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Quotes / Wrong Insult Offence

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Daviel Coalson: Are you insane, Carew? This is a civilian craft! We're unarmed, you stupid bitch!
Midshipman Alexis Carew: (to the bridge crew) The very worst thing about being a woman in this Navy is that the insults are so very limited. You men get called all the imaginative ones.
Bosun: Aye, sir. A quite limited repertoire, these Coalsons have.
Alexis Carew: Into the Dark

"When I was in grade school, I was bullied for being Asian-American. And the biggest problem with that is I am not Asian-American."

Randall: WAZOWSKI?! Where is [the kid], you little one-eyed crettin?!
Mike: Okay. First of all, it's cree-tin. If you're gonna threaten me, do it properly.

Remart Sasyru: Spending time with [Caet Shrovl]? Watch you don't get tiqcs.
Corran "Jenos Idanian" Horn: Funny, she says she hasn't been bothered since you bolted. Coincidence? Can't be. (Beat) What's the matter, Sasyru? You offer a smart remark and can't handle a riposte? Or did my comment go over your head? Let me explain it, then. See, she hasn't been bothered by vermin since you went away from Rock Squadron. That means, in my opinion, you're a carrier of vermin. Does that break it down enough for you?
Remart: (laughs) Trust a Corellian to lead with his mouth and to venture in where he is not wanted.
Corran: What, no quick shot about how Corellians have no use for odds, so they don't know when they're stacked against them? No joke about the most famous Corellian being named 'Solo' because no Corellian will trust another Corellian? What other unoriginal and older-than-the-Empire slur could you have offered? Oh, yes, how about suggesting that Leia Organa took up with a Corellian because, hey, after the destruction of Alderaan, she had nothing else to lose. (Beat) How about this one? How many Corellians does it take to change a glowpanel? (Beat) None! If the room's dark, you can't see Corellians cheating at sabacc! You know why so many Corellians used to get caught and sent to Kessel?
Remart: Because they were stupid?
Corran: No, they were lonely for the rest of their family! (snaps his fingers at Remart) C'mon, Remart, you gotta be quicker than that. A Corellian bought a nek as a pet, but it was so stupid it kept running into walls. What did he name it? (Remart shakes his head.) Remart. He couldn't think of a stupider name." (At which point things degenerate into a very brief Bar Brawl.)

Mrs. Van Schuyler: You perfectly foul French upstart!
Hercule Poirot: Belgian upstart, please, madame.
