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Recap / Code Prime - R2: Revolution, 27 "The Sword in the Stone"

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The final relic is within reach, the acquisition of which could decide everything.

  • Adaptational Late Appearance: The Omega Keys are not part of the Iacon Relics and Optimus does not receive a message from Alpha Trion informing him of their existence here. However, they are confirmed by Word of God to still exist and will appear in R3.
  • Adapted Out: The message for Optimus from Alpha Trion that was left for him embedded in the Star Saber about the Omega Keys is not present here.
  • All Myths Are True: Schneizel, Starscream, and Steeljaw all suggest that the Star Saber was where the legend of the Sword in the Stone had originated from, with the three of them even joking that Britannia would have thought that the Star Saber was the fabled sword Excalibur.
  • Behemoth Battle: When the Constructicons combine into Devastator, the Black Wyverns respond by combining into the Hercules to fight him.
  • Conveniently Timed Distraction: Just before T-AI finishes decoding the last Iacon relic location, the Decepticons deploy a fake beacon to throw the Autobots and Black Knights off their trail. Lelouch immediately suspects that its a trap and sends the Black Wyverns and Grindcore to the fake beacon.
  • Darkest Hour: With the Star Saber in Optimus’ hands, Megatron realizes that his chances of victory has greatly diminished, with the Neo Ragnorök plan in jeopardy.
    Megatron: We Decepticons… now face our darkest hour…!
  • Excalibur in the Stone: When the Star Saber is compared to the myth of Excalibur, the latter is referred to as having been in the stone, though as noted below, some versions of the myth state that Excalibur and the Sword in the Stone were two different weapons.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: When the Black Knights and Autobots attack, Megatron notes that its not like Lelouch to launch a full front assault, before quickly realizing that Optimus is not among them.
  • Foreshadowing: This chapter foreshadows the Autobots and Black Knights' assault on the Geass Order in a two-part story starting in the next chapter.
  • Infinity +1 Sword: The Star Saber is this just like in canon, with it only being able to be removed by a Prime. When Megatron attempts to drop the mountain on Optimus, Optimus uses the Star Saber to effortlessly cut it in half like a hot knife through butter, shocking everyone that witnesses it, friend and foe alike.
  • The Knights Who Say "Squee!": Several of the Autobots and Black Knights can barley contain their excitement when they watch Optimus wield the Star Saber, and witness him use it to cut a mountain in half and nearly shoot the Nemesis out of the sky. When they return to base, Optimus is met with thunderous applause.
  • Loophole Abuse: The Star Saber can only be removed by a Prime, so Megatron resorts to attempting to transport the entire mountain it is embedded in itself instead. This desperate action further enforces to everyone just how dangerous the Star Saber is and the lengths Megatron is willing to go to to keep it out of Optimus' hands.
  • No-Sell: During the test of the Skyboom Shield's defensive capabilities in Optimus' servos, the Shinkiro's central cannon had no effect, even at full power.
  • Oh, Crap!: Starscream, Steeljaw, and even Megatron all have this reaction upon seeing the Star Saber. They then have an even bigger one with Schneizel joining when Optimus gets the blade and easily slices a giant stone in half.
  • Only the Chosen May Wield: Like other Relics of the Primes, the Star Saber can only be removed by a Prime. Schneizel even compares it to the Sword in the Stone, Caliburn, of Arthurian Legend, though he erroneously calls it Excalibur. note 
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
    • Megatron is visibly afraid when the Star Saber is uncovered, and outright terrified when Optimus get ahold of it.
    • Schneizel loses his cool for once when Optimus cuts a mountain in half with the Star Saber.
  • Real After All: When the Decepticons identity the final relic as the Star Saber, Mixmaster says he has heard of the Star Saber before but thought it was just a myth.
