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Recap / Xena S 01 E 07 The Titans

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Directed by Eric Brevig

Written by RJ Stewart

Xena must save an entire village when Gabrielle unwittingly frees three ancient Titans, who have been imprisoned for centuries in stone.


  • Artistic License – Linguistics: The ancient Greek chants consist of modern Greek greetings with a dash of Spanish, Greek-sounding gibberish and even the names of two Cretan cities.
  • Blow You Away: Hyperion literally does this to Gabrielle.
  • Did We Just Have Tea with Cthulhu?: Gabrielle manages to convince the three Titans to do good, and at least one of them is friendly throughout the episode.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: After getting snapped at for a mistake, Gabrielle is miffed about being considered just a kid tagging along on these adventures.
  • Friendship Moment: Xena and Gabrielle during the last scene, as well as the latter being told to never touch Argo again.
  • Holding the Floor: Gabrielle does this in order to stall for time. Even Xena acknowledges this.
    Xena: On the bright side, if anyone can stall it's Gabrielle.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: Crius adores humanity and follows Gabrielle's orders without question. Hyperion is a true villain, wanting to restart the war against the Olympians and kills whoever he feels like (including Crius). Thea is in-between, being a generally good person but following Hyperion's orders because she loves him.
  • Our Giants Are Bigger: The Titans are depicted as humanoids much taller than regular humans.
  • The Resenter: When Gabrielle tells a story summarizing the war against the Olympians, Hyperion looks displeased over how Atlas was named field general for being as the mightiest of all Titans. When Thea suggests Hyperion would've been a better choice, he immediately nods.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: The three Titans that Gabrielle released.
  • Virgin Power: Only a virgin reading the chant correctly can awaken the three Titans. That ends up being Gabrielle, which means only she can read the other chant that will awaken the countless other Titans. One of the ways that Gabrielle tries to stall for time is claiming to have lost her virginity.
  • We Need a Distraction: To buy for Xena and the others to get things ready, Gabrielle buys time by telling Hyperion and Thea stories, as well as mispronouncing the chant and claiming to no longer be a virgin. As Xena says, stalling is what Gabrielle is good at.
  • "You!" Exclamation: Hyperion when Xena shows up.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: When Gabrielle claims to no longer be a virgin and thus unable to perform the chant, Hyperion intends to kill her.
