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Nightmare Fuel / Spider-Man: Miles Morales

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Crushed like a bug.

  • Miles' screw up in the opening section of the game by attempting to fix the Rhino's breakout attempt ends up making it much worse, crashing the Osprey helicopter into the police convoy and letting loose a bunch of prisoners. Until it's confirmed there were no casualties, it seemed like Miles had almost killed multiple police.
  • The Rhino's rampage is a beautiful set piece but also terrifying in just how many people can be endangered by superhero fights. He manages to tear through Manhattan, shattering buildings and knocking people away with absolutely no regard to who is threatened by his actions. One particularly nightmarish moment is when the Rhino is going to stomp on a baby, only for Miles (or Peter if you fail the QTE) to barely get them out of the way.
  • Peter Parker loses his hand-to-hand fight with the Rhino and is beaten to near-unconsciousness before Miles intervenes. This is a reminder that as talented and powerful as Peter is, he could still be taken down by his rogues by sheer power or bad luck. If not for Miles' presence, he would have died an ignominious death against a C-list villain.
    • And remember, according to previous lore, Miles' presence raises all sorts of death flags on Peter, so we could've seen the OG bite the dust to a single villain, after surviving the Sinister Six in the previous game.
  • In the aftermath of the Braithwaite Bridge catastrophe, Miles gets cornered and almost shot dead by Roxxon goons, who won't even let him explain himself. Miles' Black/Latino ethnicity, and one civilian getting her phone snatched away as she tries to make a recording, make this scene disturbingly reminiscent of Police Brutality.
    • Later on, Miles getting beaten up while detained is not a pretty image whatsoever. Phin even says that she was worried they were going to beat him to death, and they probably would've done so or worse if Miles hadn't awakened his Mega Venom Blast.
    • Considering how black pride and culture is one of the main themes of this story, these images are likely not here by accident.
  • As Miles infiltrates the Underground's headquarters in Fisk Tower, several of the Underground members can be heard coughing loudly. Later on in the infiltration, we learn members of the Underground are getting sick due to their exposure to Nuform. To make matters worse, the Underground's leadership could not care less (or in Phin/Tinkerer's case, there's not much that even she could do about it. Beyond warning them, or refusing to help steal the Nuform in the first place, that is).
  • Poor Rio Morales has to watch her son apparently explode and then smash into the ground from the height of space. If not for his quick healing, he'd be dead and she knows it.
  • The Stinger. Sweet Jesus, The Stinger, that is a hell of a wake-up call for what's to come. It cuts back to Norman's secret base, from Harry's now awakened viewpoint. Still inside the tank with the Venom symbiote keeping him alive, it is revealed that Curt Connors - better known as the Lizard - is managing Harry's life support under Norman's supervision. Norman walks into the room, and tells Connors it's time to set him loose. Ladies and gentlemen - VENOM IS HERE!
    Norman: I said, get him out! Now!
