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Trivia / The X's

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  • Acting for Two:
    • Jansen Panitierre, Chris Hardwick and Tom Kane all each had a few incidental voice roles in addtion to their respective roles of Truman X, Glowface and Lorenzo Suave.
    • Soleil Moon Frye voiced both Annasthesia Montiho and Seven Y.
  • The Cameo:
    • John Kricfalusi as the bowling alley's manager in "Pinheads", only appearing in two scenes.
    • Will Arnett as "Pork E. Bacon" in "From Crusha with Love".
  • Children Voicing Children: Jansen Panettiere was only 11 when he voiced Truman X.
  • Creator Backlash: Nickelodeon seems rather eager to forget the series, for whatever reason. It's a given since the network pretty much had no faith in this series to begin with.
  • Descended Creator: Series creator Carlos Ramos provides incidental voices on the show, including Glowface's minions.
  • Fake Brit:
    • Homebase sounds like a real Brit at first, until he goes "At last!". Voiced by Stephen Root.
    • Tom Kane as Lorenzo Suave also qualifies.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: Given the show's very short lifespan and obscurity, a DVD set is very unlikely at this point. The closest one can get is one episode apiece on volumes 4 and 5 of the Nick Picks DVDs.
  • Missing Episode: There was one pair of finished episodes that never got to air in the United States: "Theater of War", where Tuesday competes against Seven Y for the role of Juliet in their high school production of Romeo and Juliet, and "Breaking Camp", where Mr. X sends Truman to the former's childhood camp in hopes that the latter will enjoy it, only to find that Truman hates it. Thankfully, these episodes have been uploaded to Dailymotion and Vimeo.
  • The Other Darrin: Jason Schwartzman voices Tuesday's boyfriend Brandon in his debut episode, but in all subsequent episodes, David Hornsby fills in.
  • Screwed by the Network: Possibly the most depressing of all the Nicktoons examples. The show barely had any advertising or reruns; it was also barely shown on Nicktoons Network as foreign imports, old shows, and other canceled shows like Invader Zim and My Life as a Teenage Robot would often air in its place. But to make matters weirder, one episode never aired on neither Nickelodeon nor Nicktoons.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • The show's pitch bible contains plenty of stuff that either was changed or simply never mentioned in the show. To name a few examples, Truman was planned to be six years old instead of nine, the McVampires were originally called the Overbites, and Seven Y's first name would've been Melissa and she was originally supposed to be Tuesday's best friend.
    • Animatics of several episodes were uploaded by the show's director David Marshall to Vimeo, and comparing them to the finished results shows that plenty of content was either removed, added or changed, and that some lines were re-recorded. For example, the animatic of "AAIIEE! Robot" has about three minutes worth of content that got cut out for the finished version, and the final draft of "The Spy Who Liked Me" has Brandon cut the power at the TV studio one second earlier than in the animatic, which also has Glowface confessing six secrets instead of three, with the first three mentioned before Mr. and Mrs. X reveal their secrets.
