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Tear Jerker / Spider-Man: Miles Morales

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  • Miles, Rio, and Aaron are all still mourning Jefferson’s death. What’s more is that Aaron never reconciled with Jeff before his death, and Rio has completely cut Aaron off.
    • There also this exchange during Aaron and Miles' fight when the former makes the kid tick by reminding him how Jefferson was killed:
      Aaron: You throw yourself at enemies you can't beat! You know who else did that?!
      Miles: [crackling with rage] DON'T SAY HIS NAME!
      Aaron: You want your mom to bury you, too?!
  • Miles seeing the footage of Rick Mason getting killed, and how the event starts Phin’s descent into villainy.
  • During the flashback to Miles and Phin at the science convention, he bumps into Peter and Otto long before Miles would meet him. There’s a bit of Dramatic Irony in the two Spider-Men being with the two people closest to them who will end up becoming their enemies.
  • The boss fight with Prowler. Having previously betrayed Miles, Aaron now opts to knock Miles out and lock him up because he believes this is the only way he can keep him from getting caught in the middle of the crossfire between Roxxon and the Underground. The ensuing fight sees History Repeats as Aaron's relationship with Miles disintegrates the same way his relationship with Jefferson did in the past.
    Aaron: I know I messed up. I let you down. But we're family.
    Miles: Family? That didn't stop you from lying to me, manipulating me, fighting me. Being "family" isn't enough anymore.
  • The entire final boss fight with Phin AKA the Tinkerer. Neither Miles nor Phin are completely in the right here; Miles really doesn't want to fight his best friend and is desperately trying to convince Phin that her plan to sabotage the Nuform reactor will wipe out Harlem and she's so blinded by revenge that she can't see that, but she rightly accuses Miles of doing nothing but lying to her and ruining her plans in the first place. It's very clear that just like the fight between Peter and Otto in the first game, this is coming from a very personal place for both Phin and Miles.
    Miles: I know about the promise you made to Rick, but he wouldn't want—
    Phin: Don't say his name!
    Miles: You wanted the truth? Here it is: Rick would have hated that you turned into the Tinkerer.
    Phin: SHUT UP!
  • Phin pulling a Redemption Equals Death when she flies Miles high above New York to release the energy from the reactor. After the game, Miles expresses to Rio how it hurts to know that she ended up saving them even though she started the whole mess. The whole aftermath is a nice aversion to Forgotten Fallen Friend as Miles doesn't simply move on from her death in the aftermath, leaving their shared science project award at Trinity Church (the last place they got to speak as friends before they irreconcilably drifted) as his final act of remembrance as her friend.
    • Rio's reaction when she sees Miles falling to the ground, and fears the worst. Even though he recovers rather quickly, the sheer panic in her voice as she asks her son to wake up is heartrending.
  • The post-game scavenger hunt. Jefferson and Rio had set it up as a surprise for Miles’s 16th birthday. With each clue you find, you hear a recording left by Jeff, which already hits Miles to be hearing his dad’s voice again. At the end, Miles finds the last clue at CJ Walker Park in the basketball court where he used to play with Jeff, Aaron, Phin, and Rio. A flashback shows the five of them happily playing together, with Jeff’s final message reminding Miles to hang on to those closest to him.
    Miles: [tearfully] Oh man... wasn’t ready for that.
