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Trivia / Town of Salem

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  • Ascended Fan Nickname: The Hex Master succeeding in Hexing and killing every other non-coven was referred to as a "Hex Bomb" by players. In the sequel, this became the official name for the event, being referred to as such in the Hex Bomb cinematic.
  • Colbert Bump:
  • Urban Legend of Zelda: There is no achievement for everyone having a default name. Even with the Steam achievements proving this is false (seeing as it's not there and there's no secret achievements), even with players there from the beginning saying it's fake, and even with the people who actually made the game saying no such achievement exists, the rumor still lives on.
  • Word of Dante: For the Town of Salem wiki, at least. Before the Summer Solstice Writing Event, Town of Salem players would often come to the wiki and replace the current story with their own. Since there is no official backstory, these changes were made and reverted quite often. Eventually, the Custom Stories page was created to collect all role stories ever written for a role page, and to encourage new authors to put their new stories on that page instead. Eventually, the contest was held to find permanent backstories.
