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Huge fan of cute things and foxes, specially cute foxes. Can be seen mainly in the Hunger Games Simulator thread. I prefer to be called CAC.

I'm openly asexual and aromantic, but only in the internet, for fear of not being believed, or non-acceptance. Specially because neither asexuality nor aromanticity are that visible in my home country.(Edit: As of October 2022, a soap opera here had two ace characters, and they were pretty interesting. It ended in May 2023. Still not comfortable with coming out in the real world, though) I'm also autistic, but people assume I'm neurotypical because I'm high-functioning.

I love to use the heart emoji(❤) to react to cute things. And bolded pink text for things that are exceptionally cute.

Also, ever since I found out not all furries are attracted to anthropomorphic animals, I think I might be a furry myself. I'm not 100% sure, though.

Gender - Male

Dominant hand - Left

Country - Brazil

Religion - Spiritism

Favorite animal - Foxes(Cats being a close second)

Favorite color - White

Likes - Heroic knights, characters with light powers, cuteness

Dislikes - Any and all forms of discrimination(specially misogyny and misandry), double standards

    Tropes that apply to me 
  • Berserk Button: Downplayed, but when I see someone not wearing a face mask properly(specially on their chin), I tend to be really annoyed at them.
    • Also stereotyping/being a jerk to all vegetarians/vegans because of the judgemental ones. Hating all vegetarians and vegans because of the preachy ones makes you just as bad as they are. I'm far from being a vegetarian, but I have friends who are.
  • Cuteness Proximity: When I see something cute(Specially a baby) in the internet or on TV, I pinch my cheek multiple times. I also like to hug my pillow at night for some minutes, while imagining it as Lucky Swiftail.
  • I Hate Past Me - I hate my views on LGBT+ people when I was a teen. I genuinely supported the mass murder of them. I'm ashamed of it, though.
  • Mistaken for Gay - Sometimes, people assume I'm gay because I don't want a girlfriend. But frankly, that doesn't bother me, there's nothing wrong with being gay. (Shrug)
  • "Not Wearing Pants" Dream - Dreams where I'm in nothing at all happens a fair amount of times. And frankly, I hate having this kind of dream.
  • The Eeyore - Also downplayed, but a lot of things I see in the world that I deem as wrong, I interpretate them as evil beating good.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes? - I'm very acrophobic(afraid of heights). I also used to be very cynophobic(dogs) and gymnophobic(nudity) when I was a child. To the point where I was scared when a bunch of puppies barked at me when I was in a pet shop. I also used to bathe in my underwear, only taking it off to wash my private parts.

    LGBT+ headcanons 
  • Mortal Kombat - Fujin, Shinnok, Cetrion are aroace. Sub-Zero is aromantic, but not asexual. Kung Jin is a homosexual aromantic.
  • Street Fighter - Ryu, Akuma, and Gill are aroace.
  • Sonic - Sonic and Shadow are aroace.
  • Mario - Mario and Peach are heteroromantic aces, Rosalina is aroace.
  • Starfox - Falco is aroace.
  • Mega Man - Classic!Mega Man and Mega Man X are aroace.
  • Chrono Cross - Grobyc, Mojo, and Skelly are aroace. Nikki and FATE are non-binary. Leena is a heteroromantic ace.
  • Final Fantasy VII - Cloud and Barret are bi and Sephiroth is aroace.
  • Castlevania - Alucard is aroace.
  • Metroid - Samus is aroace.
  • Legend of Legaia - Gala is aroace.
  • Digimon Tamers - Renamon is aroace(Sorry for the people who like her like that).🤷‍♂️
  • Dragon Ball - Goku is a demisexual panromantic.

    Tropes I like 

  • Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal - Or nothing at all. I prefer it when cartoon animals don't have clothes. They're like humans with fur when they're fully-dressed. Exceptions are when they're too humanoid like Starfox characters. In that case, the designer should clothe them.
  • Action Girl - I love it when female characters can kick ass.

    Characters that I think deserve better 

  • Mike Haggar - Should be playable in Street Fighter already. Would be awesome to pit him against Zangief.

  • Sub-Zero - Sick of seeing him get killed in the Mortal Kombat release trailers. Good thing they had Raiden dying in the MK 11 trailer instead.

  • Leomon - Is it asking too much to see a Digimon season where he doesn't die?

  • Susan Pevensie - Deserved a better ending than just sitting out of the Last Battle and not going to Heaven like all her friends. Sure, nothing indicates that she didn't, but seriously, why did C. S. Lewis have her sit out of the final moments of the old Narnia?

  • Renamon - Finding clean fanart of her is like finding a needle in a haystack.

    Characters that I think deserve worse 

  • Master Roshi and Oolong - Both are sexual harassers. Goku shouldn't have any respect for the former. I wish they were Killed Off for Real.

  • General Blue - The only confirmed gay character in Dragon Ball at the moment and they make him a pedophile? (Sigh)

  • Jecht - A verbal abuser. Tidus should've killed him in the original Dissidia, I have zero respect for Abusive Parents.

  • Gary Oak - A Jerkass. Don't understand why so many people love him. He's a huge Scrappy to me.

    Fighting game-style intros and outros for my HGS author avatar and more 

vs. Dick

  • (Intro)"You sure you wanna do this, Dick? Okay!"
  • (Outro)"I expected better..."

vs. Elfin

  • (Intro)"I'm annoying? And you don't like to have fun!"
  • (Outro)"Still glad over you defending me to Shang Tsung, by the way."

vs. Norton

  • (Intro)"Let's see what you can do!"
  • (Outro)"At least you weren't killed by Chile itself this time."

vs. Asriel

  • (Intro)"Crap... how do I explain this to 6k1 if I win?"
  • (Outro)"Yup... I'm dead."

vs. Morrigan or Catherine

  • (Intro)"Someone didn't see those pride flags, it seems..."
  • (Outro)"Don't! Waste! My! Time!"

Mirror match

  • (Intro)"If you still have the Knight Templar attitude I used to have, I won't hold back!"

Intros against him:

Reverse Flash

  • (Outro)"By the way, I was the one who told that homophobic guy you're not attracted to women so he'd assume you're gay!"

Friendship: CAC shapeshifts into Platinum and dances to the sound of Ylvis' The Fox. Tries to urge the opponent to join him if they're a fox.

Will add more info when/if I feel like it.
