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YMMV / Freedom Fighters: The Ray

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  • Complete Monster: Overgirl lacks her canon counterpart's genuine love for her husband. The leader of the New Reichsmen and chief weapon of the Axis powers, Overgirl prosecutes a brutal war campaign that has left New York a burnt-out ruin, leveling entire cities in the hunt for "undesirables". After killing three of the Freedom Fighters, including the original Ray himself, Overgirl learns the location of the resistance base and leads an assault to slaughter the thousands of rebels down to the last man. Along the way, the New Reichsmen capture the hero Vibe, whose ability to traverse universes Overgirl plans to use for a Nazi conquest of the multiverse.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: Earth X's Supergirl is an enforcer of the Nazi regime; the same day the trailer came out the Supergirl cast came under a lot of heat for making fun of the SuperCorp ship at Comic Con (note: the incident in question is Jeremy Jordan, Winn's actor, stating that Kara and Lena are only friends and that they weren't going to get together because they were only friends. A statement that can be said for pretty much every non-canon ship between two friends,) which fans took to be homophobic... and things just snowballed from there, including some comparing the cast to real Nazis. Melissa Benoist obviously isn't a Nazi, but, again, it really snowballed. Crisis on Earth-X features the Earth-X Supergirl among the villains, meaning Benoist fought against the Nazi version of her character.
  • It's Short, So It Sucks!: Like Vixen, the series' reception has been generally positive with the chief complaint being its brevity.
  • Padding: The sequence in Season 2 where Ray teams up with the Earth-1 heroes, which in addition to being a blatant contradiction from the events of "Crisis on Earth-X" does little for the overall plot and only seems to exist to make it a full half-hour.
