, who died long ago under mysterious circumstances... but whose ghost is rumored to still be around to take vengeance on anyone who tries to find and steal his lost treasure.
  • The Dreaded: Gory Gabriel, or more precisely his ghost, is the only thing Captain Sabertooth fears. Just a hint that Gory Gabriel has returned to seek vengeance is enough to make him cower in terror. From what the rumors say, he was just as dreaded when he was alive.
  • Posthumous Character: Everyone agrees that Gory Gabriel is long dead, but they also agree that this doesn't necessarily mean he's completely gone.

Morgan (Morgan)

Pinky's mysterious father, an old friend of Longfinger and the former owner of the inn at Port Abra, who vanished at sea when Pinky was just a baby. Pinky often wonders about his father, but Longfinger is reluctant to tell him anything. The only thing we know about Morgan is that he's dead... or is he?
  • Disappeared Dad: His disappearance is one of the biggest mysteries of the franchise. He vanished when Pinky was a baby, and the pirates don't want to tell Pinky what exactly happened, other than that he was in a shipwreck and baby Pinky was the only survivor. Later on it becomes evident that he didn't die in the shipwreck, as several character mentions having met him after that, and he even fathered a second son named Marco, but nobody knows where he is now. It's not revealed until much later what actually happened to him, and suffice to say, Daddy Had a Good Reason for Abandoning You.
  • Sudden Name Change: Originally, Pinky's father was said to be called "Willy." This may or may not have been a joke about Pinky's trademark red-and-white striped shirt, as well as the fact that nobody knew where he was, since Willy is the Norwegian name for Waldo.
  • Sdrawkcab Name: He lives on the island of Gral under the name "Nagrom."

Marco (Marco)

An orphan, and Pinky's younger brother, who steals the Magic Diamond and spends a lot of time hiding from Maga Khan.
  • Annoying Younger Sibling: Played with but mostly averted; Pinky and Marco get along very well. In the animated movie they get on each other's nerves until they discover that they're brothers.
  • Cheerful Child: The franchises original Cheerful Child. Though in the animated movie he's more a Jerk with a Heart of Gold, to better contrast Pinky.
  • Cousin Oliver: Originally. He was introduced in the stage plays while Pinky was still portrayed as a teenager, as his hitherto-unseen younger brother, which worked okay since Pinky's backstory hadn't really been established at that point. Later on, Pinky got a Retool to become younger and his backstory as an orphan who was raised by the pirates and never knew his real family, which meant that Marco's existence didn't make a whole lot of sense... especially since none of the pirates know who he is but Pinky inexplicably does. It took some time for the franchise to really sort out how the relationship between the brothers worked, but the 2019 animated movie seems to have hit on a backstory that works: Pinky's father Morgan vanished at sea when Pinky was a baby. He didn't die, however; he later on had another son whom he named Marco and then vanished from his life as well. Unlike Pinky, Marco does remember Morgan but doesn't know what eventually happened to him.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: Develops one with Malena Pirate.

Malena Pirate (Malena Pirat)

Wally and Wimp's mother, a tough-as-nails widow who lives by herself on Shangri-La. Quite a skilled cook, though she can also use her frying pan as a lethal weapon if needed.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Like her sons, Malena wears an eyepatch. Unlike her sons, she's pretty badass.
  • Frying Pan of Doom: As more than one person who tried bothering her has found out, she can use her frying pan for more than just cooking.

Miriam of Gral (Miriam av Gral)

A witch and sorceress who lives on the island of Gral. Originally a servant of the Count of Gral, she later turns against him. She has a strange connection with Pinky's father Morgan.

King Rufus of Lama-Rama (Kong Rufus av Lama-Rama)

The jolly, prank-happy and beloved king of the kingdom of Lama-Rama, whose philosophy is that laughter is the greatest gift of all.

Joachim (Joachim)

A young modern-day boy and a big fan of the Captain Sabertooth franchise, who occasionally joins the pirates on their journies in his imagination... or maybe the adventures are a little more real that that.
  • Age Lift: In the two books that feature him, Joachim is younger; in the second one he celebrates his fifth birthday. In the movie, he's about ten... and his parents are less willing to tolerate his flights of fancy.
  • Mr. Imagination: He has a very lively imagination, and the three stories that feature him (two books and one made-for-TV movie) has him imagine or dream himself into adventures with Captain Sabertooth and his crew. The two books make it pretty clear that it's all happening in Joachim's head , but the movie has an Or Was It a Dream? ending, hinting that maybe there was something more going on there.
