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Recap / Rocket Power S 4 E 2 A Rocket X Mas

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Following Twister's lead, Reggie and Otto decide to offer a dog walking service over the holidays to earn money to get a special gift for Raymundo. The endeavor turns out to be so lucrative that it monopolizes all their free time, and keeps them away from their dad, who's obsessed with maintaining his (quirky) holiday traditions. Ray gets angry when his kids show no interest in the entertainment and decorating activities he's planned with such effort. Ultimately however, they all realize that Christmas isn't all about gifts or giving or even traditions: it's about being with those you care about.


  • Bait-and-Switch: Tice tells the kids about Clyde, his deadly guard dog, and then holds up a tiny dog in a Santa costume.
    Sam: He looks about as deadly as a sand flea!
  • Christmas Episode: And a half hour Extra-Long Episode at that.
  • Christmas Special: The Show Within a Show “Pinky Pixie’s Christmas Flapadoozy”.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Having anticipated the dogs getting lost at some point, Sam attached a tracking device to each of them.
  • Dog Walks You: The kids think dog walking will be a piece of cake, but they quickly lose control of the dogs and the situation devolves into this trope.
  • Double Entendre: Twister, impressed with the response they’ve gotten for their dog walking business, says “All these dogs! Man, we’re gonna be rolling in it!”. The rest of the kids all look at him strangely, as it sounds like the “it” they’ll be rolling in will be dog poop.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: After fighting with his kids about them not participating in their family’s Christmas traditions, Raymundo sits sullenly at the bar drinking out of a coconut. Tito then offers him a candy cane and Ray tells him to “make it a double”.
  • Embarrassing Old Photo: When Sam finds an old picture of Reggie with Santa Claus, she tries to deny that it’s her.
    Reggie: No, that’s some other girl that looks remarkably like me…with her picture in our family album!
  • Group Picture Ending: The episode ends with a picture of Raymundo, Reggie, and Otto surfing on Ray’s new board being put in the family photo album.
  • I Remember It Like It Was Yesterday: Raymundo says this right before he’s going to reminisce with the kids about Christmas memories from when they were babies, but they cut him off before he can continue.
  • Mall Santa: Tito spends the episode training with other mall Santas for a chance to be chosen to attend the Mayor’s Christmas Ball.
  • Mission Control: Sam acts as this when he’s at home tracking the dogs on his computer while the rest of the group is skating around town catching them by following his directions.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Otto lets his pride get the best of him and participates in a “mutt boarding” race with Lars. They crash and Otto ends up losing the dogs, putting his and Reggie’s chances of making the rest of the money they need at risk.
  • Nobody Calls Me "Chicken"!: Lars, Pi, and Sputz are able to goad Otto into racing their dogs by using this insult and making chicken noises at him. Well…kind of. Pi actually moos at him, but it still works.
  • Pet Dress-Up: Violet tells the kids to make sure to keep her dog Rex in his “cutie booty sweater” she made him because he loves it so much. The camera then shows Rex trying to gnaw the outfit off of himself.
  • Sickeningly Sweet: "Pinkie Pixie's Big Christmas Flapadoozy", the Christmas special that Otto and Reggie are forced to watch, features an elf with an annoyingly high-pitched voice hugging a snowman and exclaiming that he's "the loneliest little elf in the world".
  • Timmy in a Well: Parodied when Tito talks to one of the dogs Twister tied up outside of the Shore Shack.
    Tito: What’s that, girl? …The kids are chasing dogs all over town and they’re not gonna make it to the surfboard store in time and Christmas will be a bust? Oh, no! We gotta do something!
  • True Meaning of Christmas: The Rocket family learns that Christmas isn’t about buying the best present or obsessing over traditions, but about spending time with the people you love.
