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Recap / My Gym Partners A Monkey S 1 E 5 Chew On This

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After forgetting to bring his own lunch for the umpteenth time, Adam is realizes that he literally and metaphorically fed up with the cafeteria food only being suitable for animal consumption.

  • Anything but That!: Principal Pixiefrog is manipulated like a pawn, with the threat of being sued.
  • Bench Breaker: When they eventually became fat enough, the pack had flattened reinforced steel chairs under their girths.
  • Big Eater: The entire school becomes extremely gluttonous after becoming addicted to human fast food to the point they try to bring down the roof of the school to get Adam’s food.
  • Code Emergency: Every teacher, says "Code Blue! Code Blue!", when hearing about Adam's problems.
  • Comical Overreacting: Every faculty member, including the usually calm and timid Mr. Mandrill, flips their shit, when they hear Adam say something completely normal.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Going along with Jake’s mad plot to bring down the school’s roof to get food, Pixiefrog didn’t realize that someone might sue for getting injured during the scuffle.
  • The Fat Episode: Throughout the episode, the animal students and faculty become progressively fatter, as they eat more of the unhealthy human food.
  • Floorboard Failure: Jake broke through three floors of the school, because of his weight.
  • Fourth Wall: At the end of the episode, the out iris, closes on Principal Pixiefrog's butt, squashing it.
  • Gym Class Rope Climb: A fattened Jake attempts to climb a rope, but is so heavy, he pulls down the ceiling. he later uses this to his advantage, when Adam climbs a vine to the ceiling to get away from Jake. Jake, wanting his plate of tater tots, tries pulling the ceiling down.
  • Hartman Hips: Principal Pixiefrog develops a pair of these, after he gets fat.
    Nurse Gazelle: That's not the only thing that's astronomical.
  • Hypocrite: Adam gets one in on Jake after he refuses to try human food, since Jake had earlier made fun of him for not wanting to try animal food.
  • Living Crashpad: Pixiefrog became this to Jake.
    Jake: No worries. Principal Pixiefrog broke my fall!
  • Mystery Meat: How the animal food is treated here.
  • Never My Fault: It’s not Jake’s fault for getting so heavy, it’s the steel-reinforced chair’s fault for not holding him up.
  • A Weighty Aesop: The moral of this episode kids, is to not eat too much junk food.
