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Recap / The Simpsons S 27 E 1 Every Mans Dream

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When Homer is diagnosed with narcolepsy and decides that he'd rather have a beer at Moe's rather than wait in line for his prescription, he and Marge separate, and Homer starts going out — with the pharmacist (voiced by Lena Dunham from Girls).


  • Age-Gap Romance: Both Homer's and Marge's new partners are stated to be of a notably different age than them: younger in the case of Homer, and older in the case of Marge. This becomes highly awkward when it turns out that Marge's older boyfriend is Homer's younger girlfriend's father, which they discover in the worst way possible.
  • All Just a Dream: Happens multiple times.
  • Double Date: The pharamacist taking Homer to meet her father becomes this when he tells them he has a date of his own; things get awkward when it's revealed the date is Marge.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Marge shows Dr. Hibbert a series of pictures she took on various trips to show that Homer is always falling asleep, prompting Hibbert to comment "Man, you people sure take a lot of vacations."
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl: The pharmacist is a textbook example.
  • Mushroom Samba: Homer has one after taking his prescription drugs in combination with alcohol.
  • Hipster: The pharmacist seems to at least have elements of this.
  • Out-of-Character Alert: What clues Homer in that one of the dreams is just that is Lisa eating meat, and Maggie averting The Voiceless.
  • Spit Take: Invoked by Homer, who takes a sip of champagne just to spit it out. Counts as a Bait-and-Switch, too as beforehand Homer stated a desire to "be adults" about the situation and asks for the champagne before then spitting it out.
