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Trivia / The Lonely Island

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  • Beam Me Up, Scotty!: The steps to make a Dick in a Box: "Step one: Cut a hole in a box. Step two: Put your junk in that box. Step three: Make her open the box." Right? Right, except that the word "step" doesn't actually appear in those lyrics.
  • Celebrity Voice Actor:
    • Andy Samberg voiced Party Pat (the hipster teddy bear leading a pack of partying bears inside a monster's stomach) for an episode of Adventure Time. He was GLORIOUS.
    • Samberg also did a memorable turn as a Riddler-esque Antichrist in the American Dad! episode "Rapture's Delight".
    • Andy Samberg now has voice acting credits in the double digits, tipping him probably into the category of regular voice actor.
    • Jorma Taccone voiced Gabe, a puppeteer who may be just a little too into his puppets in Gravity Falls.
  • Cowboy Be Bop At His Computer: Amusingly, despite "Jack Sparrow" being built on Michael Bolton's obsessive referencing of Pirates of the Caribbean, he actually makes a glaring error in the lyric "A mystical quest to the isle of Tortuga". None of the films in the franchise feature a mystical quest to Tortuga as the island is essentially always a casual pit-stop in the middle of something else. The "quest" in the first film film to Isla de Muerta, in the second to Isla Cruces, in the third to Davy Jones' Locker and Shipwreck Cove.
  • One-Hit Wonder: Despite their viral popularity, only one of their songs has ever cracked the Billboard Top 40: "I Just Had Sex"
  • Permanent Placeholder: They intended to hire an actual saxophone player to use Stylistic Suck on "Sax Man", but the sounds they got out of the synthesizer's saxophone preset that they used to write the song were deemed funnier.
  • Screwed by the Lawyers: While Aphex Twin OK'd the sampling of "Avril 14" for "Iran So Far Away," his label did not, resulting in the track getting pulled from Incredibad.
  • Wag the Director: The original lyrics to "Jack Sparrow" were originally very vulgar, but Michael Bolton forced the group to go through rewrite after rewrite until he felt that the song wouldn't affect his family friendly image. While the three felt a lot of frustration, they obliged because of how cool it was to collaborate with Bolton.
