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YMMV / Pride and Prejudice (1995)

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  • Adaptation Displacement: To a certain degree, especially within the fandom itself. While everyone still knows it was a book first, the miniseries is so faithful that the instances of Fanon get frequently treated like canon.
  • Can't Un-Hear It: To many people, Colin Firth is Mr. Darcy.
  • Cargo Shipping: Mr. Collins is sometimes paired with the shelf in the closet by many fans.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In The King's Speech, Ehle plays the wife of George VI's (Firth) therapist. They have one scene together, where Ehle's character's eyes bug out over seeing the royal couple in her home.
  • It Was His Sled: The BBC America trailer for the miniseries starts by showing the wedding and stating "We know how it ends..."
  • Memetic Mutation: "Shelves in the closet. Happy thought indeed!"
  • Narm: Whenever Lizzie reads letters which are spoken in voiceover, pausing for Lizzie's interjections. What with Lizzie's comments often being sarcastic or at least cynical, it all feels slightly Mystery Science Theater 3000.
  • Tear Jerker:
    • When Mr. Collins is talking about how much he wants to dance with all his cousins at the Netherfield Ball, and one in particular, you can see Mary getting her hopes up only to have them dashed when he says he is most looking forward to dancing with Elizabeth.
    • When Lydia arrives at her wedding, she cheerfully asks "Where is everyone?" as she clearly expected there to be lots of attendees and well-wishers; a quick reminder to the audience that she's a 16 year old girl, infatuated with a man half again her age (who didn't really want to marry her and will very likely quickly tire of her), with no concept of how close she brought her family to utter societal ruin, nor what was necessary to prevent that ruin.
  • What Do You Mean, It's Not Symbolic?: When Darcy is writing the letter to Elizabeth, he begins it wearing his normal clothing and finishes in just his undershirt, representative of him baring himself to her.
