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Recap / Corner Gas Animated S 2 E 8 Bush League

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A Plot: Wanda goes power mad as the commissioner of the darts league.
B Plot: During league play, Davis and Karen make a dangerous bet involving their respective darts teams. Oscar recalls "the incident" that made him give up the game for good.
C Plot: Brent and Hank have an argument over some drugs they buried in a coffee can in the woods as kids (Brent says cigarettes, Hank says weed), and end up getting lost trying to recover them.


  • Beginner's Luck: Lacey, who had never played darts before, ends up being an amazing player after Karen calls her as a substitute during their game.
  • The Bet: Davis and Karen make a bet over their next darts game, where the loser has to clean out the fridge at the police station. Since Wanda interferes at the tiebreaker point, they call it a draw and decide to just get a new fridge entirely.
  • Buffy Speak:
    Hank: You close up. I'll go get some digging stuff.
    Brent: "Digging stuff"? How do you remember what we buried thirty years ago if you can't remember the word "shovel"?
  • Comically Missing the Point:
    Brent: Okay, we just have to find the right tree. Look for the toy parachute man we hung up in the branches.
    Hank: I think we're in the wrong area. These trees are way taller than the ones we hung it in.
    Brent: It was thirty years ago!
    Hank: True, been a long time. But I distinctly remember the trees being shorter.
  • Complexity Addiction: Wanda decides to get revenge for not being respected as darts league commissioner by cutting the power, sneaking into the vents, and trying to rappel down and steal the dartboard. The last step fails because she gets caught in her ropes and ends up stuck dangling while Phil turns the power back on, with Oscar and Lacey deciding to stop the game in order to have fun hitting the "moving target" of Wanda still holding the dartboard.
  • Drugs Are Bad: When Brent and Hank finally uncover the drugs they buried as kids (cigarettes), they decide to light some up...and immediately, violently cough upon doing so.
  • Moment Killer: Non-romantic version; Brent and Hank never actually took drugs as kids, because every single time they attempted to do so, an adult would immediately show up and scold them. Even as adults themselves, after finally recovering the cigarettes after being lost for the entire day, a park ranger finds them seconds after they light some up and scolds them for it.
  • Mushroom Samba: Hank, after eating some wild berries and mushrooms, gets some valuable advice from a talking bear named Gavin.
  • Shout-Out:
    • When Hank tries to relate the story of he and Brent hiding the "weed", Brent mentions that he's just copying a Cheech & Chong album.
    • As Karen leaves the darts game to respond to a DRPD call, she is referred to as Miss Marple.
    • When Wanda asks Phil for the blueprints to the hotel and bar, Phil snarks "sure thing, I'll have Tony Stark fax them right over".
    • Brent's phone battery runs out in the woods and he admits he shouldn't have watched all those Friends reruns.
      Brent: That Gunther should've got more screen time.
  • Sore Loser: Oscar's "incident" turns out to be losing a game of darts and smashing a chair in anger.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: After Wanda's failed attempt to rappel down from a vent to steal the dartboard, Karen asks why she couldn't simply run in and grab it the dark. Wanda states that it could've led to her tripping over something.
  • 10-Minute Retirement: After learning the truth of "the incident", Davis convinces Oscar to return to the game as his substitute with just a few sentences, although "your wife said it was okay" is among them.
  • The Un-Reveal: Oscar's darts "incident" is played up as something really horrific, and he is cut off multiple times Moment Killer style to add dramatic effect. When he finally gets to tell the story it's pretty basic and disappointing.
