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YMMV / Sheena Easton

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  • Award Snub: A number of people feel like "For Your Eyes Only" from the James Bond film of the same name got snubbed for the Best Song Award at the Golden Globes and Academy Awards, losing both to "Arthur's Theme" by Christopher Cross. The argument is that "Arthur's Theme" (and its associated film) has largely become forgotten while "For Your Eyes Only" has gained more respect over the years, becoming one of Sheena's best known hits. She did however take home the Grammy Award for Best New Artist in 1982 for her chart dominance in 1981.
  • Broken Base:
    • There's a faction of Sheena's fans who hate her collaborations with Prince, as some feel that the negative publicity surrounding "Sugar Walls" sent her career into a downward spiral.
    • There is also a faction of people who didn't like her duetting with Kenny Rogers on "We've Got Tonight", feeling like she was shrieking more than singing.
  • Narm:
    • The music video for Telefone (Long Distance Love Affair) is filmed in black and white, but the narmiest bit by far is the segment with Dracula, as Sheena's face and delivery of the lines as she is berating him for cheating on her before he tumbles over the railings. Also worthy of a mention is the over the top delivery the last time she says "You're never home" as she sounds like inhaled a bunch of helium.
    • Her performance on Prince's "U Got the Look", as you can tell she is living this up, especially on this lyrical section:
    You've got the look, you've got the hook
    You sho'nuf do be cookin' in my book
    Your face is jammin'
    Your body's heck-a-slammin'
    If love is good, let's get to rammin'
    (You got the look, you got the look)
  • No Such Thing as Bad Publicity: "Sugar Walls" is best known for being the #2 song on the PMRC's "Filthy Fifteen" list.
  • Retroactive Recognition: The Strut music video and Sugar Walls music video feature Bruce Hornsby, who was her keyboardist on the A Private Heaven tour.
  • Signature Song: "Morning Train (9 to 5)."
  • Song Association: "Morning Train (9 to 5)" is remembered mostly for two appearances on Seinfeld as the song that plays when Kramer works for Brandt-Leland and where George pretends to be handicapped while working at Play Now.
  • Unintentional Period Piece: "Telefone (Long Distance Love Affair)" has the song featuring Sheena dealing with the troubles of a long distance relationship, in the age of landline telephones and snail mail, but with the advent of cell phones, e-mail and video calling, the turmoils of a long distance relationship aren't as burdensome in the regards of having trouble communicating.
  • What Do You Mean, It's Not for Kids?: Yeah, "Sugar Walls" isn't about candy or sweets, but about a woman's vaginal cavity.
